- Spain
- 1h ahead - https://x3tbot.com
- @_Pixelao
dropbox-php-sdk Public
Forked from kunalvarma05/dropbox-php-sdk🔥📦 An Easy-to-Use PHP SDK to work with the Dropbox V2 API.
matlab-setup-control Public
Program to control different equipment's with Matlab.
php-ddd-example Public
Forked from CodelyTV/php-ddd-example🐘🎯 Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS in PHP using Symfony 5
nextra Public
Forked from shuding/nextraThe Next.js Static Site Generator
symfony6-static-movies Public
Forked from codewithdary/symfony6-static-moviesStatic frontend of my Symfony 6 CRUD application
Development with Docker on httpd:2.4-alpine, php:8-fpm-alpine and mariadb:10.1
storefront Public
Forked from vendure-ecommerce/storefront-angular-starterAn example storefront PWA for Vendure built with Angular
php-wp-docker Public
Forked from khromov/php-wp-dockerPHP 7.4 + Apache Docker development and production environment for WordPress, Drupal, Laravel or Lumen
simple-php-skeleton Public template
Simple PHP Skeleton
pymeasure Public
Forked from pymeasure/pymeasureScientific measurement library for instruments, experiments, and live-plotting
wso-web-shell-2-8 Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/wso-web-shell-2-8
ValidatorCifNifNie Public
Forked from skilla/ValidatorCifNifNieValidator for Spanish National documents (CIF, NIF, NIE)