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serve-d with Vim / NeoVim

Using ycmd

Download or build serve-d and edit your .vimrc.

let g:ycm_language_server = [
            \ {
            \     'name': 'd',
            \     'cmdline': ['path/to/your/serve-d/binary'],
            \     'filetypes': ['d'],
            \ }]

Familiarize yourself with how ycmd handles files. For serve-d, it is important that you give ycmd the LSP arguments in the right format. The basic setup for establishing autocomplete with the D standard library needs the path (or, if multiple paths, an array of them) to your D standard library on your system.

def Settings(**kwargs):
    lang = kwargs['language']
    if lang == 'd':
        return { 'ls': {
                   'd': { 'stdlibPath': '/path/to/your/stdlib' }
                   # In case you need multiple paths, do
                   # 'd' : { 'stdlibPath': ['/path/to', '/your/stdlibs']}
                   # For other config options, see
        return {}

Put this in a file called and save it in your project root or move it further up the folder hierarchy, if you know what you are doing.

Using coc's

Using CocInstall

:CocInstall coc-dlang

Manually through coc-settings.json

First download or build serve-d

A coc-settings.json file looking like this works well (you can open it with :CocConfig)

	"languageserver": {
		"d": {
			"command": "PATH_TO_SERVE_D_EXECUTABLE/serve-d",
			"filetypes": ["d"],
			"trace.server": "on",
			"rootPatterns": ["dub.json", "dub.sdl"],
			"initializationOptions": {
			"settings": {
	"suggest.autoTrigger": "none",
	"suggest.noselect": false

Using nvim-lspconfig

Neovim has a builtin LSP client and official LSP configs for it, here.

After installing nvim-lspconfig using your preferred plugin manager, you must load serve-d, like the following:


You can read more about the setup function through :help lspconfig-setup

User Configuration

serve-d comes pre-packaged with some server-specific settings. You can find a description of such settings here.

For example, let's assume that you want to change the braces style so that they are on the same line as a function definition.

dfmt is used by serve-d by default; it allows the option for the "stroustrup" style.

	settings = {
		dfmt = {
			braceStyle = "stroustrup",