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Build & secure a Google Cloud hub-and-spoke architecture with VM-Series.


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Secure Google Cloud Hub-and-Spoke with VM-Series

This tutorial shows how to deploy and scale Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Next Generation Firewall with Terraform to secure a hub and spoke architecture in Google Cloud. The VM-Series enables enterprises to secure their applications, users, and data deployed across Google Cloud and other virtualization environments.

This tutorial is intended for network administrators, solution architects, and security professionals who are familiar with Compute Engine and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking.


Below is a diagram of the tutorial. VM-Series firewalls are deployed with a regional managed instance group to secure north/south and east/west traffic for two spoke VPC networks.

Traffic Pattern Description
Internet inbound Traffic from the internet to apps hosted in the spoke VPCs is distributed by the External Load Balancer to the VM-Series untrust interfaces (NIC0). The VM-Series translates the traffic through its trust interface (NIC2) to the spoke network.
Internet outbound Traffic from the spoke VPCs to the internet is routed to the internal load balancer balancer in the trust VPC. The VM-Series translates the traffic through its untrust interface (NIC0) to the internet destination.
East-west (Intra & Inter VPC) Traffic between networks (inter-VPC) and traffic within a network (intra-VPC) is routed to the internal load balancer in the trust VPC via Policy-Based routes. The VM-Series inspects and hairpins the traffic through the trust interface (NIC2) and to the destination.


The following is required for this tutorial:

  1. A Google Cloud project.
  2. A machine with Terraform version:"~> 1.7"


This tutorial assumes you are using Google Cloud Shell.

Prepare for Deployment

  1. Enable the required APIs, generate an SSH key, and clone the repository.

    gcloud services enable
    ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/vmseries-tutorial -t rsa
    git clone
    cd google-cloud-hub-spoke-tutorial
  2. Create a terraform.tfvars file.

    cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
  3. Edit the terraform.tfvars file and set values for the following variables:

    Key Value Default
    project_id The Project ID within Google Cloud. null
    public_key_path The local path of the public key you previously created ~/.ssh/
    mgmt_allow_ips A list of IPv4 addresses which have access to the VM-Series management interface. [""]
    create_spoke_networks Set to false if you do not want to create the spoke networks. true
    vmseries_image_name Set to the VM-Series image you want to deploy. vmseries-flex-bundle2-1022h2
    enable_session_resiliency Set to true to enable Session Resiliency using Memorystore for Redis. false


For vmseries_image_name, a full list of public images can be found with this command:

gcloud compute images list --project paloaltonetworksgcp-public --filter='name ~ .*vmseries-flex.*'


If you are using BYOL image (i.e. vmseries-flex-byol-*), the license can be applied during or after deployment. To license during deployment, add your VM-Series Authcodes to bootstrap_files/authcodes. See VM-Series Bootstrap Methods for more information.

  1. Save your terraform.tfvars file.

(Optional) Bootstrap to Panorama

In production environments, it is highly recommended to use Panorama to manage the VM-Series. Panorama enables you to scale the VM-Series for performance while managing the them as a single entity.

For more information, see the Panorama Staging community guide.

Modify Terraform to Bootstrap to Panorama

  1. In your terraform.tfvars set values for your Panorama IP, device group, template stack, and VM Auth Key.

     panorama_ip       = ""
     panorama_dg       = "your-device-group"
     panorama_ts       = "your-template-stack"
     panorama_auth_key = "your-auth-key"
  2. Save your terraform.tfvars.


In this Terraform plan, setting a value for panorama_ip removes the GCS Storage Bucket from the VM-Series metadata configuration.


When no further changes are necessary in the configuration, deploy the resources:

  1. Initialize and apply the Terraform plan.

    terraform init
    terraform apply
  2. After all the resources are created, Terraform displays the following message:

    Apply complete!


The EXTERNAL_LB_IP output displays the IP address of the external load balancer’s forwarding rule.

Access the VM-Series firewall

To access the VM-Series user interface, a password must be set for the admin user.

  1. Retrieve the EXTERNAL_IP attached to the VM-Series MGT interface (NIC1).

    gcloud compute instances list \
        --filter='tags.items=(vmseries-tutorial)' \
  2. SSH to the VM-Series using the EXTERNAL_IP with your private SSH key.

    ssh admin@<EXTERNAL_IP> -i ~/.ssh/vmseries-tutorial
  3. On the VM-Series, set a password for the admin username.

    set mgt-config users admin password
  4. Commit the changes.

  5. Enter exit twice to terminate the session.

  6. Access the VM-Series web interface using a web browser. Login with the admin user and password.


Internet inbound traffic

Internet traffic is distributed by the external load balancer to the VM-Series untrust interfaces. The VM-Series inspects and translates the traffic to spoke1-vm1 in the spoke 1 network.


The spoke VMs in this tutorial are configured with Jenkins and a generic web service.

  1. Open a HTTP connection to the web service on spoke1-vm1 by copying the EXTERNAL_LB_IP output value into a web browser.

  2. Open a session to the Jenkins service on spoke1-vm1 by appending port 8080 to the URL.



Your request to Jenkins should fail. This is because its App-ID™ has not been enabled on the VM-Series, yet.

Safely enabling applications with App-ID™

Palo Alto Networks App-ID™ enables you to see applications on your network and learn their behavioral characteristics with their relative risk. You can use App-ID™ to enable Jenkins traffic through the VM-Series security policies.

