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Todo List with SPFx
Todo List app hosting on SharePoint.

Getting Started With Todo List Sample (SPFx)

Todo List with SPFx is a Todo List Manage tool for a group of people. This app is installed in Teams Team or Channel and hosted on SharePoint, members in the Team/Channel can collaborate on the same Todo List, manipulate the same set of Todo items. There is no requirement asking for an Azure account to deploy Azure resources to run this sample app.


This sample illustrates

  • How to create SharePoint List in the SharePoint team site and how to do CRUD operations on SharePoint List in SPFx context.
  • How to deploy your app to SharePoint App Catalog and sync the solution to Teams App Catalog.

Prerequisite to use this sample

  • Set up SharePoint Framework development environment(Recommend to use SPFx v1.18.2)
  • An Microsoft 365 account. Get your own free Microsoft 365 tenant from Microsoft 365 developer program
  • Use the team site in SharePoint to create a List.

    Note: Each Team/Channel in Teams has a corresponding team site in SharePoint. You must navigate to the target SharePoint team site of the Team/Channel in which you want to add the "Todo List" app. The team site URL ends with eg. https://{your-tenant-name}{your-team-name}. In case you want to create a List in subsite of the team site, you will need manual steps to change the site url in ./src/src/webparts/todoList/components/SharePointListManager.ts.

    • Name the List 'To Do List'
    • Click Add Column, select Single line of text, name the column 'description'
    • Click Add Column, select Yes/No, name the column 'isCompleted', and set the default value to No.
  • Teams Toolkit Visual Studio Code Extension version 5.0.0 and higher or Teams Toolkit CLI
  • [Optional] If you want your users see only the items created by themselves, add access control to your List.
    • In List Page, click setting button and then choose list setting. ListSetting1
    • In Advanced Settings, Set the Read Access to Read items that were created by the user, and Set the Create and Edit access to Create items and edit items that were created by the user. ListSetting2
    • Click 'Ok' to save your setting.
  • [Optional] If you want your guest users use the To-Do-list when using Teams Desktop app, add access permission to your app catlog.
    • In the App Catlog page, click setting button, and then choose shared with. AppCatlogSetting1
    • Invite the guest user and click Share button. invitepeople

Minimal path to awesome

Run the app locally

Debug the app with Teams workbench

  1. In Debug mode, select Teams workbench (Edge) or Teams workbench (Chrome) and press start button. The browser will be opened and you need to sign in Teams with your Microsoft 365 account. teamsworkbench
  2. Click Add to a team. debug
  3. You should see the app running in your Teams. localdebug-preview

Deploy the app

Here are the instructions to run the sample in Visual Studio Code. You can also try to run the app using Teams Toolkit CLI tool, refer to Try sample with Teams Toolkit CLI

  1. Clone the repo to your local workspace or directly download the source code.

  2. Open ./src/src/webparts/todoList/components/SharePointListManager.ts, navigate to line:17, set the listname variable to your SharePoint List name.

  3. Open the project in Visual Studio Code, click Provision in LIFECYCLE panel of Microsoft Teams Toolkit extension or open the command palette and select Teams: Provision. This step will create an app in Teams App Studio.

  4. Go back to Microsoft Teams Toolkit extension, click Deploy in LIFECYCLE panel or open the command palette and select Teams: Deploy.

    This step will build a SharePoint package (*.sppkg) under sharepoint/solution folder. The Teams Toolkit will automatically upload and deploy it to your tenant App Catalog site. Only tenant App Catalog site admin has permission to do it. If you are not the admin, you can create your test tenant following Setup your Microsoft 365 tenant.

  5. Go back to Microsoft Teams Toolkit extension, in LIFECYCLE panel, click Publish or open the command palette and select Teams: Publish.

  6. Check the published app in Microsoft Teams admin center by searching "todoList" in the search box. TeamsAppAdminCenter

  7. Click the 'TodoList' app you just published and select Publish in the Publishing status.


    It may take a few minutes to publish the Teams app.

  8. Login to Teams using your Microsoft 365 tenant admin account, same account you are using to create SharePoint environment and logging to VS Code extension. You will see your app in the Apps - Built for your org. addapp

  9. Add the app to your Teams. addtoateam

  10. You should see the app running in your Teams. appdisplay

Use the app in Teams

  1. Since SharePoint can get the context so app user doesn't need to do consent/login operation.
  2. You could add new todo item by clicking "Add Task" button.
  3. You could complete todo item by choosing the checkbox before the item.
  4. You could update todo item by typing text in todo item list.
  5. You could delete todo item by clicking "..." and then choose "Delete" button.

Further Reading

Known Issues

  1. Importing msteams-ui-components-react package will cause issues during package build: Issue
  2. When you want to switch accounts to test the app, and if you are using edge browser with profile mode instead of guest mode, we suggest you to switch accounts by switching profiles in the browser. This is because if you simply log out in Teams site, SharePoint site will still use the profile account. Thus the accounts for these two sites may be not consistent and will cause error.

Version History

Date Author Comments
Apr 21, 2022 huihuiwu Update to support Teams Toolkit v4.0.0
Mar 23, 2023 huihuiwu Update to support Teams Toolkit v5.0.0
Dec 5, 2023 yuqzho Upgrade to SPFx 1.18.2


We really appreciate your feedback! If you encounter any issue or error, please report issues to us following the Supporting Guide. Meanwhile you can make recording of your journey with our product, they really make the product better. Thank you!