provides customizable templates for bug bounty reports. It's designed to simplify the reporting process, letting users focus on identifying vulnerabilities. Frontend in VueJS, Backend in FastAPI.

πΉ This tool was highly inspired by Frans Rosen's template-generator.

- Custom Templates: Customize or create templates tailored to your needs.
- Markdown Support: Write and preview reports in markdown.
- Instant Preview: Real-time rendering of your markdown report.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd BugBountyBlueprint
docker-compose up
- Visit
in your browser to access Bug Bounty Blueprint.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd BugBountyBlueprint
Install backend dependencies:
cd backend pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the FastAPI server:
uvicorn main:app --reload
In a new terminal, navigate to the frontend directory and install npm packages:
cd frontend npm install
Run the Vue.js frontend:
npm run serve
Visit http://localhost:8080
in your browser to access Bug Bounty Blueprint.
- Select or create a new template.
- Fill in the required fields in the template.
- Instantly preview the rendered markdown report.
- Copy the markdown or the rendered HTML to use in your bug bounty platform.
Are always welcome, just create a pull request and I'll review it :)
No don't.