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File metadata and controls

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See prismarine-entity




Collections of pure functions





Get level given XP amount

getXpRequired(level, toLevel=level+1)

Get's the amount of xp required to get from level to toLevel (or level to level+1)


Gets the minimum amount of xp required to be at that level (or "base xp" for that level)

distanceToXpLevel(xp, toLevel=startLevel+1, startLevel=xp level)

Gets a number between 0 and 1 (used in player.displayXp as the green bar at the bottom) that is the progress of xp between startLevel and toLevel.

By default, startLevel will be the xp's lowest possible level: getXpLevel(xp)

By default, toLevel is startLevel + 1.

This means when startLevel and toLevel are at their defaults, this function returns the progress to the next level of XP (from 0.0 to 1.0)



Create and return an instance of the class MCServer. Options is an object containing the following properties:

  • port: default to 25565
  • host: default to localhost
  • kickTimeout: default to 10*1000 (10s), kick client that doesn't answer to keepalive after that time
  • checkTimeoutInterval: defaults to 4*1000 (4s), send keepalive packet at that period
  • online-mode: defaults to true
  • beforePing: allow customisation of the answer to ping the server does. It takes a function with argument response and client, response is the default json response, and client is client who sent a ping. It can take as third argument a callback. If the callback is passed, the function should pass its result to the callback, if not it should return.
  • motd: the string that players see when looking for the server. Defaults to "A Minecraft server"
  • max-players: the amount of players on the server. Defaults to 20
  • logging: defaults to true, enables logging
  • gameMode: defaults to 0, 0 is survival 1 is creative.
  • generation: is an object. contains the name and the options for the generator. example:
  • modpe: defaults to false, wether or not modpe should be enabled.
  • worldFolder : the world folder of the saved world (containing region, level.dat,...)
  • plugins
  • view-distance
  • player-list-text : an object with keys header and footer, displayed on the player list
  • everybody-op : true or false, makes everybody op



true if all async plugins are ready and the server is ready to accept connections.


The current maximum ID (i.e. the last entity that was spawned has that id)


An array of players currently logged in


Object for converting UUIDs to players


Contains the overworld world. This is where the default spawn point is


Contains the nether world. This WILL be used when a player travels through a portal if they are in the overworld!


All of the entities


Object of players that are banned, key is their uuid. Use serv.getUUIDFromUsername() if you only have their username.

Example player:

    time: <time in epoch>,
    reason: <reason given>


Current daylight cycle time in ticks. Morning is 0, noon is 6000, evening is 12000, and night is 18000. Resets to 0 at 24000. Use serv.setTime(time) to set the time.


Total number of ticks that have passed since the start of the world. Best to use with modulo (e.g. Something every 10 seconds is serv.tickCount % 20*10 === 0)


Default true. If false, time will not automatically pass.


List of all plugins. Use serv.plugins[pluginName] to get a plugin's object and data.


Instance of the Command class. serv.commands contains all commands of the server. Here is an example to create a new command :

    base: 'hello',
    info: 'Print hello in the console',
    usage: 'hello <pseudo>',
    parse(str)  {
      const args = str.split(' ');
      if(args.length != 1) return false;

      return {pseudo:args[0]};
    action({pseudo}, ctx) {
      if (ctx.player)`Hello ${pseudo}`);
      else`Hello ${pseudo}`);


serv.tabComplete has types and tab completition function

You can provide your types:

serv.tabComplete.add('tabId', () => {
  return ['some', 'values', 'in array', 'ONLY STRINGS!']



Fires when the server is ready to accept connections (after listening and pluginsReady events).

"error" (error)

Fires when there is an error.

"clientError" (client,error)

Fires when client has an error.

"listening" (port)

Fires when the server is listening.

"newPlayer" (player)

Fires when player login, allow external player plugins.

"banned" (banner,bannedUsername,reason)

banner banned bannedUsername with reason

"tick" (count)

Fires when one tick has passed (default is 50ms). count is the total world ticks (same as serv.tickCount)


Emitted when serv.pluginsReady is set to true.


async serv.waitForReady()

Returns a promise that resolves when the server is ready to accept connections.


You can override this function so you can process the message before sending it to the console.


Creates the log file


Logs a message

Logs a message as info


Logs a message as warning


Logs a message as error


Broadcasts message to all the players with the optional color.


