jupyter-book Public archive
Forked from jupyter-book/jupyter-bookCreate beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.
xterm.js Public
Forked from xtermjs/xterm.jsA terminal for the web
Best-README-Template Public archive
Forked from othneildrew/Best-README-TemplateAn awesome README template to jumpstart your projects!
SmartThingsPublic Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublicSmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
DynamicComponents-AI2 Public
Forked from ysfchn/DynamicComponents-AI2An App Inventor extension to add full support for creating any type of component at runtime, in your app.
pyodide Public
Forked from pyodide/pyodidePython with the scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly.
appinventor-sources Public
Forked from mit-cml/appinventor-sourcesMIT App Inventor Public Open Source
summernote Public
Forked from summernote/summernoteSuper simple WYSIWYG editor
blockly Public
Forked from google/blocklyThe web-based visual programming editor.
starboard-notebook Public
Forked from gzuidhof/starboard-notebookIn-browser literal notebooks
ai-unchive Public
Forked from Kodular/ai-unchiveAIA Viewer for Kodular
draggable Public
Forked from Shopify/draggableThe JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about.
stdweb Public
Forked from koute/stdwebA standard library for the client-side Web
recast Public
Forked from shreyashsaitwal/recast🦸♂️ Recast migrates your old extensions to AndroidX, making them compatible with the latest version of Kodular.
brackets Public
Forked from adobe/bracketsAn open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
nbviewer.js Public
Forked from kokes/nbviewer.jsClient side rendering of Jupyter notebooks
sl4a Public
Forked from damonkohler/sl4aSL4A brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device.
typescript-compile Public
Forked from niutech/typescript-compileAutomatically compile TypeScript to JavaScript on the fly