Releases: OpenMW/openmw
OpenMW 0.49.0 RC5
Windows 10 or newer is required to run the Windows build.
Changes since RC4:
- [#8311] Fixed a crash when an object removed by Lua cannot be properly unloaded; this could happen during saved game loading
- [#8344] Fixed a potential crash when pathgrid geometry is generated but all pathgrid edges are invalid
- [#8346] Fixed a crash when a Lua script attempts to start a new game
- [#8347] Fixed a crash when levelled creature list record
binding is used - [#8354] Editor: Improved the robustness of screen detection on multi-monitor setups; it will never fail — well, as long as you do have a display
- Third-party builds built against SDL2-compat will no longer suffer from unhandled SDL3 display/window event warning spam
) command no longer complains about billboard callback (billboard node representation) presence in serialised objects
OpenMW 0.49.0 RC4
These RC builds are outdated!
We do not provide support for outdated RC builds!
Visit the main Releases page to find the most recent RC build or corresponding stable release.
Windows 10 or newer is required to run the Windows build.
Changes since RC3:
- [#7273] Precipitation occlusion should no longer require sky blending to be enabled to work as intended
- [#8280] Attacks evaluated as successful will no longer hit if the target is out of reach when the attack is applied
- Loading progress bar is properly updated for TES4 format files
- Various stereo/multiview setup fixes to allow 0.49.0 and updated OpenMW-VR to use the same shaders: shadow maps are shared between views while sky blending, soft and distortion shader effects and post-processing account for multiple views better
OpenMW 0.49.0 RC3
These RC builds are outdated!
We do not provide support for outdated RC builds!
Visit the main Releases page to find the most recent RC build or corresponding stable release.
Windows 10 or newer is required to run the Windows build.
Changes since RC2:
- [#7731] Fixed default sound output device tracking sometimes malfunctioning under PulseAudio backend and causing audio stuttering — notably on Steam Deck
- [#8286] The launcher will no longer overwrite openmw.cfg if the original file already has all the settings it was going to write (new in 0.49.0)
- [#8287] The launcher no longer has unintuitive special handling for commas in setting values when preserving their comments (new in 0.49.0)
- [#8295] Fixed a crash when the post-processing chain refers to an existing shader file in a different case (0.48.0 issue)
- [#8295] Fixed a crash when the post-processing chain refers to an existing shader file nested into a subdirectory of the shaders directory (0.48.0 issue)
- [#8299] Editor: Fixed a crash when terrain is smoothed at a border with undefined cell (0.46.0-0.48.0 issue)
- [#8300] Flawed weapon type validation has been corrected to allow custom ammunition records to be created through Lua
- Windows build now includes bsatool, esmtool and niftest utilities
- When the relevant setting is enabled, Recast meshes are exported before navmeshes are generated to make debugging navmesh generation crashes easier
OpenMW 0.49.0 RC2
These RC builds are outdated!
We do not provide support for outdated RC builds!
Visit the main Releases page to find the most recent RC build or corresponding stable release.
Windows 10 or newer is required to run the Windows build.
Linux binary was reuploaded multiple times:
- on January 8 to use Qt6, multithreaded Bullet and the latest revision of our OpenSceneGraph fork
- on January 10 to include libraries missing on some systems:
- on January 12 to replace
with a version dependent on glibc 2.35 and fix Ubuntu 22.04 compatibility
Fixes since RC1:
- Localized On/Off buttons in the in-game settings will no longer reset to GMST lines when clicked.
OpenMW 0.49.0 RC1
These RC builds are outdated!
We do not provide support for outdated RC builds!
Visit the main Releases page to find the most recent RC build or corresponding stable release.
OpenMW 0.48.0 Released!
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.48.0 of our open-source engine!
So what does another fruitful year of diligent work bring us this time? The two biggest improvements in this new version of OpenMW are the long-awaited post-processing shader framework and an early version of a brand-new Lua scripting API! Both of these features greatly expand what the engine can deliver in terms of visual fidelity and game logic.
As usual, we've also solved numerous problems major and minor, particularly pertaining to the newly overhauled magic system and character animations. Read the full list of changes below!
Known Issues:
- On macOS, launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS requires ‘’ and ‘’ to be siblings
- Performance of enchanted ranged weapons (e.g., darts) isn’t as good as other projectiles’ performance
- [#7354] If reverse Z depth buffer and soft particles are off or unsupported, disabling all post-processing in-game will trigger a crash
- Rarely, quitting the game may crash it on some setups for an unclear reason. If you encounter such an issue, please send us feedback regarding its circumstances
New Engine Features:
- by ptmikheev, uramer and others
- [#5996] Lua scripting API
- by akortunov
- [#4974] Fonts and GUI layout files are now overridable through the VFS
- [#4975] TrueType font replacements are now included by default to avoid missing glyphs with OpenMW-specific GUI localisation
- [#6867] GUI localisation support. Most of the previously hardcoded strings have been localised in French, German, Russian and Swedish
- [#6925] In the character creation widget, the character's head can be rotated in the preview area using the mouse wheel, as if you scrolled the slider below it
- [#6941] TrueType font settings can be changed in the launcher
- by Assumeru/Evil Eye
- [#1465, #6177] 'Repeat' flag is supported for AI package script commands.
