There's a better version than Nakathon, NakaScript.
An Interpreted Programming Language made with Python;
with the purpose of to learn and how an interpreted language works.
Syntax based on other languages like JavaScript, C# and etc.
VSCode Nakathon Syntax Highlight Extension
# To run Nakathon you use the following command
python # Windows
python3 # Linux, Mac
# Just like in Python, if you run as is, you will go to the shell
# but if you put file that ends with .nkt, Nakathon will run it
python .\file_name.nkt # Windows
python3 ./file_name.nkt # Linux, Mac
# If you have the .exe, instead of "python" write "nakathon.exe".
# int
# float
# string
# list
The Variable/Function name can be in snake_case
, camelCase
or PascalCase
# To set & refer a variable follow the syntax below
var variable_name = <value> or <expression>
# You can also set a immutable, also known as a constant, variable using the 'const' keyword
const VARIABLE_NAME = <value> or <expression>
# There's also temporary variable using the 'temp' keyword
temp variable_name <value-of-type-int> = <value> or <expression>
# You can also set a scoped, or local, variable using the 'local' keyword
local variable_name = <value> or <expression>
# To define & execute a function follow the syntax below
func FunctionName() -> <expression>
func FunctionName() {
# Print, used to print the value inside the function
Print(value: Any)
# Input, used to get user input text
Input(prompt: String = "> ")
# InputNumber, used to get user input number, either int or float
InputNumber(prompt: String = "> ")
# Clear, used to clear the terminal
# To Functions, used to convert a value into a string
ToString(value: Any)
# Is Functions, used to know if the inputed value is that data type
IsNumber(value: Any)
IsString(value: Any)
IsList(value: Any)
IsFunction(value: Any)
IsBoolean(value: Any)
IsNull(value: Any)
# List Functions, used to alter a list type (examples are down below)
ListAppend(list: List, value: Any)
ListPop(list: List, index: Number)
ListExtend(list: List, list: List)
ListLen(list: List)
# Random Functions
RandomInt(min: Number, max: Number)
RandomFloat(min: Number, max: Number)
# Misc Functions
Import(filename: String, namespace: String)
Run(filename: String)
Exit(code_number: Number = 0)
# Addition
5 + 5 # -> 10
# Subtraction
10 - 0.5 # -> 9.5
# Multiplication
2 * 10 # -> 20
# Division
10 / 2 # -> 5
# Power
2 ** 10 # -> 1024
# Rest of Division
11 % 2 # -> 1
# Parentheses
(4 + 1) * 2 # -> 10
# string concatenation
"Hello," + "world!" # -> "Hello,world!"
"Hello, world! " * 2 # -> "Hello, world! Hello, world! "
# list pushing a new item
[] + 1 # -> [1]
# or
var list = [] # -> []
ListAppend(list, 1) # -> [1]
list # -> [1]
# list removing item by it's index
["Hello!", 43, -20, 3.14] - 2 # -> ["Hello!", 43, 3.14]
# or
var list = ["Hello!", 43, -20, 3.14] # -> ["Hello!", 43, -20, 3.14]
ListPop(list, 2) # -> -20
list # -> ["Hello!", 43, 3.14]
# list merge with another list
[1 , 2, 3] * [4, 5, 6] # -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# or
var list = [1, 2, 3] # -> [1, 2, 3]
ListExtend(list, [4, 5, 6]) # -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
list # -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# list returning a item by it's index
["Hello!", "this", "is", "a", "list"] / 1 # -> "this"
# list getting list's length
ListLen(["Hello!", "this", "is", "a", "list"]) # -> 5
# is equals
1 == 1 # -> true
# is not equals
1 != 2 # -> true
# is less than
1 < 2 # -> true
# is greater than
1 > 0 # -> true
# is less than or equals
-1 <= 1 # -> true
# is greater than or equals
1 >= 10 # -> false
# and
1 == 1 && 10 != 10 # -> false
# or
2 == 3 || 10 != 9 # -> true
# if, else if and else
if <condition> {
} else if {
} else {
# plus equals
var var_name += 1
# minus equals
var var_name -= 1
# multiplication equals
var var_name *= 1
# division equals
var var_name /= 1
# power equals
var var_name **= 1
# rest of division equals
var var_name %= 1
# To use the For Loop follow the syntax below
for <variable> = <start-value> ; <end-value> ; <step-value> {
# To use the While Loop follow the syntax below
while <condition> {