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Jest-cucumber code generator

Jest-cucumber code generator for VS Code.

This plugin allows you to generate tests that match those generated by Jest-cucumber Plugin allows you to generate unit tests in Gherkin format, is an innovative way to approach unit tests. The technique is typically used for end-to-end testing, but by implementing it in unit tests, developers can get a more structured approach to their tests, which can speed up overall software development. Another benefit of using Gherkin for unit testing is that it can help ensure that all necessary test cases are included in tests. This is because a natural language, as opposed to a programming language, encourages a declarative writing style that helps make sure that all relevant details are included in each test case. This can save time when a programmer is trying to track down why a particular test failed. Overall, using the Gherkin unit test generation plugin is an innovative way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of unit tests.

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The plugin allows you to generate code from a file with the extension .feature.

  1. To generate the code, select part of the text and right-click the option from the context menu Generate code from feature.

  2. Once selected, a balloon will appear with the text Commands are in clipboard!.

  3. The generated commands will be available in the clipboard ready for pasting.

  4. Add code in functions.


Tip: It is important to do it in the file with .feature extension.

Command is also available through command pallette.

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