- [#2780] 'Help' console command, which prints OpenMW's version string and every available command
- [#4297] The remnants of 'APPLIED_ONCE' spell effect flag have been properly implemented
- [#4414] EXTRA SPELL spell effect expiry now triggers re-equipment
- [#5198] Spell effect expiry is now tracked
- [#5454] Active spell effects are cleared from actors that are removed from the scene for any reason
- [#5489] Telekinesis also extends the activation range of activators, like in Morrowind Code Patch
- [#6380] Commas are treated as whitespace in scripts, heavily loosening the restrictions on their use
- [#6699] 'Ignored' ESM record flag is now respected
- by Capo
- [#6541] Gloss-mapping support
- by Cédric Mocquillon
- by Dominique Martinet
- [#6631] FFmpeg 5 support
- by elsid
- [#6189] Generated navigation meshes are now cached on your storage device
- by Eris Caffee
- by fr3dz10
- by myrix
- by ptmikheev
- by unelsson
- by uramer
- [#6557] Controller gyroscope support
- by Vulpen
- [#6019] Alpha-to-coverage can be toggled on through the launcher
- by wareya
- [#6360] Raindrop ripples have been visually revamped
- by wazabear
- [#4067] Post-processing shader support
- [#5928] Time of day-dependent node switching can be disabled
- [#6032] Support of reverse-Z depth buffer, which reduces the flickering of distant objects tremendously
- [#6078] The depth buffer is no longer cleared before rendering first-person models
- [#6128] Support for soft particles
- [#6199] FBO rendering support
- [#6443] NIF stencil buffer manipulations are supported, completing NiStencilProperty support
- [#6534] Decal texture blending using vertex/material colours is now simulated in shader pipeline
- [#6592] Geometry-based particle emission support
- [#6600] NiSortAdjustNode record type support
- [#6700] Windowed fullscreen support. In this mode, the game is played in a borderless window that matches the display resolution
- by Wolfgang Lieff
- [#6684] Support of NiFltAnimationNode NIF record type, which represents an animated sequence of nodes.
- by AnyOldName3 and Capo
New Editor Features:
- by cc9cii
- [#2554] Modifying an instance in the scene widget will scroll the instances table to that instance
- [#5737] Moved instances are properly deleted from their original cell
- [#6017] Persistent and temporary instances are properly distinguished upon saving a file to improve compatibility with the original ESM format
- [#6288] 'Blocked' record flag support
- by pi03k
- [#890] Table columns can now be hidden using a new menu or with a middle-click
- by SaintMercury
- [#6721] Record subviews can be opened in an exclusive window as an option
- by unelsson
- [#6251] Instance movement now follows the mouse cursor
- by VidiAquam
- [#3245] Instance editing grid and snapping
Engine Bug Fixes:
- by akortunov
- [#5913] Self-targeted line-of-sight checks no longer cause issues
- [#6276] 'Deleted' flag is properly supported for groundcover instance records
- [[#6347](
OpenMW 0.47.0 Released!
Another year of busy and fruitful development lies behind us -- and the OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.47.0 of our open-source engine! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all supported operating systems.
With over 180 solved issues and a plethora of new features, this release is on par with the enormous 0.46.0 release we had last year. Brace yourself for object paging which allows OpenMW to finally display distant statics, proper support for groundcover mods, an improved lighting system, more efficient and robust physics, the new, optional over-the-shoulder camera, and much, much more!
In addition, countless bugs have been solved -- both for the vanilla game and for a variety of mods to ensure even better mod compatibility in the new version.
Check out the release announcement video by the hacking Atahualpa and the slashing johnnyhostile, and see below for the full list of changes. There are also a German release video and a German changelog available.