Returns player object with that username or, if no such player is on the server, null.


Returns array of players within loc. loc is a required paramater. The object contains:

  • world: World position is in
  • position: Center position
  • radius: Distance from position

serv.onItemPlace(name, handler)

Register a handler that will be called when an item of type name is called to place a block.

The argument given to the handler is an object containing the held item that triggered the event, the direction (face) on which the player clicked, the angle of the player around the placed block. It should return an object containing the id and data of the block to place.

serv.onBlockInteraction(name, handler)

Register a handler that will be called when a player interact with a block of type name.

The argument given to the handler is an object containing the clicked block and the player. It should return true if the block interaction occurred and the block placement should be cancelled.

serv.onBlockUpdate(name, handler)

Register a handler that will be called when a block of the type name is updated. It should verify that the block state is still correct according to the game's rules. It is triggered when a neighboring block has been modified.

The arguments of the handler are the world in which the update occurred, the block, fromTick the tick at which the update was triggered, the tick the update was scheduled to (current tick), and optional data (null most of the time) that can be used to transmit data between block updates. The handler should return true if the block was changed so the update manager can send a multiBlockChange packet for all the changes that occurred within the tick. The state of the block should be modified by using the world's setBlockXXX functions instead of serv.setBlock (that would send redundant updates to players).

serv.updateBlock(world, pos, fromTick, tick, forceNotify = false, data = null)

Trigger a block update for the block in world at pos. fromTick is the current server tick serv.tickCount, tick is the future server tick when the update should be executed. When forceNotify is true, the block update will always trigger an update on the 6 direct neighbors, even when no handler is registered for this block type. data is an optional object that will be given to the handler.

serv.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(world, pos, fromTick, tick, forceNotify = false, data = null)

Similar to serv.updateBlock but will trigger an update on the 6 direct neighbors of pos but not on the block itself.

serv.notifyNeighborsOfStateChangeDirectional(world, pos, dir, fromTick, tick, forceNotify = false, data = null)

Similar to serv.updateBlock but will trigger an update on 5 of the direct neighbors of, but not on the block at pos or


Bans players given a username. Mainly used if player is not online, otherwise use player.ban().


Ban player given a uuid. If the player is online, using player.ban(). Bans with reason or You are banned!.


Pardons a player given a username.


Pardons a player given their uuid. Returns false if they are not banned.


Gets UUID from username. Since it needs to fetch from mojang servers, it is not immediate.

Arguments in format: callback(uuid). uuid is null if no such username exists.


Set daylight cycle time in ticks. See serv.time for more info.


Resets tick interval to occur ticksPerSecond times per second.

Use server.stopTickInterval() if you want but this method already calls that and you can use serv.doDaylightCycle to stop it anyway.

server.setBlock(world, position, blockType, blockData)

Saves block in world and sends block update to all players of the same world.

server.setBlockAction(world, position, actionId, actionParam)

Sends a block action to all players of the same world.

server.playSound(sound, world, position, opt)

Plays sound (string, google "minecraft sound list") to all players in opt.radius. If position is null, will play at the location of every player (taking into account whitelist and blacklist).


  • whitelist: Array of players that can hear the sound (can be a player object)
  • blacklist: Array of players who cannot hear the sound
  • radius: Radius that sound can be heard (in fixed position so remember to multiply by 32, default 32*32)
  • volume: float from 0-1 (default 1.0)
  • pitch: float from 0.5 to 2 (default 1.0)

server.playNoteBlock(world, position, pitch)

Plays noteblock in world at position. pitch is from 0-24


Get pitch. note should be between 0-24 and your output is from 0.5 to 2.0

server.emitParticle(particle, world, position, opt)

Emits particle (see id list) at position in world.


  • whitelist: Array of players that can see the particle (can be a player object)
  • blacklist: Array of players who cannot see the particle
  • radius: Radius that the particle can be seen from
  • longDistance: I don't know what this is. I think this is pointless with our implenetation of radius, not sure though...
  • size: vec3 of the size. (0,0,0) will be at an exact position, (10,10,10) will be very spread out (particles less dense)
  • count: Number of particles. 100,000,000+ will crash the client. Try not to go over 100,000 (sincerely, minecraft clients)

serv.selectorString(str, pos, world, allowUser = true, ctxEntityId)

Returns an array of entities that satisfies the given command selector string str, execution position pos, execution world world, and the ID of the entity that initiated the execution ctxEntityId.

