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Encrypt attachments, process meeting request attendees, and react to appointment date/time changes using Outlook event-based activation
contentType technologies createdDate
10/14/2021 10:00:00 AM
Use Outlook event-based activation to encrypt attachments, process meeting request attendees, and react to appointment date/time changes.

Encrypt attachments, process meeting request attendees, and react to appointment date/time changes using Outlook event-based activation

Applies to: Outlook on Windows (new and classic) | Outlook on the web

Message in compose mode with an attachment that has additional encrypted and decrypted versions created by the sample add-in.


This sample showcases how to use event-based activation in an Outlook add-in when the user composes an email or appointment/meeting request. It demonstrates how to run tasks based on events that fire when certain data changes when the user:

  • Adds an attachment to an email or appointment/meeting request.
  • Adds recipients or distributions lists as required or optional attendees in a meeting request.
  • Changes the start date, end date, or time in an appointment/meeting request.
  • Adds a notification message to the item when a new email or appointment/meeting request is created, instructing the user to open the task pane for further information.


  • Encryption based on attachment change events. This sample encrypts the first attachment that is added to a composed email or appointment, and adds it as another attachment with an "encrypted_" prefix on the file name. It then decrypts that attachment and adds it as another attachment with a "decrypted_" prefix on the file name.

    It also adds a notification message to the compose item to denote that encryption and decryption is in progress. When completed, that message is removed (it may only appear for a very brief time, depending on the complexity of the encryption process) and another notification message is added noting that the process has completed.

    Message in compose mode with the sample add-in notification message and task pane displayed.

  • Notifications based on recipient changes. This sample adds notification messages to a meeting request when recipients are added or removed. The notification message are removed when there are no longer any recipients.

    • Shows a message with a running tally of the number of required and optional attendees.
    • Show a message with a warning if one or more distribution lists are invited as an attendee.
  • Notifications based on date/time changes. This sample adds a notification message to an appointment when the user changes the date/time, showing the original date/time that was set when the appointment was opened. The notification message provides a reference for further date/time edits.

    Message in compose mode with the sample add-in date/time change notification and task pane displayed.

Applies to

  • Outlook
    • Windows (new and classic)
    • web browser


  • Microsoft 365

Note: If you don't have a Microsoft 365 subscription, you can get a free developer sandbox that provides a renewable 90-day Microsoft 365 E5 subscription for development purposes.


Solution Author(s)
Use Outlook event-based activation to process item attachments, meeting request recipients, and appointment date/time changes. Eric Legault

Version history

Version Date Comments
1.0 10-14-2021 Initial release

Run the sample

Run this sample in Outlook on Windows or in a browser. The add-in web files are served from this repo on GitHub.

  1. Download the manifest.xml file from this sample to a folder on your computer.
  2. Sideload the add-in manifest in Outlook on the web or on Windows (new or classic) by following the manual instructions in the article Sideload Outlook add-ins for testing.

Try it out

Once the add-in is loaded, use the following steps to try out the functionality.

Manage attachments

  1. Create a new message or appointment.

    A notification appears at the top of the message that reads Open the task pane for details about running the Outlook event-based activation sample add-in. | Open task pane | Dismiss

  2. Add an attachment.

    A notification appears at the top of the message that reads The '{file name} attachment has been encrypted and decrypted and added as reference attachments for your review. | Dismiss

Set up meetings

  1. Create a new meeting request. In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, choose More options to expand the request and include all details. Otherwise, you won't see the notifications in the next steps.
  2. Add a user as a required or optional attendee.

    A notification appears at the top of the message that reads Your appointment has 1 required and 0 optional attendees. | Dismiss

  3. Add a distribution list as a required or optional attendee.

    A notification appears at the top of the message that reads Warning! Your appointment has a distribution list! Make sure you have chosen the correct one! | Dismiss

  4. Change the start or end date or time.

    A notification appears at the top of the message that reads Original date/time: Start = ##/##/#### #:##:## ##; End = ##/##/#### #:##:## ##. | Dismiss

Run the sample from localhost

If you prefer to host the web server for the sample on your computer, follow these steps.

  1. Install a recent version of npm and Node.js on your computer. To verify if you've already installed these tools, run the commands node -v and npm -v in your terminal.

  2. You need http-server to run the local web server. If you haven't installed this yet, run the following command.

    npm install --global http-server
  3. Use a tool such as openssl to generate a self-signed certificate that you can use for the web server. Move the cert.pem and key.pem files to the root folder for this sample.