Known Issues:
- On macOS, launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS requires '' and '' to be siblings
- Lighting of spellcasting particles looks dull
- Pathfinding during the "Tribunal" expansion quest "Infidelities" is broken and the journal may not get updated because Taren Andoren hasn't yet reached his target spot; as a workaround, waiting for one hour will allow Taren to reach his target spot and the journal to be correctly updated
- Performance of enchanted ranged weapons (e.g., darts) isn't as good as other projectiles' performance
New Engine Features:
- by akortunov
- [#5524] Failed scripts are flagged as 'inactive' and ignored rather than being removed -- until the game is reloaded or restarted
- [#5580] An NPC's service refusal (e.g., for training, trading, or enchanting) can be filtered by service type to allow more complex NPC reactions instead of the vanilla "all or nothing" behaviour
- [#5642] Arrows can be attached to an actor's skeleton instead of the bow mesh to allow implementing left-handed bows and actor-dependent shooting animations
- [#5813] Improved handling of groundcover mods via grass instancing
- by AnyOldName3
- by Assumeru
- [#2404] Levelled lists can be placed in containers
- [#2798] Base records are mutable, i.e., modifying an instance of a base record (e.g., a guard NPC) will now affect all instances sharing the same base record (e.g., all other clones of that guard NPC)
- [#5730] Add option to support graphic herbalism to 'Advanced' tab in the launcher
- [#5771] 'ori' console command displays the mesh's data source as well as whether the x-prefixed version is used
- by bzzt
- Proper underwater shadows when refraction is enabled; disabled if 'refraction scale' setting is not 1.0 [additions by AnyOldName3 and madsbuvi]
- [#2386] Optional: Render distant static objects via object paging, i.e., by merging objects which are close to each other; ON by default but 'Distant land' needs to be enabled [corrections and polishing by psi29a]
- [#2386] Optional: Object paging in active cells (3x3 grid around player character); ON by default [corrections and polishing by psi29a]
- by Capostrophic
- [#5362] Dialogue for splitting item stacks displays the name of the trapped soul for stacks of soul gems
- [#5445] Handle 'NiLines' property of NIF meshes
- [#5545] Optional: Allow the player character to steal from unconscious (knocked-down) NPCs during combat; OFF by default
- [#5579] Support for inverse-order rotation (z, y, x) in 'SetAngle' function
- [#5649] Support Skyrim SE's compressed BSA format
- [#5672] Setting 'Stretch menu background' which makes background images fit the full screen is also available in the launcher
- by CedricMocquillon
- [#1536] Show current level-up attribute multipliers in 'Level' tooltip
- [#4486] Handling and logging of crashes on Windows
- [#5297] Search bar in the launcher's 'Data Files' tab
- [#5486] Optional: Determine a trainer's offered skills and their respective limits by evaluating base values instead of modified ones; OFF by default
- [#5519] Reorganised and expanded 'Advanced' tab in the launcher to integrate most MCP-like settings
- [#5814] 'bsatool' can add to or create new BSA archives (supports all BSA types)
- by elsid
- [#4917] Objects too small to change the navigation mesh no longer trigger updates of that mesh which improves performance
- [#5500] Scene loading ends only when enough navigation mesh tiles around the player character have been generated
- [#6033] Automatically add existing path grid to navigation mesh to further improve pathfinding
- [#6033] Partially remove fallbacks to old pathfinding to avoid, e.g., actors following other enemies into lava
- [#6034] Calculate optimal navigation paths based on an actor's individual movement speed on land and in water
- by fr3dz10
- [#2159] Optional: Grey out dialogue topics which are -- at least in that moment -- exhausted and highlight newly added topics; OFF by default (colours are customisable)
- [#4201] Projectile-projectile collision, including targeted spells (a successful hit cancels both projectiles); emulates vanilla behaviour
- [#5563] Optional: Physics are run in one or several background threads to improve performance; OFF by default
- by
- [#5828] New, shader-based, customisable lighting system which removes the limit of eight light sources per object
- by jefetienne
- [#5692] Filter in the spell window also displays items and spells with matching magic effects -- not only those with matching names
- by ptmikheev
- Improved vanity mode in third-person view
- [#390] Optional: New over-the-shoulder look in 3rd-person view; OFF by default
- [#390] Optional: Auto-switch shoulder in narrow passages; ON by default but 'View over the shoulder' needs to be enabled
- [#2686] Logged info in 'openmw.log' displays timestamps
- [#4894] Optional: NPCs avoid collisions when moving; OFF by default
- [#4894] Optional: NPCs give way to moving actors if they are idle; ON by default but 'NPCs avoid collisions' needs to be enabled
- [#5043] Optional: Customisable head bobbing in first-person mode; OFF by default
- [#5457] Optional: More realistic diagonal character movement; OFF by default
- [#5610] Optional: Actors move and turn smoother; OFF by default
- by simonmeulenbeek
- [#5511] Add audio settings to 'Advanced' tab in the launcher
- by TescoShoppah
- [#3983] Installation wizard provides link to FAQ section regarding buying Morrowind.
- by unelsson
- [#5456] Basic support for 'Collada' animation format
- by wareya
New Editor Features:
OpenMW 0.46.0 Released!
After over a year of development, the OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.46.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page ( for all operating systems. This release, potentially the largest ever since the move to OpenSceneGraph, finally reintroduces the long-awaited real-time shadows and also introduces a new improved navigation mesh-based AI pathfinding system based on recastnavigation library, among tons of other improvements.
Mod compatibility has been significantly improved in this release, and you can expect dozens of mods that worked poorly previously to become playable starting with this version.
Check out the release video ( by the splendiferous johnnyhostile and see below for the full list of changes. The corresponding OpenMW-CS release video is planned to follow soon.
