- Shanghai, China
- http://zhangwenli.com
- @OviliaZhang
2019-typography-calendar Public
2019 字体日历 App
echarts-miniBI Public
Forked from ecomfe/echarts-miniBImini BI
echarts-graph-modularity Public
Forked from ecomfe/echarts-graph-modularityECharts graph modularity extension for community detection
vue-echarts Public
Forked from ecomfe/vue-echartsECharts component for Vue.js.
echarts-boilerplate Public
Forked from ecomfe/echarts-boilerplateBoilerplates of echarts.
echarts-dagre Public
Forked from ecomfe/echarts-dagreECharts graph layout extension using dagre.js
echarts-gl Public
Forked from ecomfe/echarts-glExtension pack of ECharts providing globe visualization and 3D plots
ovilia.github.io Public
Ovilia's personal site
Paddle.js Public
Forked from PaddlePaddle/Paddle.jsPaddle.js is a web project for Baidu PaddlePaddle, which is an open source deep learning framework running in the browser. Paddle.js can either load a pre-trained model, or transforming a model fro…
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 3, 2023 -
sunglass Public
Convert image into a given color palette
moonight Public
音频手绘可视化 - 今夜月色真美
wordcloud2.js Public
Forked from timdream/wordcloud2.jsTag cloud/Wordle presentation on 2D canvas or HTML
acasia-poster Public
A poster generator for ApacheCon Asia 2021
acasia2021 Public
Forked from apache/apachecon-acasiaDraft page for acah2021 conference
whats-the-paper Public
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
markdown-it-toc-done-right Public
Forked from nagaozen/markdown-it-toc-done-rightA table of contents (TOC) plugin for Markdown-it with focus on semantic and security. Made to work gracefully with markdown-it-anchor.
qr-baker Public
Generate images with different QR codes in batch and track clicks for each
markdown-it-anchor Public
Forked from valeriangalliat/markdown-it-anchorHeader anchors for markdown-it.
echarts-for-react Public
Forked from hustcc/echarts-for-react📈 baidu Echarts(v3.0 & v4.0) components for React wrapper. 一个简单的 echarts(v3.0 & v4.0) 的 react 封装。
snake-it-back Public
Forked from js13kGames/entryA recreation of the Snake game with js13kgames 2019
ECharts-Devtools Public
Devtools for debugging ECharts
font2img.js Public
A command line tool to generate images from TTF files
Polyvia Public
Low-Poly Image and Video Processing