For more details about this release, please see the full technical change log. For a list of currently known issues, please see the Opentrons issue tracker.
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Welcome to Protocol Designer 8.4.0!
This release adds support for the Absorbance Plate Reader Module and includes feature improvements and bug fixes.
- Move steps added to a Flex protocol now use the gripper by default.
- Use matching X and Y offset values to aspirate and dispense during a Mix step.
All protocols created in Protocol Designer now require version 8.2.0 or higher of the Opentrons App to run.
Absorbance Plate Reader Module GEN1
You can add an Absorbance Plate Reader Module GEN1 to deck slots A3-D3 on the Flex. You'll also need to use a gripper to safely move the lid on and off the module.
To use the Absorbance Plate Reader Module in your Protocol Designer protocol, add the following steps:
- an Absorbance Plate Reader step to close the lid using the gripper
- an Absorbance Plate Reader step to initialize the module without labware inside. Choose from a single or multiple wavelengths.
- an Absorbance Plate Reader step to open the lid using the gripper
- a Move step to place a plate in the module. Using the gripper is optional.
- an Absorbance Plate Reader step to read the plate using the same wavelength choices.
Data from the Absorbance Plate Reader Module is exported as a .CSV file and can be found on your Flex's detail page in the Opentrons Desktop App. Repeat the steps shown above to open the lid and remove the plate.
Welcome to the v8.3.0 release of Opentrons Protocol Designer!
- During step creation, labware and modules used are highlighted on the deck.
- Custom labware can be added and moved onto its supported labware.
- Touch tip and blow out copy is more precise.
Welcome to the v8.2.2 release of Opentrons Protocol Designer!
- Fixed an error with the heater-shaker timer field where it would not save from an imported protocol.
- The analytics modal is dismissible via the settings page for both previous and new users.
Welcome to the v8.2.1 release of Opentrons Protocol Designer!
- Fixed blow out not saving when checking it in the form.
We’re excited to release the new Opentrons Protocol Designer, now with a fresh redesign! All protocols now require Opentrons App version 8.2.0+ to run. Enjoy the same functionality with the added ability to:
- Add multiple Heater-Shaker Modules and Magnetic Blocks to the deck (Flex only).