One more thing: one of our major contributors, Capostrophic, has recently started a Patreon AnyOldName3 (our resident Master of Shadows) also has a Patreon and psi29a, OpenMW’s new project lead also has a Patreon. So consider supporting them if you want to help OpenMW grow. Other contributors accept donations as well: you can find links to their Patreon pages in our FAQ. Don’t forget to support the software that helps make this all possible: OpenSceneGraph, OpenAL-Soft and SDL2 to name a few.
Known Issues:
- To use generic Linux binaries, Qt4 and libpng12 must be installed on your system
- On macOS, launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS requires and to be siblings
- Shadows and the new navigation system are not yet perfect and they will get further tuning and refining - particularly in the area of performance when it comes to the shadows - in the subsequent releases
0.45.0 Regression Fixes:
- Slowfall magic effect no longer erroneously resets the player jumping flag used for GetPCJumping script function (#4775) - Capostrophic
- Attacking and landing no longer causes issues with the idle animation (#4847) - akortunov
- Actors outside of the actor processing range are now invisible immediately upon loading (#4860) - akortunov
- AiTravel no longer ceases execution erroneously if the AI processing range too low (#4979) - akortunov
- Actors with their AI disabled, including those out of the AI processing range, can no longer drown (#4980) - akortunov
- Collision shapes of dead actors no longer prevent hitting a different actor through them (#4990) - akortunov
- Offered prices are now only capped in the barter window (#5028) - Capostrophic
- Ranged weapon critical hits are now vanilla-friendly (#5067) - Capostrophic
- Blocking unarmed creatures' attacks degrades shield condition again (#5069) - Capostrophic
- Actors will only attempt to open a door when one really obstructs their path (#5073) - elsid
- Player's creature followers killing enemies using spells triggers a crime event properly (#5206) - akortunov
- Windows: Logging can now be redirected into the command prompt again if you launch OpenMW from there - sthalik
Major New Features:
- Improved navigation mesh-based AI pathfinding system (#2229) - elsid
- Native weapon and shield sheathing support (#4673, #5193) - akortunov
- Support for NiPalette, NiRollController, NiTriStrips and NiSwitchNode NIF records (#4675, #4812, #4882, #5121) - akortunov & Capostrophic
- Native seamless container open/close animations support (#4730) - akortunov
- Real-time shadows (#4851) - AnyOldName3
- Support for loading the compressed BSA format from Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and 2011 Skyrim games (#5000) - cc9cii & Azdul
- Native graphic herbalism support (#5010) - akortunov
- Support for custom attachment bones for different weapon types and custom bones in general (#5131) - akortunov
- Support for unique animations for different weapon types (#5132) - akortunov
- Environment-mapped bump-mapping support (#5304) - Capostrophic
Minor Feature Additions:
- Actors avoid walking on the children geometry of an AvoidNode (#1724) - elsid
- Gamepad player character movement is now analogue (#3025) - Perry Hugh
- The global/local openmw.cfg now provides somewhat sensible default config values, making it possible to play a game without Morrowind.ini (#3442) - psi29a
- Optionally, multiple projectiles can be enchanted at once (#3517) - akortunov
- Option to invert input X axis (#3610) - Capostrophic
- Local variables of the object selected in the console can be modified directly (#3893) - Capostrophic
- Controller input can now be disabled in-game (#3980) - Capostrophic
- Shift+Double Click shortcut maximises or restores the size of right-click menus (#3999) - akortunov
- "Toggle sneak" shortcut on gamepads (double-tap of the Sneak button) (#4001) - Perry Hugh
- BetaComment/ObjectReferenceInfo output is logged into openmw.log as well for convenience (#4129) - akortunov
- RepairedOnMe, which is broken in vanilla, is implemented and always returns zero (#4255) - Capostrophic
- RaiseRank/LowerRank instructions now work correctly and their rank changes are saved properly (#4316) - akortunov
- The default controller bindings now replicate those from Xbox version of Morrowind (#4360) - Perry Hugh
- Travelling, following and wandering actors can now properly decelerate before reaching their destination (#4544) - akortunov
- Optional: Fog's intensity can be calculated based on the actual distance from the eye point (#4708) - akortunov
- "Clone Content List" button in the launcher which allows you to copy the current load order into a content list (#4784) - Capostrophic
- Search fields were added to the inventory, trading and companion share windows (#4831) - fr3dz10
