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379 lines (245 loc) · 16.5 KB

Contributing to Qwik

Thank you for taking an interest in contributing to Qwik! We appreciate you! 🫶🏽

Below are the guidelines on how to help in the best possible way.

Submitting an Issue

Before creating a new issue, please search through open issues using the GitHub issue search bar. You might find the solution to your problem, or can verify that it is an already known issue.

We want a bug-free and best-performing project. That's why we take all reported issues to heart. But please be aware that if we can't reproduce the problem, we won't have a way of locating and adequately fixing it.

Therefore, to solve the problem in the best possible way, please create a minimal repository that reproduces the problem with the least possible code explaining and demonstrating the error.

Without enough information to reproduce the issue, we will close it because we can't recreate and solve it.

Triaging Issues

If you're interested in helping out with triaging issues, please follow the Triaging Guide.

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

Branch Organization

We adopt trunk-based development therefore all Pull Requests are made against the main branch. Before releasing, we merge main into a release branch, for testing purposes.

Good first issue

The issues marked with Good first issue are a good starting point to familiarize yourself with the project.

Before solving the problem, please check with the maintainers that the issue is still relevant. Feel free to leave a comment on the issue to show your intention to work on it and prevent other people from unintentionally duplicating your effort.

Sending a Pull Request

Before submitting a pull request, consider the following guidelines:

  • Fork the repository into your own account.
  • In your forked repository, create a new branch: git checkout -b my-branch main
  • Make your changes/fixes.
  • Run pnpm fmt to lint the code.
  • Add a changeset with pnpm change if needed (follow this tutorial)
  • Push your branch to GitHub: git push origin my-branch
  • In GitHub, send a pull request to QwikDev:main.

If you aren't sure your PR is ready, open it as a draft to make it clear to the maintainer.

⚠ Troubleshooting PR build issues on CI

Every PR is being automatically merged with main before the CI Github actions run. That's why if the CI checks aren't passing your PR branch is probably not up to date.

For non documentation PRs please do the following:

  1. Merge main into your PR branch
  2. Run pnpm api.update
  3. Run pnpm build.local or pnpm build.full if you made a change to the Rust code
  4. Commit and push any changes as a result of the above steps

Local development

This is the best approach because all required dependencies will be installed in the docker container for you and won't affect your personal configuration in any way.


You need to have these tools up and running in your local machine:

  • an editor. We recommend VSCode.
  • one of the following:
    • Nix
    • Docker
    • Locally installed NodeJS v18+ and optionally Rust


Nix can be used on macOS and Linux. It keeps installation files in /nix and doesn't write anywhere else. It has a declarative configuration in the flake.nix file, which describes all the tools needed to build the project.

  • Install it on your machine and enable flakes. The DetSys installer makes that easy.
  • run nix develop in the project root to open a shell with all the tools, or use direnv to have them automatically added into your current shell.
Nix + Direnv (optional)

You can additionally use direnv to automatically load the dev environment when you enter the project directory. There is also a VSCode plugin for direnv that reloads the extensions so they get environment changes. When you install direnv, you'll need to allow it once with direnv allow in the project root. From then on, when you cd into the project, it will automatically have the correct tools installed.


Alternatively you can use devcontainers/cli:

  • Install devcontainers following their documentation.
  • In your terminal navigate to the Qwik's project root directory.
  • Then run devcontainer up --workspace-folder .. This command will start a Docker container with all required environment dependencies.
Using development container without Dev Containers and VSCode

If you would like to make use of the development container solution, but don't use VSCode or Dev Containers, you still can do so, by following steps:

  • Build development container locally: cd .devcontainer; docker build -t qwik-container .
  • Run development container from Qwik project root, binding the directory to container: cd ..; docker run --rm -d --name qwik-container -p 3300:3300 -p 9229:9299 -v $PWD:/home/circleci/project -t qwik-container

Docker command does:

