I'm a FullStack Developer from Colombia 🇨🇴 mainly focussed on FrontEnd Development 🎨.
I'm a FullStack Developer from Colombia 🇨🇴 mainly focussed on FrontEnd Development 🎨.
Get the url, thumbnail, title, description and tags for youtube videos using and without using the youtube API.
Full stack search-engine created from youtube videos obtained using "web-scraping"
Jupyter Notebook
Solutions, in multiple languages, to practices / challenges from platfforms like #codewars, #leetcode, #codeforces, #aoc,etc.
C++ 1
An easy-to-update portfolio that reads information from json files.
A figma-to-code practice. Design from: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1174044457847232666/school-landing-pages.
Astro 1