- Support for switch nodes that change their state depending on the time of the day (e.g. Glow in the Dahrk mod) (#4836) - akortunov
- Water reflections have much more detail levels and can be disabled completely (#4859) - wareya & akortunov
- Random number generator seed command line argument (#4887) - elsid
- Various distant terrain settings (#4890) - bzzt
- Audio and video playback is paused when the game is minimised (#4944) - akortunov
- At least 8 supported blood types (like vanilla) instead of just 3 (#4958) - Capostrophic
- Optional: Enchanted item usage triggers a casting animation (#4962) - akortunov
- Most UI widget skins are now properly rescalable and can use a higher resolution texture (#4968) - akortunov
- Pinnable windows hiding is persistent (#4994) - akortunov
- GetWeaponType returns different values for tools which are consistent with those from a fix from Morrowind Code Patch (#5031) - Capostrophic
- Creatures can make use of magic armor mitigation (#5033) - Capostrophic
- Enchanting window stays open after a failed attempt to enchant an item, for the player's convenience (#5034) - Capostrophic
- Characters can be removed from factions through scripting like the respective Morrowind Code Patch feature allows (#5036) - Capostrophic
- Gamepad emulated cursor speed setting (#5046) - jrivany
- Scroll bars now use separate replaceable textures (#5051) - akortunov
- Optional light source duration display is now human-readable (#5091) - Capostrophic
- Unix-like Ctrl+W and Ctrl+U shortcuts in the in-game console, which remove the last word and the entire line respectively (#5094) - Assumeru
- User controller bindings (#5098) - alexarice
- Refresh button in the launcher that allows you to reload the content files (#5114) - James Moore
- Enchanted arrows glow correctly (#5122) - akortunov
- Corpse disposal should be safe in most cases (#5146) - akortunov
- Spell magicka cost is shown in the tooltip of the spell in spell buying window (#5147) - James Stephens
- TestCells/TestInteriorCells debug instructions (#5219) - akortunov
- NiTriShape can now be controlled by NiKeyframeControllers (#5224) - akortunov
- Lighting can optionally be applied to environment maps like in Morrowind Code Patch, improving bump-mapped object appearance (#5304) - Capostrophic
- On devices that have a gyroscope, its movement will optionally rotate the camera (#5311) - akortunov
- Ingredients can be filtered by their name or their magic effects in the alchemy window (#5314) - fr3dz10
Editor Feature Additions:
- Terrain texture selection (#3871) - unelsson
- A more obvious way to reset key bindings to their defaults - a button (#4068) - Capostrophic
- Content files can now be opened directly as a file association on Windows and GNU/Linux (#4202) - Utopium
- Faction Ranks table (#4209) - akortunov
- Transient terrain change support (#4840) - unelsson
- Instance record editor can now be opened directly from the scene window (#5005) - Utopium
- Terrain shape selection and editing (#5170) - unelsson
- Object instances in the scene view can be deleted with a keypress (#5172) - unelsson
- Edit mode tool outlines are displayed in the scene view (#5201) - unelsson
- Keyboard shortcuts to drop objects to the ground in the scene view (#5274) - unelsson
Bug Fixes:
- The console window will no longer hide the other windows (#1515) - akortunov
- Items with differing redundant ownership information now stack (#1933) - akortunov
- Content file selector dialogues in the launcher and the editor only list one instance of a content file with a specific file name (#2395) - Capostrophic
- The mouse wheel can now be bound to most actions in the in-game Controls menu, e.g. Previous and Next Weapon shortcuts (#2679) - Stomy
- Scripted items no longer stack so as to avoid scripting issues (#2969) - Capostrophic
- Data folders listed in the global openmw.cfg configuration file will no longer be handled after those in the user configuration file (#2976) - Capostrophic
- Stray text following 'else' operator is now discarded, fixing scripting issues in Blo...
OpenMW 0.45.0 Released!
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.45.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page ( for all operating systems. This release brings yet another horde of bug fixes and several new features, including support for per-group KF animation replacers, 360° screenshots, and the ability to brew a whole stack of a potion at once.
If you haven't tried OpenMW out already, now is the big chance! Bethesda's free giveaway of Morrowind got extended, so you are still able to get Morrowind for free until March 31st! (
Check out the release video ( and the OpenMW-CS release video ( by the illustrious Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.
