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Tags: ProseMirror/prosemirror




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 0.10.1

### Bug fixes

Fixes a problem where the DOM parser would produce corrupted documents
in some corner cases.

Makes the editor useable on IE again by not assuming `document` has a
`contains` method.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 0.10.0

### Bug fixes

Fixed several issues in the handling of clicks on and near leaf nodes.

Fix bug where
[`liftTarget`]( would
produce false positives.

Improve support for using ProseMirror in a shadow DOM.

### New features

event can now be used to entirely override the handling of paste

The new
property returns the document or shadow DOM root that the editor is
part of.

New method
[`PosMap.forEach`]( to
easily iterate over the changed ranges in a position map.

[Marked ranges](
now support an `elementBefore` option to insert a DOM node before the



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Release 0.9.1

### Bug fixes

Fix DOM node leak in the creation of menu SVG icons.

Fix regression where `clickOn` and `doubleClickOn` handlers weren't
called on clicked leaf nodes.

Fix crash in DOM parser when parsing a DOM change.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Release 0.9.0

### Bug fixes

Pasting a single leaf node (a node that doesn't allow content) works

Parsing Markdown text with code blocks (indented or fenced) works again.

Fixes a bug where clicking a selectable leaf node would create a
selection before that node.

Fix the way `requestAnimationFrame` is called to please Internet

### New features

Mouse-related event handlers (`click`, `clickOn`, `doubleClick`,
`doubleClickOn`, `contextMenu`) are now passed the original DOM event.

Adds a new module `schema-tables`, that exports node types and
commands for tables, along with a way to easily add them to your



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 0.8.3

### Bug fixes

When pasting text, assign some basic structure to it by inserting
`<p>` and `<br>` tags.

Fix a bug in `EditorTranform.selection`.

Disable the `setBlockType` command for non-textblock blocks.

Make `splitBlock` handle content restrictions better.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Release 0.8.2

### Bug fixes

Fix `OrderedMap.append` and `OrderedMap.prepend` to allow raw-object

Fix bug where `Node.textContent` didn't actually return a value.

Make the `wrapInList` command more robust in the face of schema



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Release 0.8.1

### Bug fixes

Fixes `addActiveMark` and `removeActiveMark` ignoring marks from the
document, and thus accidentally resetting the set of marks when used.

Properly export the parser, serializer, and state classes from the
`markdown` module.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 0.8.0

### Breaking changes

The `src/` directory no longer uses ES6 modules, and is now
CommonJS-based instead. With ES6 support—_except_ for modules—being
pretty much complete in browsers and node, that was the only thing
holding us back from running the code directly, without compilation.

There is no longer a default schema in the `model` module. The new
[`schema-basic`]( module exports the schema, node
types, and mark types that used to make up the default schema.

The [`schema`]( option is no longer optional (though
it is implied if you pass a [`doc`]( option).

The `Command` abstraction was entirely removed. When the docs talk
about _commands_ now, they refer to plain functions that take an
editor instance as argument and return a boolean indicating whether
they could perform their action.

Keymaps now map keys to such command functions. The basic keymap for
an editor is no longer inferred from commands, but is now determined
by the [`keymap`]( option. The
[default value]( contains a minimal set of bindings not
related to any schema elements.

Defining new options is no longer a thing. Modules that used to use
`defineOption` now export [plugins](

Changing options at run-time through `setOption` is no longer
supported, since the remaining built-in options don't require this.

The `docFormat` option, `getContent`/`setContent` editor methods, and
the `format` module have been dropped. You need to explicitly convert
between formats yourself now.

The DOM parsing and serializing from the `format` module was moved
into the `model` module, as the [`toDOM`]( and
[`parseDOM`]( methods.

The conversions to and from text and HTML were dropped. HTML can be
done by going through the DOM representation, the text format
conversions were never very well defined to begin with.

Declaring the way a node or mark type is parsed or serialized was
simplified. See the new [`toDOM`](,
[`matchDOMTag`]( and
[`matchDOMStyle`]( properties.

The `SchemaItem` class, along with the `register` and `updateAttrs`
static methods on that class, have been removed. `NodeType` and
`MarkType` no longer share a superclass, and registering values on
such types is no longer a thing.

