A Dashing-based dashboard
This assumes you have Ruby (1.9+), Git, RubyGems, g++ and a javascript runtime installed. For example on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full git nodejs g++
Install the required gems (NB: if it gives you a permission error, try sudo):
gem install bundler dashing
Now to install this dashboard:
git clone https://github.com/Pluies/Catalyst-Dashboard
cd Catalyst-Dashboard
Check out http://shopify.github.com/dashing for more information.
In order to use the Redmine and WRMS plugins, you will need a configuration file holding your passwords:
touch ~/.dashing.yaml
chmod 600 ~/.dashing.yaml # we don't want anyone else to read that!
This file should have the following syntax:
server: wrms.catalyst.net.nz
user_id: 2583 # From https://wrms.catalyst.net.nz/whoami.php
auth_key: 7bb7c5af1491da1a988lce280de67807 # Your 'session_id' from https://wrms.catalyst.net.nz/api2/explorer - NB you might need to log out and log back in again
password: password # Deprecated, you should use auth_key. However if the auth_key fails, it will try to use user_id/password auth
max_wrs: 15
linktoall: https://wrms.catalyst.net.nz/report?r=request&v=5#_f=request_id%2Cstatus_desc%2Cbrief%2Crequester_id_fullname&_o=request_id&_d=desc&_s=200&_p=1&allocated_to=MY_USER_ID&last_status=A%2CB%2CE%2CD%2CI%2CK%2CL%2CN%2CQ%2CP%2CS%2CR%2CU%2CW%2CV%2CZ
url: https://redmine.catalyst.net.nz
username: florent
password: password
Replace the passwords, username and WRMS user_id / auth_key with your own information.
NB: keeping the Redmine password in a plain-text file is not a great solution, but we need it to access the API and I haven't found a better solution yet. Please contact me or submit a pull request if you know of a better way to do it.
dashing start
Your dashboard should now be accessible at: http://localhost:3030/dashing
These modifications, like Dashing itself, are released under the MIT license.