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This a Lua port of the Rough.js library.

It is a small graphics library that lets you draw lines, polygons and curves in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style.

Some rough shapes


Most of the features of the original library are available in this port.

However, some parts (notably in the rough.untested folder) have not been thoroughly tested.

Other than that, this module is used in production since 2023, as a (originally internal) dependency of the resilient.sile collection for the SILE typesetting system. More precisely, it is a dependency for some of the other modules on which re·sil·ient depends. By nature, in that context, it is used to generate PDF graphics (rather than SVG or Web-related graphics, the usual targets of the original library).

In folder prng-prigarin, this module also includes a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used by default in the Lua implementation of the library (rather then relying on Lua's math.random function). The objective is to provide a reproducible output, while still being able to generate a seemingly uniform distribution of "random" numbers.

Typically, in SILE's use case, this is used to generate rough shapes (e.g. framed boxes), with a consistent appearance across runs, when the final PDF is generated.


Installation relies on the luarocks package manager.

To install the latest version, you may use the provided “rockspec”:

luarocks install rough

The module depends on the penlight library, which will be installed automatically by luarocks, if not already present.


Examples are provided in the examples folder.

Historical notes

A first partial port of Rough.js to Lua was made in March 2022, as part of the (now unmaintained) omikhleia-sile-packages collection for SILE 0.12.x.

In August 2022, it was updated and integrated into the ptable.sile module, for use with more recent versions of SILE.

In March 2024, the port was entirely re-organized and completed (ptable release v3.0.0), updated to match the latest version of the original library at the time.

In February 2025, the code was extracted and made into a standalone module.


The code and samples in this repository are released under the MIT License, (c) 2022-2025 Omikhleia, Didier Willis.

The original JavaScript-based Rough.js library is released under the MIT License, (c) 2019 Preet Shihn.


Lua port of the Rough.js sketchy drawing library








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