I'm a passionate Red Team Operator @RBC previously Cyber Security Analyst @GoSecure. I love CTF's, HackTheBox, and most puzzle games! I know nothing about reverse engineering and binary exploit, but I know how to get flags. I specialize in mind-reading and guessing flags. I primarily solve challenges ranging from pwn to crypto, from crypto to bruteforce, from butefore to guessing, from guessing to ESP…
- 🔭 At the moment im spending a lot of time developing gold farming / botting scripts & plugins
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything
- 👯 Always looking to collaborate with others
- 🥅 2023 Goals: Blog more
- ⚡ Fun fact: I explain most concepts & ideas in Microsoft Paint
- You can read up on what I've been up to over at my blog https://boschko.ca