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Developer Assist Dashboard
A dashboard that integrates with Azure DevOps, Github issues and Planner tasks that accelerates developer productivity.

Getting Started with Developer Assist Dashboard

Microsoft Teams supports the ability to run web-based UI inside "custom tabs" that users can install either for just themselves (personal tabs) or within a team or group chat context.

Developer Assist Dashboard shows you how to build a tab with Azure DevOps work items, GitHub issues and Planner tasks to accelerate developer team collaboration and productivity. Developer Assist Dashboard is capable of working on Microsoft Teams, Outlook Web and Microsoft 365 app.


Note: This sample will only provision single tenant Azure Active Directory app. For multi-tenant support, please refer to this wiki.

This sample illustrates

  • How to use TeamsFx to embed a canvas containing multiple cards that provide an overview of data or content in your tab app.
  • How to use TeamsFx to build frontend hosting on Azure for your tab app.
  • How to use TeamsFx to build backend hosting on Azure for your tab app.
  • How to use DevOps, GitHub, and Microsoft Graph APIs in TeamsFx to get access to variety of data.

Prerequisite to use this sample

Minimal path to awesome

Here are the instructions to run the sample in Visual Studio Code. You can also try to run the app using Teams Toolkit CLI tool, refer to Try the Sample with Teams Toolkit CLI

Run the app locally

  1. Clone the repo to your local workspace or directly download the source code.
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Update ./env/.env.local.user and ./env/ files with required DevOps, GitHub and Planner configurations. For more details, read Advanced usage of this sample section.
  4. Hit the F5 key in your keyboard. Alternatively open the Run and Debug Activity panel(Ctrl+Shift+D) in Visual Studio Code and click the Run and Debug button.

The first time you run this sample, you need to login to consent some delegated permissions. If you don't see the consent page, please check if your browser blocks the pop-up window. pop-up block

Deploy the app to Azure

Deploy your project to Azure by following these steps:

  1. Open Teams Toolkit in Visual Studio Code, and sign in your Azure account by clicking the Sign in to Azure in the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar.
  2. After you signed in, select a subscription under your account. The Teams Toolkit will use this subscription to provision Azure resources to host you app.
  3. Open the Teams Toolkit and click Provision in the LIFECYCLE section. Alternatively open the command palette(Ctrl+Shift+P) and type: Teams: Provision command.
  4. Open the Teams Toolkit and click Deploy in the LIFECYCLE section. Alternatively open the command palette(Ctrl+Shift+P) and type: Teams: Deploy command.

Note: Provision Azure cloud resources and deploy to Azure may cause charges to your Azure Subscription.

Preview the app in Teams

After you have completed the provision and deploy steps in Deploy the app to Azure section, you can preview your app in Teams client by following steps below:

  1. Open the Run and Debug Activity panel from sidebar, or use short key Ctrl+Shift+D.
  2. Select Launch Remote (Edge) or Launch Remote (Chrome) in the launch configuration (a dropdown selection in the upper-left corner).
  3. Press the Start Debugging button to launch your app, the Teams web client will be automatically opened in your browser, where you will see your app running remotely from Azure.

Advanced usage of this sample

Azure DevOps Work Items

This widget displays DevOps Work Items including the title, type, assigned to and state of the work item. devops-widget

To integrate DevOps Work Items in the dashboard, follow the instructions:

  1. Login to Azure DevOps and select the project you want to configure in the Developer Assist Dashboard. Copy the organization name and project name from the project url.
  2. In Azure DevOps, select User settings and then select Personal access token. Select + New token to create a new personal access token, give a name to your token, select Read permission for Work Items and Create.
  3. Open ./env/.env.local.user and ./env/ files in Developer Assist Dashboard project:
    • Add the values of DEVOPS_ORGANIZATION_NAME and DEVOPS_PROJECT_NAME with your organization name and project name.
    • Add the value of SECRET_DEVOPS_ACCESS_TOKEN with your personal access token.

GitHub Issues

This widget displays GitHub issues including the title, status and the url of the GitHub issue. This widget also includes creating a new issue: github-widget

To integrate GitHub issues in the dashboard, follow the instructions:

  1. Login to GitHub and select Settings > Developer settings > Personal access token. Select Generate new token to create new personal access token. Give a name to your token, select the repositories you want to access. Under Repository permissions, give Read and write access to Issues.
  2. Open ./env/.env.local.user and ./env/ files in Developer Assist Dashboard project:
    • Add the value of SECRET_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN with your personal access token.
    • Add the values of GITHUB_REPO_NAME and GITHUB_REPO_OWNER with your GitHub username and your repository name.

Planner Tasks

This widget displays Planner tasks including the title of the task. This widget also includes creating a new task functionality:


To integrate Planner tasks in the dashboard, follow the instructions:

  1. Open Microsoft Planner in your browser, sign in, and open a plan of your choice. The group id and plan id are both found in the URL. For example, if your URL looks like this: Then your group id is 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 and your plan id is 87654321-4321-4321-4321-210987654321.
  2. Visit Microsoft Graph Explorer, select profile icon on the right side and login with your Microsoft 365 developer account. Type{Plan-Id}/buckets in Graph Explorer query box and replace {Plan-Id} with your plan-id and select Run query. Copy the id of the bucket you'd like to see in your dashboard.
  3. Open ./env/.env.local.user and ./env/ files in Developer Assist Dashboard project:
    • Add the value of PLANNER_GROUP_ID with your group id.
    • Add the value of PLANNER_PLAN_ID with your plan id.
    • Add the value of PLANNER_BUCKET_ID with your bucket id.

Version History

Date Author Comments
Mar 14, 2023 Ayca, Huihui, Hui, Frank, Ellie Onboard
Mar 31, 2023 Hui Update to support Teams Toolkit V5.0.0
Feb 27, 2024 Hui Upgrade Azure Function V4


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