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TeamsFx Sample Validation Tool

TeamsFx sample validator is a command line tool that can help to validate whether a sample is compatible with Teams Toolkit. It checks the project content like folder structure, Teams manifest, demo gif file, etc.

If you want to contribute to the sample gallery of Teams Toolkit, this tool can help you do a quick validation in local environment. Passing all of the validation is a mandatory requirement for sample onboarding process.

How to Use

  1. Make sure NodeJS(>=14) has been installed.
  2. Change directory to "validation-tool" using command like cd validation-tool.
  3. Run node .\validator.cjs -p <path to the project folder> and check output. The output looks like the following screenshot. validation success output
  • Another way to run validator is to install the npm package. You can run npm install -g .\validation-tool to install the package. After that, you can run teamsfx-sample-validator to validate the project in current folder.

Sample Project Validation Rules

Folder Structure

Following files are required:

  • appPackage/
    • manifest.json
    • color.png
    • outline.png
  • env/
    • .env.local
  • teamsapp.yml
  • teamsapp.local.yml

Teams App YAML

The content of teamsapp.yml should follow these rules:

  • There is no projectId defined.
  • "teamsApp/create", "teamsApp/zipAppPackage", "teamsApp/update" actions are defined in provision lifecycle.
  • deploy lifecycle is defined
  • "teamsApp/publishAppPackage" action is defined in publish lifecycle.
  • 'teamsApp/create' action has TEAMS_APP_ID env variable
  • sampleTag is defined using format 'repo:name'. If the sample is hosted in this repo, it should be 'TeamsFx-Samples:<sample name>'

Teams App Manifest

The content of appPackage/manifest.json should follow these rules:

  • id is referencing placeholder from env, which is ${{TEAMS_APP_ID}}
  • Manifest version should be latest to align with Teams Toolkit

Demo GIF

The default path is 'assets/sampleDemo.gif', if the sample is not using this path, validator will show a warning message. The size of sample gif file should be 1600x920/800x460 or other size that has same ratio.

Env Files

env/ and env/.env.local should not contain any environment variables except for TEAMSFX_ENV and TEAMS_APP_NAME.


Node version which is defined in engines.node property should be compatible with 16 & 18.