Combine Medusa's modules for your commerce backend with the newest Nuxt v3, ready for v4, features for a performant storefront.
To use the Nuxt Starter Template, you should have a Medusa server running locally on port 9000. For a quick setup, run:
npx create-medusa-app@latest
Check out create-medusa-app docs for more details and troubleshooting.
The Medusa Nuxt Starter is built with:
Features include:
- Full ecommerce support:
- Product Detail Page
- Product Overview Page
- Product Collections
- Cart
- Checkout
- Stripe Integration: in progress
- User Accounts: in progress
- Order Details
- Full Nuxt support:
- App Router
- Nuxt fetching/caching
- NuxtHub (Cloudflare deployment)
- NuxtUi
Navigate into your projects directory and get your environment variables ready:
cd nuxt-starter-medusa/
mv .env.template .env.local
Use Pnpm to install all dependencies.
pnpm install
You are now ready to start up your project.
pnpm run dev
Your site is now running at http://localhost:3000!
By default this starter supports the following payment integrations
To enable the integrations you need to add the following to your .env.local
You'll also need to setup the integrations in your Medusa server. See the Medusa documentation for more information on how to configure Stripe.