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Performance Metrics

Library to gather various performance metrics for the Opentrons Flex.

Currently being imported inside of opentrons.util.performance_helpers which defines helper function used inside other projects


It is assumed that you already have the other projects in the monorepo setup correctly.

make -C performance-metrics setup

Pushing performance-metrics package to Flex

make -C performance-metrics push-no-restart-ot3 host=<flex-ip>
make -C api push-no-restart-ot3 host=<flex-ip>
make -C robot-server push-ot3 host=<flex-ip>

Extra step when running against real robots

Once this is done you might need to hack getting your robot and app to think they are on the same version. Go to your app -> Settings -> General and find your app version

Then run

make -C performance-metrics override-robot-version version=<app-version> host=<robot-ip>

this will make the app think that the robot is on the same version

Enabling performance-metrics feature flag

Performance metrics usage is hidden behind a feature flag. To enable it run the following command:

make set-performance-metrics-ff host=<ip>

To disable it run:

make unset-performance-metrics-ff host=<ip>

Available features

Robot activity tracking


Developers are able to track when the robot is in a block of code they choose to monitor. Looking at api/src/opentrons/util/ you will see a class called TrackingFunctions. This class defines static methods which are decorators that can be used wrap arbitrary functions.

As of 2024-07-31, the following tracking functions are available:

  • track_analysis
  • track_getting_cached_protocol_analysis

Looking at TrackingFunctions.track_analysis we see that the underlying call to _track_a_function specifies a string "ANALYZING_PROTOCOL". Whenever a function that is wrapped with TrackingFunctions.track_analysis executes, the tracking function will label the underlying function as "ANALYZING_PROTOCOL".

To see where tracking function is used look at robot_server/robot-server/protocols/ You will see that the ProtocolAnalyzer.analyze function is wrapped with TrackingFunctions.track_analysis. Whenever ProtocolAnalyzer.analyze is called, the tracking function will start a timer. When the ProtocolAnalyzer.analyze function completes, the tracking function will stop the timer. It will then store the function start time and duration to the csv file, /data/performance_metrics_data/robot_activity_data

Adding new tracking decorator

To add a new tracking decorator, go to performance-metrics/src/performance_metrics/, and look at RobotActivityState literal and add a new state. Go to api/src/opentrons/util/ and add a static method to the TrackingFunctions class that uses the new state.

You can now wrap your functions with your new tracking decorator.

System resource tracking

performance-metrics also exposes a tracking application called SystemResourceTracker. The application is implemented as a systemd service on the robot and records system resource usage by process. See the oe-core repo for more details. You can configure the system resource tracker by modifying the environment variables set for the service. The service file lives at /lib/systemd/system/system-resource-tracker.service. You can change the defined environment variables or remove them and define them in the robot's environment variables. See performance-metrics/src/performance_metrics/system_resource_tracker/ to see what environment variables are available.