Add Bash version check for better compatibility and error handling
Add Bash version check for better compatibility and error handling
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Refactor to reuse dig command and improve maintainability
Refactor to reuse dig command and improve maintainability
Improve macOS test script compatibility
Improve macOS test script compatibility
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Refactor to run DNS query in parallel for speed up
Refactor to run DNS query in parallel for speed up
Add DNS WarnUp mechanism to speed up check speed
Add DNS WarnUp mechanism to speed up check speed
Force push
Remove seems to be dead AhaDNS plaintext Ad-blocking DNS
Remove seems to be dead AhaDNS plaintext Ad-blocking DNS
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Remove seems to be dead AhaDNS plaintext Ad-blocking DNS
Remove seems to be dead AhaDNS plaintext Ad-blocking DNS
Replace single domain testing with test script on Travis CI
Replace single domain testing with test script on Travis CI
Add Bash version check for better compatibility and error handling
Add Bash version check for better compatibility and error handling
Add basic domain name format validation for input parameter
Add basic domain name format validation for input parameter
Force push
Fix wrong logic in query() which causes incorrect status return
Fix wrong logic in query() which causes incorrect status return
Add DNS WarnUp mechanism to speed up check speed
Add DNS WarnUp mechanism to speed up check speed
Force push
Add DNS WarnUp mechanism to speed up check speed
Add DNS WarnUp mechanism to speed up check speed
Force push
Add basic domain name format validation for input parameter
Add basic domain name format validation for input parameter
Force push
Make sure macOS on Travis CI use correct bash
Make sure macOS on Travis CI use correct bash
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