An AI-powered research assistant that performs deep, iterative research on any topic. It combines search engines, web scraping, and AI to explore topics in depth and generate comprehensive reports. Available as a Model Context Protocol (MCP) tool or standalone CLI. Look at to see what a report might look like.
- Clone and install:
git clone
cd deep-research
npm install
- Set up environment in
# Copy the example environment file
cp .env.example .env.local
- Build:
# Build the server
npm run build
- Run the cli version:
npm run start "Your research query here"
- Test MCP Server with Claude Desktop:
Follow the guide thats at the bottom of server quickstart to add the server to Claude Desktop:
- Performs deep, iterative research by generating targeted search queries
- Controls research scope with depth (how deep) and breadth (how wide) parameters
- Evaluates source reliability with detailed scoring (0-1) and reasoning
- Prioritizes high-reliability sources (≥0.7) and verifies less reliable information
- Generates follow-up questions to better understand research needs
- Produces detailed markdown reports with findings, sources, and reliability assessments
- Available as a Model Context Protocol (MCP) tool for AI agents
- For now MCP version doesn't ask follow up questions
flowchart TB
subgraph Input
Q[User Query]
B[Breadth Parameter]
D[Depth Parameter]
FQ[Feedback Questions]
subgraph Research[Deep Research]
direction TB
SQ[Generate SERP Queries]
RE[Source Reliability Evaluation]
PR[Process Results]
subgraph Results[Research Output]
direction TB
L((Learnings with
Reliability Scores))
SM((Source Metadata))
ND((Next Directions:
Prior Goals,
New Questions))
%% Main Flow
Q & FQ --> CQ[Combined Query]
CQ & B & D --> SQ
SQ --> SR
SR --> RE
RE --> PR
%% Results Flow
PR --> L
PR --> SM
PR --> ND
%% Depth Decision and Recursion
L & ND --> DP{depth > 0?}
DP -->|Yes| SQ
%% Final Output
DP -->|No| MR[Markdown Report]
%% Styling
classDef input fill:#7bed9f,stroke:#2ed573,color:black
classDef process fill:#70a1ff,stroke:#1e90ff,color:black
classDef output fill:#ff4757,stroke:#ff6b81,color:black
classDef results fill:#a8e6cf,stroke:#3b7a57,color:black,width:150px,height:150px
class Q,B,D,FQ input
class SQ,SR,RE,PR process
class MR output
class L,SM,ND results
Instead of using the Firecrawl API, you can run a local instance. You can use the official repo or my fork which uses searXNG as the search backend to avoid using a searchapi key:
- Set up local Firecrawl:
git clone
cd localfirecrawl
# Follow setup in localfirecrawl README
- Update
Add observability to track research flows, queries, and results using Langfuse:
# Add to .env.local
The app works normally without observability if no Langfuse keys are provided.
MIT License