A Python-based tool for backing up Bitbucket repositories to Azure Blob Storage.
BitBackup automates the process of backing up Bitbucket repositories and storing them securely in Azure Blob Storage. It supports multi-threading and includes Discord notifications for backup status. Also included a couple of tables for MSSQL backups, which can be used to monitor the backup status, and a Grafana dashboard (json) for visualizing the data.
- Azure Storage Account
- Storage Account Connection String
- Container name for backups
- SSH key pair configured in Bitbucket
- Bitbucket workspace access
- Repository read access
- Discord webhook URL for notifications
THREAD_POOL_SIZE=<int> # Number of concurrent backup threads
CLIENT_ID=<Client-Id> # Client Id for BitBucket
CLIENT_SECRET=<Client-Secret> # Client Secret for BitBucket
WORKSPACE=<Workspace> # BitBucket workspace
CONTAINER_NAME=<Container-Name> # Container name (Azure Storage)
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=<Storage-Account> # Storage Account name
AZURE_STORAGE_KEY=<Storage-Key> # Storage Account access key
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL=<Webhook-URL> # Discord Webhook
AUTOEXECUTE=<bool> # Set 'true' to execute on init
MSSQL_SERVER=<Server-Name> # MSSQL hostname
MSSQL_DATABASE=<Database-Name> # DB name
MSSQL_USERNAME=<Username> # DB username (db_owner on 1st run)
- Clone this repository
- Ensure you have an SSH config file for Bitbucket. This should be placed in the root of the repository and named
. For example:
Host bitbucket.org
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bitbucketcrt
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t bitbackup .
- Run the container with the necessary environment variables:
docker run -d \
-e CLIENT_ID=<Client-Id> \
-e CLIENT_SECRET=<Client-Secret> \
-e WORKSPACE=<Workspace> \
-e CONTAINER_NAME=<Container-Name> \
-e AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=<Storage-Account> \
-e AZURE_STORAGE_KEY=<Storage-Key> \
-e AUTOEXECUTE=<bool> \
-e MSSQL_SERVER=<Server-Name> \
-e MSSQL_DATABASE=<Database-Name> \
-e MSSQL_USERNAME=<Username> \
-e MSSQL_PASSWORD=<Password> \
-v /path/to/ssh/config:/home/backupuser/.ssh/config \
- Multi-threaded repository backup
- Azure Blob Storage integration
- Discord notifications
- Retry mechanism for failed operations
- Logging and monitoring
- Scheduled backups
- Store SSH keys securely
- Use environment variables for sensitive data
- Run container as non-root user
- Keep Python packages updated
- Python 3.13
- OpenSSL 1.1.1p
- Git
- Required Python packages listed in Dockerfile 🤗
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Happy coding! 🚀