  4. From a command prompt, go to the root folder and run the following command.

    http-server -S --cors . -p 3000
  5. To reroute to localhost, run office-addin-https-reverse-proxy. If you haven't installed this, run the following command.

    npm install --global office-addin-https-reverse-proxy 

    To reroute, run the following in another command prompt.

    office-addin-https-reverse-proxy --url http://localhost:3000 
  6. Sideload manifest.xml in Outlook on the web or on Windows (new or classic) by following the manual instructions in the article Sideload Outlook add-ins for testing.

  7. Try out the sample!

Key parts of this sample

Configure event-based activation in the manifest

The manifest configures a runtime that loads a single JavaScript file to handle event-based activation. The following <Runtime> element specifies a commands.html page resource ID that loads the commands.js file in Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows. The <Override> element directly specifies the commands.js JavaScript file to load when running on classic Outlook on Windows. Classic Outlook on Windows doesn't use the HTML page to load the JavaScript file.

<Runtime resid="WebViewRuntime.Url">
  <Override type="javascript" resid="JSRuntime.Url"/>
<bt:Url id="WebViewRuntime.Url" DefaultValue="" />
<bt:Url id="JSRuntime.Url" DefaultValue="" />

The add-in handles six events that are mapped to various functions.

  <LaunchEvent Type="OnNewMessageCompose" FunctionName="onMessageComposeHandler" /> 
  <LaunchEvent Type="OnNewAppointmentOrganizer" FunctionName="onAppointmentComposeHandler" />                 
  <LaunchEvent Type="OnAppointmentAttendeesChanged" FunctionName="onAppointmentAttendeesChangedHandler" />
  <LaunchEvent Type="OnAppointmentTimeChanged" FunctionName="onAppointmentTimeChangedHandler" /> 
  <LaunchEvent Type="OnMessageAttachmentsChanged" FunctionName="onMessageAttachmentsChangedHandler" /> 
  <LaunchEvent Type="OnAppointmentAttachmentsChanged" FunctionName="onAppointmentAttachmentsChangedHandler" />

Handle events

When the user creates a new message or appointment, Outlook loads the commands.js file specified in the manifest to handle the following events.

Event Handler
OnNewMessageCompose onMessageComposeHandler
OnNewAppointmentOrganizer onAppointmentComposeHandler
OnAppointmentAttendeesChanged onAppointmentAttendeesChangedHandler
OnAppointmentTimeChanged onAppointmentTimeChangedHandler
OnMessageAttachmentsChanged *onItemAttachmentsChangedHandler
OnAppointmentAttachmentsChanged *onItemAttachmentsChangedHandler


The onItemAttachmentsChangedHandler function handles both OnMessageAttachmentsChanged and OnAppointmentAttachmentsChanged.

Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows load the commands.html page, which then also loads commands.js.

Task pane code

The task pane code is located under the taskpane folder of this project. The task pane HTML and JavaScript files only provide a UI with details about this sample.

  • taskpane_appt_compose.html is loaded when the user chooses the Open task pane link in the notification message or chooses Show task pane in the ribbon.
  • taskpane_msg_compose.html is loaded when the user chooses the Open task pane link in the notification message or chooses Show task pane in the ribbon.

Known Issues

  • At present, imports are not supported in the JavaScript file where you implement the handling for event-based activation. This means that external libraries (like the crypto-js library used in this sample) can't be required directly in the commands.js file and must be loaded in commands.html. Since classic Outlook on Windows only loads commands.js, the crypto-js library can't be loaded to perform the encryption of attachments. Only Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows can load supporting .html files with external library references. Therefore encryption is only implemented for that scenario.
  • console.dir() methods can't be used in event-based activation code in classic Outlook on Windows.
  • window.localStorage can't be used in event-based activation code in classic Outlook on Windows.
  • Choosing the Open task pane link in the InfoBar may not work in Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows. A fix has been deployed. For more information, see Can't open task pane from link in Outlook NotificationMessages issue on GitHub.


Questions and feedback

  • Did you experience any problems with the sample? Create an issue and we'll help you out.
  • We'd love to get your feedback about this sample. Go to our Office samples survey to give feedback and suggest improvements.
  • For general questions about developing Office Add-ins, go to Microsoft Q&A using the office-js-dev tag.


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