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Additional file handling tools for ExpressionEngine 3 templates

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Added tools for working with files via ExpressionEngine 3 templates



Can the current user upload files? Returns session userdata can_upload_new_files variable value of y or n.

{if "{exp:gofile:can_upload}"=="y"} 
Congratulations, you can upload files!
Sorry, you can't upload files.


Set or reset file_id in EE Flashdata.

// Set the flashdata file_id
{exp:gofile:reset_id file_id="{segment_4}"}

// Reset the flashdata file_id


Set the file ID to EE Flashdata.

{exp:gofile:set_id file_id="{segment_4}"}


Use this tag pair to handle a force download for a file using the EE Files file_id.

  1. Set a file id to EE's flash data.
  2. Return information about the file to template tags.
  3. Force download of the file.

To create a forced download, you'll need a minimum of two template pages, though you'll probably want to use three.

  1. A page that lists available files with links to a "Download" page.
  2. A Download page where the file_id is set via the {exp:gofile:set_id} tag. Add an http meta referesh pointing to the template that forces the download.
  3. A "Force Download" page with the {exp:gofile:download} tag.

Because of how headers are sent to force a file download, the "Force Download" page will only be seen if something went wrong with the download. On that template, you may want to use a meta refresh to point to an error message page.

###Example Pages for a Forced Download

Page one: File Listing

{exp:file:entries limit="20" paginate="both" directory_id="3"}
	 <li>{title} <a href="{path="resouces/downloads"}/file_id/{file_id}">Download</a></li>

Page Two: Download Page Snippet

{!-- Get the file_id from the url and set it to flashdata --}
{exp:gofile:set_id file_id="{segment_4}"}

{!-- HTML with meta refresh pointing to resources/downloader --}
	<title>Resources / Downloads</title>
	<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url={path="resources/downloader"}">
	<p>Your download should begin shortly. If not, <a href="{path="resources/downloader}">click here</a>.</p>

Page Three: Force Dowload Page

{!-- Gofile download tag --}
{!-- HTML with meta refresh pointing to error message page --}
	<title>Resources / Downloads</title>
	<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url={path="resources/error"}">
	<p>There was a problem and your file could not be downloaded.</p>

#Tag Pairs


Upload a submitted file/s to a File Manager directory or another path. Returns variables for the completed upload.


Parameter Required? Description Default Options
allowed_types no Pipe-separated list of file types txt
directory_id no upload_location_id
encrypt_name no Encrypt the filename of the uploaded file? y y, n
guest_access no Allow non-logged in user to upload files? n y, n
file_field no Name of file field in form userfile
max_height no Maximum height in pixels of uploaded images 1200
max_size no Maximum size in megabytes uploaded files 0
max_width no Maximum width in pixels of uploaded images 1200
upload_path no Full path on server to upload directory
upload_url no Web root relative URL of upload directory /


  • If directory_id is present, the settings and file limits for that Upload Directory will be used instead of the allowed_types, max_height, max_size, max_width, and upload_path parameters.
  • If using an upload_path instead of a directory_id, include the upload_url parameter.




Display file info for a file.


Parameter Required? Description Default Options
file_id Yes The file_id of an Upload File Entry




{exp:gofile:file_info file_id="{segment_4}"}
<p>{credit}, {location}</p>
<p><a class="{file_ext} download" target="_blank" href="{file_url}" rel="nofollow">Download {file_ext}{file_size} MB</a></p>


Additional file handling tools for ExpressionEngine 3 templates






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