- Makefile has targets for setting up, tearing down, and running tests for windows and unix-ish systems
- setup.* is the script run create the virtual environment and install the packages
- help.* is a script to test --help
- simulate.* is a script to test that the simulation runs and produces the expected status code
- run_tests.py is the main script that drives test execution and contains the test mapping data
- cd package-testing
- pyenv local 3.10
- make setup - note that this deletes and recreates the virtual environment
- make test
- powershell is mapped to pwsh and is version 7
- python is on the path is version 3.10.*
- cd package-testing
- make setup-windows - note that this deletes and recreates the virtual environment
- make test-windows
- find . -name "*.sh" -exec shellcheck {} +
- setup shellcheck and python linting
- more tests