Known Issues:
- Shadows are not yet re-implemented
- There's currently no way to redirect the logging output to the command prompt on Windows Release builds -- this will be resolved in version 0.46.0
- To use generic Linux binaries, Qt4 and libpng12 must be installed on your system
- On macOS, launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS requires and to be siblings
New Features:
- Non-actor objects display visual effects during spellcasting (#1645)
- Creatures without any collision box use auto-generated ones (#2787)
- Launcher: File paths of selected content files can be copied via context menu (#2847)
- Actors play casting animations during scripted spellcasting (#3083)
- As an option, barter deals permanently modify merchant disposition (#3103)
- Ranged weapons deal critical hits to unaware opponents (#3703)
- 360° screenshots of various kinds can be made (#4222)
- 'ToggleBorders' debug instruction ("tb") available in console (#4256)
- Sound generator keys in activator animations are supported (#4285)
- On macOS, function key shortcuts can be used (#4324)
- Some of the debug settings previously available as command line arguments can be set up in the launcher (#4345)
- Support for per-group KF animation replacers has been added (#4444)
- Shader water is rougher during bad weather (#4488)
- The number of enchanted items in a stack is shown in the Spells window (#4509)
- The actual chance of hitting the target is used for AI weapon rating instead of just the skill (#4548)
- The real potential damage of a weapon is used for its rating (#4549, #4697)
- A bonus is applied to the rating of ranged weapons if the attacker is far enough from the target (#4550)
- As an option, the Strength attribute affects Fatigue and Health damage in hand-to-hand combat (#4579)
- The logging system has been heavily reworked (#4581)
- AI no longer uses magic effects that affect hit chance if the enemy has not taken the appropriate stance (#4624)
- AI uses the root mean square of melee-weapon damage for more precise weapon rating (#4625)
- AI accounts for weapon speed when rating a weapon (#4626)
- Various vanilla GMSTs regarding combat action rating are utilised (#4632)
- 'sTo' GMST ("to") replaces hyphen in the Spellmaking menu (#4636)
- New count field in the Alchemy window allows you to brew multiple potions at the same time (#4642)
- To improve performance, actors outside of the AI processing range are no longer rendered but faded out (#4647)
- AI processing range can be configured via an in-game slider and a configuration option (#4647)
- If the animated creature model lacks a collision box, the non-animated model's collision box is used as a fallback (#4682)
- Tooltips of thrown weapons show the actual in-game damage (twice the base-record damage) the projectiles have (#4697)
New Editor Features:
- All top-bar dropdown menu options and most context menu options have icons (#912, #4506)
- Actors are rendered in Scene view (#1221)
- Verifier functionality covers Enchantment records (#1617)
- Added a check box to execute a case-sensitive global search (#2606)
- Shift + C is default shortcut for viewing cells (#2845)
- Shift + V is default shortcut for previewing records (#2845)
- Global search has a status bar (#3276)
- Frame rate in Preview window can be limited (#3641)
- Log files are created in case of a crash (#4012)
- Previously sorted-by-ID lists, such as magic-effect lists, are now alphabetically sorted (#4404)
- As an option, base records are ignored in verifier runs (#4466)
- Already existing marker models for light sources and creature levelled lists are now used (#4512)
Bug Fixes:
- All actors (not only those in active cells) restore Health and Magicka during player character rest (#1875)
- Precise times of sunrise and sunset are now recovered from the imported Morrowind INI file (#1990)
- Actors now properly aim during scripted spellcasting (#2131)
- Skills and attributes that affect trading no longer cause low selling prices if they're too high (#2222)
- Landing sound behaviour for NPCs and the player character has been reworked (#2256)
- Scripted movement of an object now adjusts the position of actors standing on top of that object (#2274)
- The last equipped item of a certain type is automatically re-equipped once a bound-item spell of the same type expires (#2326)
- Restore effects can restore drained stats (#2446)
- Attacks from unarmed, non-bipedal creatures no longer degrade armour (#2455)
- For the time being, actors are no longer allowed to activate teleport doors so that their abrupt cell change doesn't cause a crash (#2562)
- Using 'Resurrect' instruction on a dead player character fully resumes the game (#2626)
- References to non-existent classes or factions no longer crash the game (#2772)
- Weapons are visually unequipped before the start of a spellcasting stance transition (#2835, #4327)
- The player character now gets a bounty when a player follower commits a murder (#2852)
- To prevent issues on macOS, SDL is only initialised for the Graphics tab of the launcher when Qt5 is used (#2862, #3911)
- Explicit reference calls no longer break [Tab] autocompletion in the console (#2872)
- Naked expressions starting with a member operator are no longer allowed outside of the console (#2971)
- The handling of Drain and Fortify effects for health, magicka, and fatigue has been reworked to match vanilla behaviour (#3049, #4231)
- Enemies are no longer immune to ranged attacks at very close range (#3059)
- Adding an item with a self-equipment script to an actor no longer causes a freeze (#3072)
- Actors who are placed above the ground are now snapped down at a significantly larger distance when a cell is loaded, preventing them from falling to their death (#3219)
- TrueType fonts are now properly rescaled (#3288)
- Targets are now much easier to hit with on-touch spells (#3374)
