Update with three.js 162. The last Version of three.js with support of for WebGL 1. The software 3d2png depends on headless-gl, which only supports WebGL 1.
Test: node --inspect 3d2png.js samples/DavidStatue.stl 640x480 test.png
GLB files for testing:
- https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/dev/examples/models/gltf
- https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/main/2.0
Only very basis support yet. Many things don't work out of the box with headless gl.
The images of the textures were extracted here and later used as DataTexture. There are probably better ways.
There are a lot of logs in the code, which must removed later.
- support image format WebP
- support of other image formats?
- support KTX2
- support multiple images (e.g. https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/main/2.0/Avocado/glTF-Binary)
- support multiple textures
- support multiple meshes
- fitting the model better into the picture
- code clean up and review
- The lights need to be revised. RoomEnvironment is not working with headless rendering.