Valid selector string values are names of online players and valid target selector variables.

Setting allowUser to true (default value) enables players to be included in the returned array, disables otherwise.

Low level methods

server._writeAll(packetName, packetFields)

Writes packet to every player on the server

server._writeArray(packetName, packetFields, playerArray)

Writes packet to every player in playerArray

server._writeNearby(packetName, packetFields, loc)

Writes packet to all players within distance of loc. loc has the same paramater as loc in server.getNearby()

serv._loadPlayerChunk(chunkX, chunkZ, player)

Loads chunk for player

serv._unloadPlayerChunk(chunkX, chunkZ, player)

Unloads chunk for player


Players are a type of entity, so they will have most of the attributes and methods


ID of entity on server


Current position (currently in fixed position (x32 what you'd expect) so do entity.position.scaled(1/32) to get normal position)

World object entity is in


Either "player", "mob", or "object" (currently)


Numerical type of the entity.

Sub-category of entity. For mobs, this is which mob (Zombie/Skeleton, etc). For objects, this is which object (Arrow/Dropped item, etc)


Nearby entities to this entity


How far away entities are loaded/unloaded (used for players ATM)

How many half-hearts an entity has of health (e.g. Player has 20). Not really used for objects, only players and mobs.


Pitch of entity (rotation sideways)


Pitch of entity's head


Yaw of entity (rotation looking up and down)


Gravity of entity (non-players) to calculate physics.


Only applies to gravity, really. You can still apply a velocity larger than terminal velocity.


Decreases velocity when touching blocks


Used to calculate collisions for server-side entities


How much time before an entity despawns (in ms)


How long before an entity can be picked up (in ms)


When an entity was born. Used with pickupTime and deathTime (time in epoch)


If a block drop, what item id


If a block drop, what item damage


Metadata for the entity (not like block metadata/damage). Contains stuff like NBT.


List of entities that the entity believes is nearby.



Behaviors are very interesting. Let me explain to you how they work:

Behaviors are a special type of event. They are editable and allow defaults to be cancellable making the powerful for plugins to take control of and interact with each other. Three different events get called for a behavior:

  • EVENTNAME_cancel
  • EVENTNAME_done

EVENTNAME_cancel passses the paramaters data (object of all info about behavior. Changing the data could have effects on outcome) and cancel, a function. This event is run before the default action. If cancel() is called, it will cancel the default action. More on this later.

EVENTNAME passes data as well as cancelled so plugins can check if the default behavior has been cancelled. This is event is run before the default action.

EVENTNAME_done passes data and cancelled. This event is run before the default action.

Example: One plugin wants to cancel a player's movement while another wants to say "HI" when they move

Plugin A:

player.on('move_cancel', ({position}, cancel) => {
  cancel(); // If player tries to move, shoots them back where they came from

Plugin B:

player.on('move', ({position}, cancelled) => {
  if (!cancelled)'HI!');

When a player normally moves, the server saves their position and sends it to all clients. Therefore, if a "move" behavior was truly cancelled, the player would be able to move freely while the server and other players would see the player stationary. This doesn't happen because behaviors can have "default cancel functions". In the case of a player's "move", the default cancel function sends them back where they came from. To prevent this from happening, use the "preventDefaultCancel" paramater: cancel(false);

Plugin C

player.on('move_cancel', ({position}, cancel) => {
  cancel(false); // Doesn't teleport player back

If we keep Plugin B and replace Plugin A with Plugin C, we'll see that the player can move freely but will not receive the word "HI" and other players will be unable to see their movements.

Finally, there is hidden cancel. This is the second parameter in cancel, and allows plugins to hide the fact that they cancelled the default action from other plugins. It's best not to use this, but I know somebody will someday need this.

Plugin D

player.on('move_cancel', ({position}, cancel) => {
  cancel(false, true); // Player doesn't teleport back and now "cancelled" will be false

Using Plugin B and D together, the player will be able to move freely and will be spammed with "HI", however the server will not store their position and other players will not see the player move.


Definition of behavior.

  • var1: Variable with value, can be changed (default: defaultValue)
  • var2 (u): Variable with value. You can change it however it will not have any effect on the default action (and could screw with other plugins, watch out!). U stands for unused

Default: What happens if this isn't cancelled.

