A server side application to process requests to run code submitted by the user thorugh th OJ frontend.
cd into the ojserver directory and run
go mod tidy
go build
Then run
cd OJExec-Python
source setup-worker.sh
Edit the .env file with necessary details and restart the executor worker by the following command:
sudo supervisorctl restart executor
The sandbox environment has been submoduled to the original repo so the changes immediately reflect back here. To work with submodules:
1. git submodule init
2. git submodule update
3. cd safeexec
4. cmake .
5. make
From next time onwards, we need to check if the submodules have been updated, to do that:
git pull --recurse-submodules
Temporary docker image can be found at phantsure/oj:latest
on docker hub.
Before creating docker image create/update the .env in OJExec-Python
. To create image:
docker build -t oj/executor .
The image has to be pushed to docker hub or github packages. For docker hub:
docker login
docker tag oj/executor USERNAME/REPONAME:TAG
To setup docker swarm, first install docker to the server using this guide On manager/master node:
docker swarm init
docker swarm join-token worker
Copy the provided command and type that to worker/slave nodes to join the swarm.
To start the service using the image we uploaded
docker service create --replicas 3 --name executor USERNAME/REPONAME:TAG
Note: 3
is just taken as an example any number can be put there.
docker service scale executor=5
Note: Use the service you want to scale like in our case it was executor
Updating the image
docker service update --image NEWIMAGE:TAG executor
Remove service
docker service rm executor
Leaving the swarm(Can be run on any node)
docker swarm leave
To join the docker container to debug, first get the container id using docker ps
docker exec -it CONTAINERID /bin/bash