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Containerized Bot App with SSO Enabled
A containerized Microsoft Teams Bot app with SSO

Getting Started with Bot SSO in Docker

A bot, chatbot, or conversational bot is an app that responds to simple commands sent in chat and replies in meaningful ways. Examples of bots in everyday use include: bots that notify about build failures, bots that provide information about the weather or bus schedules, or provide travel information. A bot interaction can be a quick question and answer, or it can be a complex conversation. Being a cloud application, a bot can provide valuable and secure access to cloud services and corporate resources.

This is a sample chatbot application running in Docker container. It demonstrates Single Sign-on using botbuilder and Teams Framework that can respond to a show message.

Bot SSO Overview

This sample illustrates

  • Use Teams Toolkit to create a Teams bot app.
  • Use Microsoft Graph to get User info and picture in Teams app.
  • Use TeamsFx SDK to implementing SSO for Teams bot.
  • Use Docker to containerize a Teams bot.

Prerequisite to use this sample

Containerization of Teams App

Teams applications can be developed and run locally using containerization, which provides a consistent and isolated environment for testing and deployment. Containerizing your Teams app makes it easier to manage dependencies, scale efficiently, and maintain your app in production. Below are steps and references to help you containerize your Teams app.

How to containerize

This sample demonstrate how to containerize a Teams App and integrate the Docker container into Teams Toolkit development lifecycle, which can serve as reference for your containerization process.

  • Write a Dockerfile: Create a Dockerfile that specifies the build instructions for your container image. Refer to this Dockerfile example

  • Configure Debugging: Configure launch.json and tasks.json to run Docker locally for debugging. Refer to this VS Code launch.json example and VS Code tasks.json example

  • Provision Infrastructure: Automate the provisioning of Azure Container Apps and Azure Container Registry using Bicep templates. Refer to this Azure Bicep example.

  • Build and Deploy to ACA: Using Azure CLI, build and push the Docker image to Azure Container Registry, then deploy it to Azure Container Apps. Refer to the deployment scripts in this teamsapp.yml example.

Minimal path to awesome

Run the app locally

  • From VS Code:
    1. hit F5 to start debugging. Alternatively open the Run and Debug Activity Panel and select Debug (Edge) or Debug (Chrome).
  • From Teams Toolkit CLI:
    1. Install dev tunnel cli.
    2. Login with your M365 Account using the command devtunnel user login .
    3. Start your local tunnel service by running the command devtunnel host -p 3978 --protocol http --allow-anonymous .
    4. In the env/.env.local file, fill in the values for BOT_DOMAIN and BOT_ENDPOINT with your dev tunnel URL.
    5. Run command: teamsapp provision --env local .
    6. Run command: docker build -t sso-bot ./ .
    7. Run command: docker run -p 3978:80 --env-file .localConfigs sso-bot .
    8. Run command: teamsapp preview --open-only .

Deploy the app to Azure

  • From VS Code:
    1. Sign into Azure by clicking the Sign in to Azure under the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar.
    2. Click Provision from LIFECYCLE section or open the command palette and select: Teams: Provision.
    3. Login Azure CLI with commands: az login and az account set -s <subscription-id>.
    4. Click Deploy or open the command palette and select: Teams: Deploy.
  • From Teams Toolkit CLI:
    1. Run command: teamsapp account login azure .
    2. Run command: teamsapp provision --env dev .
    3. Run command: az login .
    4. Run command: teamsapp deploy --env dev .

Preview the app in Teams

  • From VS Code:
    1. Open the Run and Debug Activity Panel. Select Launch Remote (Edge) or Launch Remote (Chrome) from the launch configuration drop-down.
  • From Teams Toolkit CLI:
    1. Run command: teamsapp preview --env dev.

Further reading

Version History

Date Author Comments
Jan 17, 2024 hund030 Onboard sample in Teams Toolkit V5.0.0


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