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Org User Search Connector
Query Org User with Message Extension SSO.

Getting Start with Query Org User with Message Extension SSO

This is a simple search-based message extension app demonstrating how to integrate with Bot Framework SDK, TeamsFx SDK and Microsoft Graph API to implement a feature that queries organization's user with single sign on (SSO) capability.

TotalShow LinkUnfurling

This sample illustrates

  • How to login and consent in Message Extension
  • How to use Microsoft Graph API to do query with SSO token in Message Extension

Prerequisite to use this sample

Minimal path to awesome

Here are the instructions to run the sample in Visual Studio Code.

Run the app locally

  1. Clone the repo to your local workspace or directly download the source code.
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Open Debug View (Ctrl+Shift+D) and select Debug(Edge) or Debug(Chrome) in dropdown list.
  4. Press F5 finally pop up an window to login your tenant account, and install this Teams App.

Deploy the app to Azure

Deploy your project to Azure by following these steps:

  1. Open Teams Toolkit in Visual Studio Code, and sign in your Azure account by clicking the Sign in to Azure in the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar.
  2. Open Teams Toolkit and click Provision in the LIFECYCLE section. Alternatively open the command palette(Ctrl+Shift+P) and type: Teams: Provision command.
  3. Open the Teams Toolkit and click Deploy in the LIFECYCLE section. Alternatively open the command palette(Ctrl+Shift+P) and type: Teams: Deploy command.

Note: Provision Azure cloud resources and deploy to Azure may cause charges to your Azure Subscription.

Preview the app in Teams

After you have completed the provision and deploy steps in Deploy the app to Azure section, you can preview your app in Teams client by following steps below:

  1. Open the Run and Debug Activity panel from sidebar, or use short key Ctrl+Shift+D.
  2. Select Launch Remote (Edge) or Launch Remote (Chrome) in the launch configuration (a dropdown selection in the upper-left corner).
  3. Press the Start Debugging button to launch your app, the Teams web client will be automatically opened in your browser, where you will see your app running remotely from Azure.

Advanced usage of this sample

Custom the Query Logic

  • Follow the code in teamsBot.ts, custom your query logic in handleMessageExtensionQueryWithToken.


  • Update the scopes in aad.manifest.json which used by your Graph Client.


Custom the link unfurling SSO Logic

  • Follow the code in teamsBot.ts, custom your query logic in handleMessageExtensionLinkQueryWithSSO.


  • Update the domains in appPackage/manifest.json which triggers the preview card.


  • If you want to see the updated results, please re-run local debug, or re-provision to update the AAD app and re-deploy the changed part.

Known Issue

Some developers have reported an issue where they have seen Unable to reach app. Please try again. KnownIssueError

This could be an intermittent issue, to mitigate, try to use a different Microsoft 365 account or run this sample later.

Version History

Date Author Comments
Sep 20 2022 wenytang-ms onboard
Apr 3, 2023 wenytang-ms update to support Teams Toolkit v5.0.0


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