  • Create a new container that is removed once stopped,
  • In daemon mode,
  • With name qwik-container,
  • That exposes the ports 3300 and 9229, and
  • Binds qwik project directory to container working directory.
Podman extras

This section is highly influenced by SO answer: If you use Podman instead of Docker as your containers engine, then you need to know the following:

  • Container runs as user circleci with UID 1001 and GID 1002.
  • As you are accustomed to using Podman, you will need to append :Z to volumes | -v parameter so the command becomes:
$ subuid_size=65536
$ subgid_size=65536
$ container_uid=1001
$ container_gid=1002
$ podman run --rm \
    --user $container_uid:$container_gid \
    --uidmap=0:1:$container_uid \
    --uidmap=$((container_uid + 1)):$((container_uid + 1)):$((subuid_size - $container_uid)) \
    --uidmap=$container_uid:0:1 \
    --gidmap=0:1:$container_gid \
    --gidmap=$((container_gid + 1)):$((container_gid + 1)):$((subgid_size - $container_gid)) \
    --gidmap=$container_gid:0:1 \
    -d --name qwik-container \
    -p 3300:3300 -p 9229:9299 \
    -v .:/home/circleci/project:Z \
    -t qwik-container

Locally installed tools

If you're not able to use the dev container, make sure you have NodeJS v18+ installed, as well as pnpm.

Furthermore, to build the optimizer you optionally need Rust.

  1. Make sure Rust is installed.
  2. Install wasm-pack with cargo install wasm-pack .
  3. Node version >= 18.
  4. Make sure you have pnpm installed.
  5. run pnpm install

On Windows, Rust requires C++ build tools. You can also select Desktop development with C++ while installing Visual Studio.


To build Qwik for local development, install the dev dependencies using pnpm and then do an initial build.

pnpm install && pnpm build.local

If you want to work on the Rust code, use build.full instead of build.local.

Fast build

This will build only Qwik and Qwik City and their types. This is not enough to run the docs.

pnpm build.core

Custom build

Once you have done a full build, the types are built, and you can build just the code you're working on. For qwik and qwik-city, you can do very fast rebuilds with

pnpm build --dev --qwik --qwikcity

The --dev flag skips type checking and generating.

You can run pnpm build without parameters to see which flags are available. Notable:

  • --tsc: build types
  • --api: build API docs and type bundles. Requires --tsc to have run.
  • --build: Qwik (you'll probably also need --dev)
  • --qwikcity: Qwik City (you'll probably also need --dev)
  • --qwikreact: Qwik React
  • --qwiklabs: Qwik Labs
  • --eslint: Eslint plugin

E.g. to build only the React integration, you'd run pnpm build --qwikreact.

Full build without Rust

This builds everything except Rust prerequisites and the optimizer binaries. Instead, those binaries are copied from the latest Qwik package on NPM.

pnpm build.local

Full build with Rust

It will build everything, including Rust packages and WASM.

First build might be very slow.

  • Builds each submodule
  • Generates bundled .d.ts files for each submodule with API Extractor
  • Checks the public API hasn't changed
  • Builds a minified core.min.mjs file
  • Generates the publishing package.json
pnpm build.full

The build output will be written to packages/qwik/dist, which will be the directory that is published to

To update the Rust test snapshots after you've made changes to the Rust code, run pnpm test.rust.update.

Run in your own app

Say you made changes to the repo and you want to try them out in your app. Once built, all the Qwik packages are directly usable in your project by using the linking in your package manager.

This is very easy to do with pnpm: Assuming qwik is in ../qwik, run this inside the root of your app:

pnpm link ../qwik/packages/qwik
pnpm link ../qwik/packages/qwik-city

Other package managers probably need to first be told about the packages. For example, with bun you need to cd ../qwik/packages/qwik and bun link, repeat for qwik-city. Then in your app run bun link

If you can't use package linking, just copy the contents of packages/qwik into your projects' node_modules/ folder, and/or the contents of packages/qwik-city into your projects' node_modules/ folder.

