Note that the devcontainer is set up with the appropriate software.
$ awk -f day-01-a.awk < input1.txt
$ awk -f day-02-a.awk < input1.txt
$ snobol4 day-02-a.sno < input2.txt
$ snobol4 day-02-b.sno < input2.txt
Had to change naming scheme as mumps doesn’t allow hyphens in the filenames.
$ export gtm_dist=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fis-gtm/V6.3-014_x86_64
$ $gtm_dist/mumps -run day03a < input3.txt
$ $gtm_dist/mumps -run day03b < input3.txt
$ cfunge -S day-04-a.bf98 < input4.txt
$ cfunge -S day-04-b.bf98 < input4.txt
$ runghc day-05-a.hs < input5.txt
$ runghc day-05-b.hs < input5.txt
$ perl < input6.txt
$ perl < input6.txt
$ cobc -x day-07-a.cob && ./day-07-a < input7.txt
$ cobc -x day-07-b.cob && ./day-07-b < input7.txt
$ /opt/julia/bin/julia day-08-a.jl < test8.txt
$ /opt/julia/bin/julia day-08-b.jl < test8.txt