Most hg-* scripts are licensed under the [MIT license] ( and were written by Rocco Rutte with hints and help from the git list and #mercurial on freenode. is licensed under GPLv2 since it copies some code from the mercurial sources.
The current maintainer is Frej Drejhammar
If you have problems with hg-fast-export or have found a bug, please create an issue at the [github issue tracker] ( Before creating a new issue, check that your problem has not already been addressed in an already closed issue. Do not contact the maintainer directly unless you want to report a security bug. That way the next person having the same problem can benefit from the time spent solving the problem the first time.
This project depends on Python 2.7 and the Mercurial 4.6 package. If
Python is not installed, install it before proceeding. The Mercurial
package can be installed with pip install mercurial
If you're on Windows, run the following commands in git bash (Git for Windows).
Using hg-fast-export is quite simple for a mercurial repository :
mkdir repo-git # or whatever
cd repo-git
git init -r <local-repo>
git checkout HEAD
Please note that hg-fast-export does not automatically check out the
newly imported repository. You probably want to follow up the import
with a git checkout
Incremental imports to track hg repos is supported, too.
Using hg-reset it is quite simple within a git repository that is hg-fast-export'ed from mercurial: -R <revision>
will give hints on which branches need adjustment for starting over again.
When a mercurial repository does not use utf-8 for encoding author
strings and commit messages the -e <encoding>
command line option
can be used to force fast-export to convert incoming meta data from
to utf-8. This encoding option is also applied to file names.
In some locales Mercurial uses different encodings for commit messages
and file names. In that case, you can use --fe <encoding>
command line
option which overrides the -e option for file names.
As mercurial appears to be much less picky about the syntax of the
author information than git, an author mapping file can be given to
hg-fast-export to fix up malformed author strings. The file is
specified using the -A option. The file should contain lines of the
form "<key>"="<value>"
. Inside the key and value strings, all escape
sequences understood by the python string_escape
encoding are
supported. (Versions of fast-export prior to v171002 had a different
syntax, the old syntax can be enabled by the flag
The example below will translate User <garbage<tab><>
to User <>
-- Start of --
"User <garbage\t<>"="User <>"
-- End of --
As Git and Mercurial have differ in what is a valid branch and tag name the -B and -T options allow a mapping file to be specified to rename branches and tags (respectively). The syntax of the mapping file is the same as for the author mapping.
hg-fast-export supports filtering the content of exported files. The filter is supplied to the --filter-contents option. hg-fast-export runs the filter for each exported file, pipes its content to the filter's standard input, and uses the filter's standard output in place of the file's original content. The prototypical use of this feature is to convert line endings in text files from CRLF to git's preferred LF:
-- Start of --
# $1 = pathname of exported file relative to the root of the repo
# $2 = Mercurial's hash of the file
# $3 = "1" if Mercurial reports the file as binary, otherwise "0"
if [ "$3" == "1" ]; then cat; else dos2unix; fi
-- End of --
hg-fast-export supports plugins to manipulate the file data and commit metadata. The plugins are enabled with the --plugin option. The value of said option is a plugin name (by folder in the plugins directory), and optionally, and equals-sign followed by an initialization string.
There is a readme accompanying each of the bundled plugins, with a
description of the usage. To create a new plugin, one must simply
add a new folder under the plugins
directory, with the name of the
new plugin. Inside, there must be an
file, which contains
at a minimum:
def build_filter(args):
return Filter(args)
class Filter:
def __init__(self, args):
#Or don't pass, if you want to do some init code here
Beyond the boilerplate initialization, you can see the two different defined filter methods in the dos2unix and branch_name_in_commit plugins.
commit_data = {'branch': branch, 'parents': parents, 'author': author, 'desc': desc}
def commit_message_filter(self,commit_data):
The commit_message_filter
method is called for each commit, after parsing
from hg, but before outputting to git. The dictionary commit_data
contains the
above attributes about the commit, and can be modified by any filter. The
values in the dictionary after filters have been run are used to create the git
file_data = {'filename':filename,'file_ctx':file_ctx,'d':d}
def file_data_filter(self,file_data):
The file_data_filter
method is called for each file within each commit.
The dictionary file_data
contains the above attributes about the file, and
can be modified by any filter. file_ctx
is the filecontext from the
mercurial python library. After all filters have been run, the values
are used to add the file to the git commit.
hg-fast-export supports multiple branches but only named branches with exactly one head each. Otherwise commits to the tip of these heads within the branch will get flattened into merge commits.
As each git-fast-import run creates a new pack file, it may be required to repack the repository quite often for incremental imports (especially when importing a small number of changesets per incremental import).
The way the hg API and remote access protocol is designed it is not possible to use hg-fast-export on remote repositories (http/ssh). First clone the repository, then convert it. was designed in a way that doesn't require a 2-pass mechanism or any prior repository analysis: if just feeds what it finds into git-fast-import. This also implies that it heavily relies on strictly linear ordering of changesets from hg, i.e. its append-only storage model so that changesets hg-fast-export already saw never get modified.
Please use the issue-tracker at github to report bugs and submit patches.