Cancelled: What happens if this is cancelled and preventDefaultCancel is still false.


Emitted when server calculates new position for the entity (DOES NOT APPLY TO PLAYER!)

  • old (u): Where the entity came from
  • onGround (u): If the entity is on the ground

Default: Send entity relative-move or teleport packets to all nearby players

Cancelled: Set entity position to old position



Gets object that stores data, personalized per plugin. Returns null if plugin does not exist.

Shortcut for: entity.pluginData[pluginName];


Get every other entity other than self


Gets every player other than self (all players if entity is not a player)


Gets all entities nearby (within entity.viewDistance)


Gets all nearby players regardless of what client thinks


Gets all nearby players that client can see

entity.takeDamage({sound='game.player.hurt', damage=1, velocity=new Vec3(0,0,0), maxVelocity=new Vec3(4, 4, 4), animation=true})

  • sound: Sound to play (default is game.player.hurt)
  • damage: Damage to deal (default is based off player's weapon, player's potions, attackEntity's potions, and attackedEntity armor)
  • velocity: Which way should attackedEntity move when hit
  • maxVelocity: maxVelocity from consecutive hits
  • animation: Play death/hit animation

Low level Methods

entity._writeOthers(packetName, packetFields)

Writes to all other players on server

entity._writeOthersNearby(packetName, packetFields)

Writes to all players within viewDistance




The username of the player


The view size of the player, for example 8 for 16x16


Total experience the player has (int). Set this using player.setXp()


Number from 0 to 1.0 representing the progress bar at the bottom of the player's screen. Set this with player.setDisplayXp()


Level of xp the player has. Set this with player.setXpLevel()



Fires when the player is connected


Fires when the player is spawned


Fires when the player disconnected

"chat" (message)

Fires when the player says message.

"kicked" (kicker,reason)

kicker kick the player with reason


World of the player has been changed.

"playerChangeRenderDistance" (newDistance=player.view, unloadFirst=false)

Emit this event to change player render distance.


fires when the position changes in small amounts (walking, running, or flying)


See entity "Behaviors" for more info


When player tries to move

  • position (u): New position player is trying to move to
  • onGround (u): Whether player thinks they're on the ground or not

Default: Save position/onGround and write to all nearby players

Cancelled: Snap back to old position


When player tries to look somewhere

  • yaw (u): New yaw player is looking
  • pitch (u): New pitch player is looking
  • onGround (u): If player thinks they're on the ground

Default: Save look directions, send to all nearby players

Cancelled: Snap their view back to old yaw and pitch


Emitted when player tries to say something (unless they're message starts with /, then refer to "command")

  • message (u): Message player sent
  • broadcastMessage: What is put in server chat (Default: message)

Default: Broadcasts to server their message

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when player starts their message with a slash

  • command: Their commands (excludes the slash)

Default: Handle command by command system

Cancelled: Nothing


When player tries to punch nothing

Default: Send punch animation to nearby players

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when sending a block to a player (block changed). This is separate for every player, cancelling this for one player causes ghost blocks!

  • position: Position of the block
  • id: ID of the block
  • data: Metadata of the block

Default: Send block change to player.

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when sending a block action to a player. This is separate for every player, cancelling this for one player will prevent the action from happening.

  • position: Position of the block
  • id: ID of the block
  • actionId: Action ID, dependent on the block.
  • actionParam: The parameters depend on the block.

All block action IDs and parameters are listed here.

Default: Send block action to player.

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when sending a chunk to a player (loading it in)

  • x: Chunk X
  • z: Chunk Z
  • chunk: Chunk data

Default: Continue sending chunk to client

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when any player STARTS digging (i.e. survival only)

  • position: Position of block being mined
  • block (u): Block being mined

Default: Allow player to start mining block, send changes in break animation to other players

Cancelled: Stop them from digging


Emitted when a player finishes digging something (or a player in creative breaks a block)

  • position: Position of block dug
  • block (u): Block dug
  • dropBlock: Should it drop a block object (Default: false in creative, otherwise true)
  • blockDropPosition: Where block is dropped (Default: center of block)
  • blockDropWorld: World block is dropped in (Default is the world the player/block is in)
  • blockDropVelocity: The velocity the block has when dropped (Default: random)
  • blockDropId: ID of the block dropped
  • blockDropDamage: Damage of the block dropped
  • blockDropPickup: Time before user can pick up the block (Default: 0.5 seconds)
  • blockDropDeath: Time before item despawns (Default: 5 minutes)