Working on the docs site

At the root of the Qwik repo folder run:


To open the test apps for debugging run

pnpm serve

Unit Tests Only

Unit tests use vitest

pnpm test.unit

E2E Tests Only

E2E tests use Playwright.

To run the Playwright tests headless, from start to finish, run:

pnpm test.e2e.chromium

Finally, you can use pnpm --filter command to run packages' commands, for example:

pnpm --filter qwik-docs start

More commands can be found in each package's package.json scripts section.

Updating dependencies

To update all dependencies, run:

pnpm deps

This will show an interactive UI to update all dependencies. Be careful about performing major updates, especially for the docs site, since not all functionality has test coverage there. Be sure to test thoroughly.

Starter CLI create-qwik

Pull Requests

Coding conventions

Write code that is clean, simple and easy to understand. Complicated one-liners are generally frowned upon, unless they are for performance reasons and are clearly marked as such with a comment and explanation.

When code does something unexpected, add a comment explaining why.

When a comment is longer, prefer using /** */ JSDoc comments as that will be auto-formatted as Markdown. JSDoc comments will also become part of the API documentation when they apply to exports, so write them as such.

pnpm fmt is your friend, and we recommend setting up Prettier and using format-on-save in your editor.

Commit conventions

If you don't follow these commit conventions, your PR will be squashed. This means your local branch will not be part of the commit history of the target branch. For larger PRs, it would really help if you follow these guidelines.

  • Create a commit for each logical unit and make sure it passes linting.

  • Keep your commits focused and atomic. Each commit should represent a single, coherent change.

  • If you have commits like wip lol or fixup, squash them. Use git rebase -i.

  • Commits must follow the format: type(scope): description For example: feat(qwik-city): confetti animations or chore: pnpm api.update

    Common types include:

    • feat: A new feature
    • fix: A bug fix
    • docs: Documentation only changes
    • lint: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, etc)
    • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
    • perf: A code change that improves performance
    • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
    • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation

    The scope is optional and should be a short identifier for the changed part of the code.

  • Use the imperative mood in the description. For example, use "add" instead of "added" or "adds".

  • For consistency, there should not be a period at the end of the commit message's summary line (the first line of the commit message).

Writing good commit messages

In addition to writing properly formatted commit messages, it's important to include relevant information so other developers can later understand why a change was made. While this information usually can be found by digging into the code, pull request discussions or upstream changes, it may require a lot of work.

  • Be clear and concise in your commit messages.
  • Explain the reason for the change, not just what was changed.
  • If the commit fixes a specific issue, reference it in the commit message (e.g., "Fixes #123").

Adding a changeset

Whenever you make a change that requires mentioning in the changelog, you should add a changeset. This will automatically generate meaningful release notes and changelog files.

You can add multiple changesets in a PR, for example because you implement different features for different packages, or because you have multiple noteworthy commits.

You create a new changeset file by running:

pnpm change

This will ask you which packages should be included in the changeset, and if the changes require a new version bump. Generally you should not select major, and you should only select minor if there are new features or significant improvements. If you don't select either it will become patch.

For your convenience, we prepared a video tutorial that covers the process of adding a changeset:

📽 TUTORIAL: Adding a changeset

PR merging (maintainers)

Make sure the PR follows all the guidelines in this document. Once you think the PR is good to merge, if the commits are "nice", you can merge the PR. If not, squash the PR.

In case the PR is stuck waiting for the original author to apply a trivial change (a typo, capitalization change, etc.) and the author allowed the members to modify the PR, consider applying it yourself (or commit the existing review suggestion). You should pay extra attention to make sure the addition doesn't go against the idea of the original PR and would not be opposed by the author.

Releasing (maintainers)

Merge the "version" PR, that is automatically created when a PR with a changeset is merged. You can first edit the files it created to get a nicer changelog.

Once CI passes, the GitHub Action will publish the new version to NPM.