- The handling of scripted and death animations has been reworked to significantly improve mod compatibility (#3486, #4286, #4291, #4307)
- 'GetSpellEffects' scripting function can now detect zero-duration effects (#3533)
- Enemies are much easier to hit with low-reach weapons, since the intended start position of the attack raycast is now replicated (#3591)
- Scripted sleeping interruptions no longer prevent the spawning of random sleep encounters (#3629)
- Calling 'AddSoulGem' and 'RemoveSpell' scripting instructions with an extra argument no longer breaks script compilation (#3762)
- 'GetPCInJail' scripting function has been reworked to more closely match vanilla behaviour (#3788)
- Previous placeholder implementation of 'GetPCTraveling' scripting function has been replaced with a proper solution (#3788)
- Message boxes can now have newline characters in the text argument (#3836)
- Alignment of terrain texture painting has been corrected to match the vanilla look (#3876)
- Attenuation of magic light sources is now properly calculated (#3890)
- 'Goodbye' scripting function in dialogue results now makes any additional choices act like 'Goodbye' (#3897)
- 'RemoveSpellEffects' scripting instruction now also removes permanent effects (#3920)
- Movement prediction for spell aiming now uses the correct GMST to calculate the magic projectile's speed (#3948)
- Animated collision shapes are no longer erroneously optimised (#3950)
- The terrain texture blending map is now upscaled to more closely match the vanilla look (#3993)
- Issues with actors not returning to their initial position in various situations have been fixed (#3997, #4251, #4393)
- AI packages with a non-unique target no longer choose a random target with the same ID (#4036)
- On macOS, version numbers are now properly displayed in the application properties (#4047)
- Text after the last end-of-line tag is no longer shown in books to match vanilla behaviour (#4215)
- 'FixMe' script instruction has been reworked to more closely match vanilla behaviour (#4217)
- Jumping on slopes is now less restrictive, preventing the player character from getting stuck in V-shaped terrain (#4221)
- Pathgrid nodes which lie between an actor and that actor's destination are now ignored (#4230)
- Actors with an AiTravel package now stop near their target position if that position is blocked by another actor (#4230)
- [Activate] key can no longer be held down to spam Persuasion and other kinds of repeatable actions (#4260)
- Turning animations no longer reset idle animations (#4271)
- Death animations from pre-0.43.0 savegames are now forward-compatible (#4274)
- 'CenterOnCell' script instruction ("coc") now teleports the player character to the accurate door marker or exterior position for interior and exterior cells respectively (#4292)
- Faction members are now aware of faction ownership during barter (#4293)
- AiWander packages which are placed before an AiFollow package in the AI package list no longer override vital functionality of that AiFollow package (#4304)
- Key focus in containers is now automatically (re)set to the [Close] button to prevent players f...
OpenMW 0.44.0 Released!
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.44.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page ( for all operating systems. This release brings a slew of new features and bug fixes, including a search bar for spells, a tab for advanced settings in the launcher, and multiple quicksaves.
Check out the release video ( and the OpenMW-CS release video ( by the perspicacious Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.
Known Issues:
- Shadows are not re-implemented yet
- To use the Linux targz package binaries, Qt4 and libpng12 must be installed on your system
- On macOS, OpenMW-CS is able to launch OpenMW only if and are siblings
New Features:
- Spell search bar implemented
- Launcher: Advanced settings tab added (#4054)
- Implemented option for fast travel services to charge for every companion (#4064)
- Added an option to have multiple quicksaves (#4174)
- Added an option to rebalance soul gem values based only on soul value, not soul times gem value (#4423)
- OpenMW-CS: Terrain Texture Brush button implemented (#3870)
- OpenMW-CS: Edit functions for terrain texture editing mode implemented (#3872)
- OpenMW-CS: New, and more complete, icon set added
Bug Fixes:
- Daedra are now summoned when picking up cursed items through the inventory, OnActivate is now triggered even with the inventory menu open (#1428, #3726)
- Similar glyphs are now used as fallbacks when unsupported glyphs are encountered (#1987)
- Magic effects active when a save is loaded are now rendered (#2254)
- Journal alphabetical indexing now works in Russian language versions (#2485)
- Declaring OnPCHitMe in an actor's script now prevents the actor from attacking, even in self-defense, if his Fight is equal to zero (#2703)
- Content selector now places Morrowind.esm at the beginning of the mod list, if it is present (#2829)
- Undefined weather settings now fallback to middle grey instead of pure black (#2841)
- Mods are now found if the mod directory is a parent of the installation directory (#3557)
- Flying and swimming creatures no longer use the pathgrid (#3587)
- SetPos no longer skips weather transitions, fixing transitions in mods that use SetPos to travel the player, such as Boats Mod (#3603)
- ESM files with capital-case extensions now load correctly with the launcher (#3618)
- Fixed an issue where NPCs could get stuck inside terrain/objects when the player rests (#3638)
- Combat music is now updated in menu mode (#3664)
- Extraneous carriage returns are cut from dialog output (#3696)
- Fixes for controllers on macOS (#3708)
- SetPos can no longer place the target under terrain level (#3783)
- Fixed an issue where casting Calm Humanoid on a guard the player is resisting arrest from caused a dialog loop when trying to resist again (#3863)
- Enemies who are knocked out will no longer recover immediately (#3884)