Default: Save new block as air, sends to all nearby players

Cancelled: Send to player the block that was there


Emitted when a player cancels digging in the middle (i.e. survival only)

  • position: Position of block that was being mined
  • block (u): Block that was being mined

Default: Stop animation for all players, save stop digging

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when the server cancels a dig (currently only happens if the player mines too fast)

  • stop: Whether the digging should be cancelled because they mined too fast (Default: true)
  • start (u): Time mining started
  • time (u): How long the player has been mining

Emitted when the server believes the break animation should increase (not sent by client!)

  • position: Position of block being updated
  • state: New state being changed to
  • lastState (u): Last state of block
  • start (u): When mining started
  • timePassed (u): How long between start and now

Default: Send animation to everyone

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when a player places a block

  • position: Position they're attempting to place the block
  • id: Id of block being placed
  • damage: Data of block being placed
  • reference (u): Reference block (position) that was placed on
  • direction (u): Direction vector from reference to position
  • playSound: Which sound to play (Default: true)
  • sound: Sound to play (Default: default sound for that material)

Default: Place block for server and nearby players

Cancelled: Replace block with old block for player


Emitted when a player attacks an entity

  • attackedEntity: Entity being attacked
  • playSound: Play sound (Default: true)
  • sound: Sound to play (default is game.player.hurt)
  • damage: Damage to deal (default is based off player's weapon, player's potions, attackEntity's potions, and attackedEntity armor)
  • velocity: Which way should attackedEntity move when hit
  • maxVelocity: maxVelocity from consecutive hits
  • animation: Play death/hit animation

Default: Damage entity, play sound, send velocity, play animation for death/hit

Cancelled: Nothing


Emitted when a player tries to respawn

Default: Let them respawn

Cancelled: Nothing. You monster.


If worldFolder option is set, save player's data into <worldFolder>/playerdata/<UUID>.dat. Returns promise. Example: save all players data to disk:

for (const player of serv.players) {




bans player with reason


kicks player with reason


return the other players than player

sends message to the player


change the block at position position to blockType and blockData

this will not change the block for the user himself. It is mainly useful when a user places a block and only needs to send it to other players on the server


change the block at position position to blockType and blockData

this will not make any changes on the server's world and only sends it to the user as a "fake" or "local" block


Set the block action at position position to actionId and actionParam.

blockType is only required when the block at the location is a fake block. This will only be caused by using player.sendBlock.

This will not make any changes to the server's world and only sends it to the user as a local action.

player.sendBrand(brand = 'flying-squid')

Send the specified brand to the player or flying-squid by default


send its initial position to the player


set player gameMode to gameMode


handle command


Saves block in world and sends block update to all players of the same world.


Sets a block action and sends the block action to all players in the same world.

This will not make any changes to the server's world


Updates the player's health and sends the relevant packet.


Updates the player's food and sends the relevant packet.


Updates the player's food saturation and sends the relevant packet.

player.changeWorld(world, opt)

The world object which the player is in (use serv.overworld, serv.netherworld, serv.endworld, or a custom world). Options:

  • gamemode: Gamemode of the world (Default is player gamemode)
  • difficulty: Difficulty of world. Default is 0 (easiest)
  • dimension: Dimension of world. 0 is Overworld, -1 is Nether, 1 is End (Default is 0)


Spawn spawnedPlayer for player.


Spawn and despawn the correct players depending on distance for player.

player.playSound(sound, opt)

Easy way to only play a sound for one player. Same opt as serv.playSound except no whitelist.

player.setXp(xp, opt)

Sets the player's XP level. Options:

  • setLevel: Calculate and set player.level (default: true)
  • setDisplay: Calculate and set player.displayXp (default: true)
  • send: Send xp packet (default: true)


Updates the player's xp based on player.xp, player.displayXp, and player.xpLevel


Sets and sends the player's new level


Sets and sends the player's new display amount. num should be from 0 to 1.0

Low level properties


The internal implementation to communicate with a client

Low level methods

player._unloadChunk(chunkX, chunkZ)

Unloads a specific chunk


Unloads all chunks