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opentrons components library

React components for Opentrons' applications. Visit the Opentrons Components Library to see available components.

example usage

import { PrimaryButton } from '@opentrons/components'

export default function CowButton(props) {
  return <PrimaryButton onClick={() => console.log('🐄')} />


Usage requirements for dependent projects:

  • Node v22.11.0+ and yarn
  • The following dependencies (peer dependencies of @opentrons/components)
    • react: 17.0.1,
    • react-router-dom: ^4.2.2,
    • classnames: ^2.2.5,
    • lodash: ^4.17.4


Make sure you have read the top-level Contributing Guide.

unit tests

Unit tests are run with the rest of the repositories unit tests from the top level of the project.

make test-js

Unit tests live in a __tests__ directory in the same directory as the module under test. When writing unit tests for components, we've found the following tests to be the most useful:

  • DOM tests

    • Make sure the component renders the correct node type
    • Make sure DOM attributes are mapped correctly
    • Make sure handlers fire correctly
  • Render tests

    make test-js updateSnapshot=true