`Textblock` is no longer a class that you derive node type classes
from. Just use `Block`, and the `isTextblock` getter will return the
right value based on the node type's content.

Event handlers are no longer registered with node-style `on` methods,
but attached to specific values representing an event source. The
[subscription]( module
is used for this. The event emitters for an editor instance are
grouped in its [`on`]( property. So now you'd say
`pm.on.change.add(...)` to register a change handler.

The event-like node type methods `handleClick`, `handleDoubleClick`,
and `handleContextMenu` are no longer supported. Instead, you're
expected to use the [`click`](,
[`doubleClickOn`](, and
[`contextMenu`]( event emitters.

The `removed` event on [marked ranges]( was replaced by
an `onRemove` option.

The [`apply`]( method on an editor now always
returns the transform, whereas it used to return `false` if no change
was made. Its `scroll` property (containing a commonly used options
object) was removed.

The `checkPos` method on editor objects was removed.

The `rank` argument to [`addKeymap`]( was
renamed `priority` and its meaning was inverted.

The `setMark` method on editor instances was removed. Its role is
mostly taken over by the [`toggleMark`](

The functionality from the `ui/update` module was moved into the
`edit` module and is now available through the
[`unscheduleDOMUpdate`](, and
[`updateScheduler`]( methods.

[Selection]( objects now contain [resolved](
positions, because that's what you need 99% of the time when you
access them. Their old properties are still there, in addition to
`$from`, `$to`, `$anchor`, and `$head` properties. The constructors of
the selection classes expect resolved positions now.

The `findDiffStart` and `findDiffEnd` functions were moved to
[methods]( on `Fragment`.

Some [transformation]( methods are now less vague in their
parameters. [`wrap`]( requires the range to wrap and
the entire set of wrappers as argument, [`lift`](
expects a range and target depth.

The [`findWrapping`]( and [`liftTarget`](
functions are used to compute these before trying to apply the
transformation. They replace `canWrap` and `canLift`.

The structure of the [markdown]( parser and serializer was
changed to no longer rely on `SchemaItem.register`. Adjusting the
parser and serializer now works differently (you explicitly create an
object rather than relying on information attached to node types).

The `autoinput` module was removed. The [`inputrules`](
module now exports a plugin that can be used to add input rules, along
with a number of basic input rules and helper functions to create
schema-specific input rules.

The [`menu`]( module is now a single module, which exports the
menu primitives along with the [`menuBar`]( and
[`tooltipMenu`]( plugins.

Menu construction is no longer entangled with command definitions. The
`MenuCommand` class was replaced with a [`MenuItem`](
class, which directly declares the things it would previously get from
a command. The concept of a `MenuGroup` was dropped (we just use
arrays, since they are always static). Some helper functions for
creating menu items, along with some basic icons, are exported from
the `menu` module.

The `ui` module is now a single module, which exports the
[`Tooltip`]( class and the [prompt](
functionality. Now that command parameters no longer exist, the
interface for creating a prompt was also changed.

The events emitted by the [`collab`]( module (which now
exports a plugin) are now
[subscriptions]( on the
plugin state object, named [`mustSend`]( and

`Step.register` was renamed to [`Step.jsonID`](

All non-essential CSS rules were removed from the core.

### Bug fixes

Several issues where the code didn't properly enforce the content
constraints introduced in 0.7.0 were fixed.

When pasting content into an empty textblock, the parent node it was
originally copied from is now restored, when possible.

Several improvements in the handling of composition and input events
(mostly used on mobile platforms). Fixes problem where you'd get a
strange selection after a complex composition event.

Make by-word deletion work properly on astral plane characters.

Fix leaked spacer node when the menu bar was disabled while it was

### New features

[Plugins]( are objects used to attach (and detach) a specific
piece of functionality to an editor. Modules that extend the editor
now export values of this type. The [`plugins`](
option is the easiest way to enable plugins.

The [`contextAtCoords`]( method provides
more precise information about a given position (including the exact
nodes around the position) than the existing `posAtCoords` method.

The [`EditorTransform`]( abstraction is now more
closely integrated with the editor selection, and you can call
[`setSelection`]( on it to update the
selection during a transform.

The new [`applyAndScroll`]( method on
editor transforms provides a convenient shortcut for the common case
of applying a transformation and scrolling the selection into view.

