JupyterLab dark theme inspired by the Github dark theme
A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources
Use MyST Markdown directly in Jupyter Lab
A JupyterLab extension providing, SQL formatter, auto-completion, syntax highlighting, Spark SQL and Trino
Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
JupyterLab Extensions by Examples
Parse Server for Node.js / Express
Desktop implementation of Steam's mobile authenticator app
Simple and sane Steam trade offer management
C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
GreenTunnel is an anti-censorship utility designed to bypass the DPI system that is put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites.
GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C# and Unity.
A better default template for Unity WebGL
🍵 All Gang of Four Design Patterns written in Unity C# with many examples. And some Game Programming Patterns written in Unity C#. | 各种设计模式的Unity3D C#版本实现
Your customized AI assistant - Personal assistants on any hardware! With llama.cpp, whisper.cpp, ggml, LLaMA-v2.
A simple framework for unity using the ECS paradigm but with unirx for fully reactive systems.
Unity 5 3D Horror game - My thesis at Cranfield
A set of classes to convert Unity Addressables callbacks/coroutine workflow to async/await with UniTask.
Twitch VOD/Clip Downloader - Chat Download/Render/Replay