  1. On the VM-Series, go to Policies → Security and open the inbound-web security policy.

  2. In the Application tab, add the jenkins App-ID. Click OK.

  3. Click Commit → Commit to apply the changes to the VM-Series configuration.

  4. Attempt to access the jenkins service again. The page should now resolve.

  5. On the VM-Series, go to Monitor → Traffic and enter the filter below to search for jenkins traffic.

    ( app eq jenkins )


You should see the jenkins traffic was denied before its App-ID was added to the security policy.

Internet outbound & east/west traffic

Policy based routes & custom static routes defined within the spoke's route table steer traffic to the VM-Series internal load balancer. This enables the VM-Series to secure egress traffic from the spoke networks, including: outbound internet, inter-VPC, and intra-VPC traffic.

  1. Open an SSH session with spoke2-vm1.

    ssh paloalto@<EXTERNAL_LB_IP> -i ~/.ssh/vmseries-tutorial

    The external load balancer distributes the request to the VM-Series. The VM-Series inspects and translates the traffic to spoke2-vm1.

  2. Test outbound internet inspection by generating pseudo malicious traffic to the internet.

    curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" --data "echo Content-Type: text/plain; echo; uname -a" --max-time 2
    curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "FakeHeader:() { :; }; echo Content-Type: text/html; echo ; /bin/uname -a" --max-time 2
  3. Test inter-vpc inspection by generating pseudo malicious traffic between spoke2-vm1 and spoke1-vm1.

  4. Test intra-vpc inspection by generating pseudo malicious traffic between spoke2-vm1 and spoke2-vm2.

    curl -H 'User-Agent: () { :; };'
  5. On the VM-Series, go to Monitor → Threat to view the threat logs.


The security policies enable you to allow or block traffic based on the user, application, and device. When traffic matches an allow rule, the security profiles that are attached to the rule provide further content inspection. See Cloud-Delivered Security Services for more information.

Autoscaling the VM-Series

Regional managed instance groups enable you to scale VM-Series across zones within a region. This allows you to scale the security protecting cloud workloads.

The VM-Series publishes PAN-OS metrics to Google Cloud Monitoring.

View custom metrics in Cloud Monitoring

The Terraform plan creates a custom Cloud Monitoring dashboard that displays the VM-Series performance metrics. To view the dashboard, perform the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, select Monitoring → Dashboards.

  2. Select the dashboard named VM-Series Metrics.


Each metric can be set as an scaling parameter for the instance group. See Publishing Custom PAN-OS Metrics for more information.

Scaling the VM-Series

The Terraform plan sets the min/max firewall count to 1. To simulate a scaling event, modify the instance group min/max thresholds.

  1. Go to Compute Engine → Instance Groups.

  2. Open the vmseries instance group and click EDIT.

  3. Under Group size & autoscaling, set the minimum to 2 and the maximum number of instances to 3.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Compute Engine → VM instances to view the new VM-Series firewall.

  6. Once the VM-Series finishes bootstrapping, follow the Access the VM-Series firewall instructions to gain access to the firewall’s web interface.


This step is not required if you are bootstrapping the VM-Series to Panorama. This is because Panorama pushes the entire configuration to the scaled firewalls.

  1. On the scaled VM-Series, navigate to Monitor → Traffic. The traffic logs should be populated demonstrating the scaled VM-Series is now processing traffic.


You can also perform this in Terraform by adding the following values to your terraform.tfvars.
vmseries_replica_minimum = 2
vmseries_replica_maximum = 3

(Optional) Using Session Resiliency

If session resiliency is enabled prior to deployment (enable_session_resiliency = true), sessions are stored in a Google Cloud Memorystore Redis Cache. This enables you to maintain layer-4 sessions by transferring sessions to healthy firewalls within the instance group.

Configure IPerf between spoke VMs

Use iPerf to create parallel TCP connections between spoke2-vm1 (client) and spoke1-vm1 (server).

  1. In cloud shell, SSH to spoke1-vm1.

    gcloud compute ssh paloalto@spoke1-vm1 --zone=us-central1-a
  2. Install iperf on spoke1-vm1.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install iperf
  3. Make spoke1-vm1 a server listening on TCP:5001.

    iperf -s -f M -p 5001 -t 3600
  4. In a separate cloud shell tab, SSH into spoke2-vm1.

    gcloud compute ssh paloalto@spoke2-vm1 --zone=us-central1-a
  5. Install iperf on spoke2-vm1

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install iperf
  6. Create 50 parallel connections from spoke2-vm1 to spoke1-vm1 using port TCP:5001.

    iperf -c -f M -p 5001 -P 50 -t 3600
  7. On each firewall, go to Monitor → Traffic and enter the filter to search for the iperf connections.

    ( port.dst eq '5001' )


On both firewalls you should see active connections on TCP:5001.

Trigger a failure event

Simulate a failure event by randomly descaling one of the firewalls. After the descale completes, verify all of the iperf connections are still transfering data.

  1. Go to Compute Engine → Instance Groups.

  2. Open the vmseries instance group and click EDIT.

  3. Under Group size & autoscaling, set the minimum to 1 and the maximum number of instances to 1.

  4. Wait for one of the VM-Series firewalls to descale.

  5. On spoke2-vm1, kill the iperf connection by entering ctrl + c.


You should see the connection transfers are still running, indicating the sessions have successfully failed over.

Clean up

Delete all the resources when you no longer need them.

  1. Run the following command

    terraform destroy
  2. At the prompt to perform the actions, enter yes.

    After all the resources are deleted, Terraform displays the following message:

    Destroy complete!

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