The Density Functional Theory ToolKit is a Python package for automating VASP jobs and storing relevant results on MongoDB. The VASP workflows are based on Custodian, and PyMongo is used to store the results on MongoDB.
Enumeration of Configurations
- Enumerates unique collinear magnetic configurations for a given structure.
VASP Workflows
- Performs convergence tests for cutoff energy (ENCUT) and k-points grid density (kppa).
- Computes free energy using the quasiharmonic approximation.
MongoDB Storage
- Stores and retrieves VASP input data and post-processed results in MongoDB.
It is recommended to first set up a virtual environment using Conda:
conda create -n dfttk python=3.12
conda activate dfttk
Clone the main brach of the repository:
git clone
Or clone a specific branch:
git clone -b <branch_name>
Then move to dfttk
directory and install in editable (-e
) mode.
cd dfttk
pip install -e .
A more complete description of DFTTK and its capabilities can be found in the documentation.