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File metadata and controls

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This repository welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.

How to submit your sample

To give you an overview of the process to contribute to our samples repo, you will be going through this:

Sample Onboarding Process

The purple blocks are things you will need to do. The green blocks are what we will take care of.

Before your start, you might want to know whether you will need to commit your source code to our repo. In most of cases, your Teams sample source code will need to be commited to our repo, especially when you are an individual contributor. In some special cases if you are our partner team who maintains Teams samples repo as well, your source code can reside in your own open source repo. We will refer to your repo and expose your sample to Teams Toolkit sample gallery.

Some explaination of how to perform each step in above process:

  1. Submit your source code by creating a pull request to our repo (target dev branch by default), a typical project is in below structure. Make sure you have the thumbnail.png and files included in your source code.

You can run the Sample Validation Tool before raising the PR to make sure your sample satisfies our requirements.

- sampleTeamsProject
  - appPackage 
      - color.png
      - manifest.json
      - outline.png 
  - env 
  - src 
  - assets
      - thumbnail.png
      - sampleDemo.gif
  - teamsapp.yml 
  - teamsapp.local.yml

The thumbnail.png is a static screenshot of the sample illustrating what users will see after the app is running. The sampleDemo.gif is a dynamic and very short gif demonstrating major usage of the sample.

Suggested size of pic/gif is 1600x920/800x460 (If you have it with other sizes, please keep same image ratio for other sizes and don't forget to consider the resolution. Your gif or pics must fit the entire Teams client UI into the image.

The file basically describe what's the sample, how to run it and so on. Here is a README Template which you can follow to create one.

  1. Log an issue ticket in our repo using below template, you will need to provide meta data of your sample in your ticket.

  2. The things request you to do are almost done. Then we will triage the samples onboarding tickets daily, a PM and a Engineer in our team will be assigned to help you review the source code together with the meta data you provided in the ticket. Please keep an eye on your ticket and update your samples accordingly if there is any updating request during the review.

Responsibility statement for contributors

The sample contributors are responsible for maintaining and updating the samples so that ensure the smooth experience in Teams Toolkit.

  • Upgrade the sample to new version when there's breaking change in new Teams Toolkit releases.
  • Fix bugs that are related to sample business logic.

If the sample cannot pass our test or required to be upgraded, an email will be sent to sample contributor as maintainance notification. In case the sample is losing maintainance, there is a chance that we will remove the sample from our sample gallery.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

Submitting issues

The issue tracker is for issues, in other words, bugs and suggestions. If you have a question, feedback or suggestions, please check our support page.