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Origin Subsquid

See docs/ for specific tasks.

Release Checklist

Ensure we don't miss anything on a release by following this checklist.

  • Go to github repository and create a release
  • Create a new tag following the format v<VERSION_NUMBER> where VERSION_NUMBER is the squid version of the processor (i.e. v54)
  • Generate the release notes automatically or fill them manually
  • Publish the release
  • Wait for processing to complete
  • Set to production at
  • Check functionality of front-ends
  • Update Grafana Subsquid datasource:
  • Notify in #defi-data if important
  • Hibernate previous version(s)
  • Delete old versions (keep recently hibernated version as a backup)

Env Options

DEBUG_PERF=true sqd process:oeth     # Run with performance numbers
BLOCK_FROM=18421105 sqd process:oeth # Start processing at block 18421105
BLOCK_TO=18421105 sqd process:oeth   # Process up to block 18421105

Useful Commands

# Code Generation
yarn generate          # Generate new migration
yarn typegen           # Generate ABI code

yarn setup             # Reset database - run prior to starting processing for a fresh start

# Processing Commands
yarn process:arbitrum  # Run Arbitrum processor
yarn process:base      # Run Base processor
yarn process:sonic     # Run Sonic processor
yarn process:oeth      # Run OETH processor
yarn process:ousd      # Run OUSD processor
yarn process:ogv       # Run OGV processor
yarn process:mainnet   # Run misc mainnet processor
yarn process:test      # Run test processor
yarn process           # Run combined processor

# Local GraphQL Server
yarn serve             # You'll have to rebuild and rerun to see updates here.

# Deployment Tools
yarn postdeploy v81    # Run post-deployment tasks (processing times log and validations)


# 0. Install @subsquid/cli a.k.a. the sqd command globally
npm i -g @subsquid/cli

# 1. Install dependencies
npm ci

# 2. Start a Postgres database container and setup
yarn setup

# 3. Build and start the processor (choose one)
yarn process:oeth
yarn process:ousd
yarn process:mainnet
# ... or other available processors

# 4. In a separate terminal, start the GraphQL server
yarn serve

A GraphiQL playground will be available at localhost:4350/graphql.

Dev Flow

1. Make Schema Changes

  • Add or modify GraphQL schema files in src/**/*.graphql
  • Run yarn generate to:
    • Combine GraphQL files into schema.graphql
    • Generate TypeORM entities
    • Create new database migration
    • Add new files to git

2. Add New Events/Contracts

  • Add ABI JSON files to ./abi/
  • Run yarn typegen to generate TypeScript interfaces
  • Create new processor in src/processors/ or add to existing one
  • Update squid.yaml if adding new processor

3. Local Development

# Start fresh
yarn setup

# Run processor (choose one)
yarn process:oeth
yarn process:ousd
# ... etc

# In another terminal
yarn serve

4. Testing Changes

  • Use GraphiQL playground at localhost:4350/graphql
  • Check processing times with yarn log:processing-times
  • Validate data integrity with generated validation queries

5. Deployment

Development (v999)

# Reset dev environment (v999)
# Only use when you need to reset schema or reload data
sqd deploy . --update --hard-reset

Production Deployment

  1. Create and push a new version branch
git checkout -b v80  # Replace 80 with your version number
# Make any final changes if needed
git push origin v80
  1. Wait for the deployment to complete and validate the data

  2. Tag for production

# Once validated, tag the latest commit for production
git tag prod-v80  # Replace 80 with your version number
git push origin prod-v80
  1. Monitor deployment
  • Check processing at
  • Follow release checklist at the top of this README
  • Keep the version branch for reference, DO NOT DELETE

Note: Local deployment via sqd deploy . is possible but not recommended for production releases.

Project conventions

Squid tools assume a certain project layout:

  • All compiled js files must reside in lib and all TypeScript sources in src
  • The layout of lib must reflect src
  • All TypeORM classes must be exported by src/model/index.ts
  • Database schema is generated from GraphQL files in src
  • Database migrations must reside in db/migrations and must be plain js files