- Imported content files are now sorted according to their dependencies, instead of just modified time (this fixes Bethesda ESMs broken by the Steam version of Morrowind) (#3926)
- Scripts now support period and hyphen characters in the script name, as long as it is not the first character (#4061)
- Soul gems with trapped souls of creatures from mods that have been removed will now be empty instead of crashing the game (#4111)
- Swim animation is no longer interrupted when attacking underwater (#4122)
- An empty battle music folder now results in explore music being played in combat (#4134)
- Added a vanilla absorb spell behavior option, which is enabled by default (#4135)
- Added vanilla enchanted weaponry behavior option, which is enabled by default (#4136)
- Centroid interpolation is now used for shader lighting, fixing some graphical artifacts when using antialiasing (#4143)
- NPC base skeleton files are not longer optimized, fixes some body replacer mods (#4159)
- To prevent animation flickering, the landing animation is no longer played when the player is turning as they are landing (#4177)
- Fighting actors now face their target instead of the nearest actor (#4179)
- Weapon switch sound is no longer played when no different weapon is present to switch to (#4180)
- Guards can no longer initiate dialog with the player when the player is far above the guard (#4184)
- The correct graphical effect is now applied to armor and clothes when changing them while chameleoned or invisible (#4190)
- "Screenshot Saved" message has been removed (#4191)
- Attack range for NPC archers and spellcasters now more accurately matches vanilla behavior (#4192)
- Dialog topics are now always highlighted when first encountered (#4210)
- Fixed an FPS drop after minimizing the game during rainy weather (#4211)
- Thrown weapon projectiles now all rotate when in the air (#4216)
- Spell casting chance now displays as zero if the player does not have enough magicka to cast it (#4223)
- Fixed double activation button presses when using a gamepad (#4225)
- The player's current class and birthsign is now the default value in the class select and bithsign select menus, rather than the first item in the list (#4226)
- Tribunal and Bloodmoon summoned creatures no longer automatically fight other followers (#4229)
- Player movement from one directional key is now nullified if the opposite directional key is also pressed (#4233)
- Wireframe mode no longer affects the map (#4235)
- Fixed a crash when quick loading from the container screen (#4239)
- Greetings are no longer added to the journal topic list (#4242)
- Merchant NPCs no longer sell ingredients from containers that they own that have zero capacity, such as plants (#4245)
- Armor condition is now taken into account when calculating armor rating (#4246)
- Removed unintended jump cooldown (#4250)
- Fixed console spam when OpenMW encounters a non-music file in the Music folder (#4252)
- Magic effects from eaten ingredients now have the correct duration (#4261)
- Arrow position is now correct in third person view during attacks for beast races (#4263)
- Players in god mode are no longer affected by negative spell effects (#4264)
- Missing 'sAnd' GMST no longer causes a crash (#4269)
- Root node transformation is no longer incorrectly discarded, fixing characters in the mod The Black Mill (#4272)
- The map is now updated with explored cells correctly, instead of only when the map window is opened (#4279)
- MessageBoxes now appear over the chargen menu (#4298)
- Optimizer no longer breaks LOD nodes (#4301)
- PlaceAtMe now correctly inherits the scale of the calling object (#4308)
- Resistance to magic now affects all resistable magic effects (#4309)
- Opening doors is now restricted to bipedal actors (#4313)
- Rainy weather no longer slows down the game when changing from indoors to outdoors (#4314)
- Meshes with CollisionType=Node flag are no longer ignored (#4319)
- Activate and Move keys are no longer used for GUI navigation if they are bound to mouse buttons (#4320)
- NPC negative faction reaction modifier now works correctly (#4322)
- Taking owned items is no longer considered a crime if the owner is dead (#4328)
- Torch and shield equipping behavior now is more consistent with the original game (#4334)
- Installation wizard now appends "/Data Files" if needed when autodetecting path (#4336)
- "Interior" removed from cell not found message (#4343)
- Inventory item count for very high numbers no longer shows incorrect values due to truncation (#4346)
- Using AddSoulgem no longer fills all sould gems of the specified type (#4351)
- A message is displayed if the spell a player tries to select via quickkey is missing (#4391)
- Inventory filter is now reset to All when loading a game (#4392)
- Terrain is now rendered for empty cells (#4405)
- OpenMW now handles marker definitions correctly, fixing mod Arktwend (#4410)
- iniimporter no longer ignores data paths (#4410)
- Moving with zero strength no longer uses all of your fatigue (#4410)
- Camera no longer flickers when opening and closing menu while sneaking (#4420)
- Cursor now displays correctly when OpenMW is compiled against macOS 10.13 SDK (#4424)
- Item health is no longer considered a signed integer, it can no longer be negative (#4424)
- Adding items to currently disabled creatures will no longer crash the game (#4441)
- Encumbrance value is now rounded up (#4441)
- Werewolf health is now correctly calculated (#4142)
- NiLookAtController node is now ignored, like in vanilla (#4407)
- OpenMW-CS: "Original Creature" field renamed to "Parent Creature" (#2897)
- OpenMW-CS: Unchecking "Auto Calc" flag when editing an NPC record no longer causes unreasonable values to be filled in (#3278)
- OpenMW-CS: Fixed search and verification result tables to be case-insensitive when sorting (#3343)
- OpenMW-CS: "Model" column renamed to "Model/Animation" (#2694)