The new methods [`addActiveMark`]( and
[`removeActiveMark`]( provide explicit
control over the active stored marks.

The `edit` module now exports an object `commands` containing a number
of command functions and functions that produce command functions.
Most of the old command objects have an equivalent here.

The [`forEach`]( method on nodes and fragments now also
passes the node's index to its callback.

Nodes now have a [`textBetween`]( method that
retrieves the text between two positions.

A new [`NodeRange`]( abstraction (created with the
[`blockRange`]( method on positions) is used
to specify the range that some of the transformation methods act on.

Node types got two new variants of their [`create`](
method: [`createChecked`](, which raises an
error if the given content isn't valid (full) content for the node,
and [`createAndFill`](, which will
automatically insert required nodes to make the content valid.

The `fixContent` method on node types was removed.

You can now pass a second argument to the [`Schema`](
constructor, and access its value under the schema object's `data`
property, to store arbitrary user data in a schema.

The transform module now exports an [`insertPoint`](
function for finding the position at which a node can be inserted.

The [`OrderedMap`]( class received a new method,

A new module, [`example-setup`]( provides a plugin
that makes it easy to set up a simple editor with the
[basic schema]( and the key bindings, menu items, and
input rules that used to be the default.

The [list]( node types in the basic schema now require the
first child of a list item to be a regular paragraph. The list-related
commands are now aware of this.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
## Version 0.7.0 (2016-05-19)

### Breaking changes

The following properties on node types have lost their meaning:
`kind`, `contains`, `canBeEmpty` and `containsMarks`. The `NodeKind`
type is also gone.

The information they used to encode is now put in a
[content expression](,
which is part of the [schema spec](, not the node. Such
expressions can refer directly to other nodes in the schema (by name).

[`SchemaSpec`]( is now an interface, not a class. Its
[`nodes`]( field refers to [`NodeSpec`](
objects, rather than directly to `NodeType` constructors. These hold
not only a constructor but also a content expression and optionally a
group identifier.

The [`NodeType`]( methods `canContain`,
`canContainFragment`, `canContainMark`, `canContainContent`, and
`canContainType` are gone, since they can't accurately express the
constraints of the new content expressions.

Instead, [nodes]( now expose [`canReplace`](,
[`canReplaceWith`](, and
[`canAppend`]( The
[`contentMatchAt`]( method gets you a
[`ContentMatch`]( object which provides further ways to
reason about content.

[`NodeType.findConnection`]( is now at
[`ContentMatch.findWrapping`](, and takes
and returns attributes as well as node types.

[Mark types]( lost their `rank` property, as their ordering
is now determined by the order in which they appear in the [schema

Transform steps are now regular classes,
[`AddMarkStep`](, [`RemoveMarkStep`](,
[`ReplaceStep`](, and
[`Transform.step`]( now only takes a step object, not
separate values. The `"join"`, `"split"`, and `"ancestor"` step types
have been superseded by `ReplaceStep` and `ReplaceAroundStep`.

The collaborative editing protocol was changed, to resolve a
See [the guide]( for an
overview of the new protocol.

### New features

Node nesting is now expressed through a more powerful mechanism,
[content expressions](

The [`ContentMatch`]( class provides a way to apply and
reason about such content expressions.

The new [`OrderedMap`]( class makes it possible to extend
and modify the sets of [nodes]( and
[marks]( in a schema while keeping control over
their order.

Since splitting isn't always possible any more, a new function
[`canSplit`]( is exported by the
[`transform` module](

The new options [`scrollTreshold`]( and
[`scrollMargin`]( provide more control over scrolling

[`nodesBetween`]( now passes the node's index to
its callback as fourth argument.

[Node types]( gained a getter [`isLeaf`](
to conveniently test whether they allow content.

[Resolved positions]( got a new method
[`indexAfter`](, and their methods that
expect a depth allow the argument to be omitted to specify the
position's own depth, or a negative integer to be passed to specify a
depth relative to the position's depth.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
marijnh Marijn Haverbeke
Version 0.6.1

Composition (IME) input is now more robust. This mostly effects
Android browsers, where typing is now less buggy.

The iOS virtual keyboard's default case should now update as you type
(rather than being stuck in whatever state it was in when you started

Text input read through composition or input events now fires input

A problem where transform filters could corrupt the undo history has
been fixed.