- Los Angeles
- http://reas.com
A p5.js library for exporting SVG files tailored for pen plotting.
Experiment and an attempt at showing how code runs into a typical p5.js program, showing how instructions are intepreted in addition to show program state.
A library for p5.js which adds support for interacting with Serial devices, using the Web Serial API (currently supported on Chrome and Edge).
An open-source creative coding course that uses SwiftProcessing.
Processing Demos made when reading the book *The Pocket Handbook for Image Processing Algorithms in C*
Solutions to Exercises from 'Code as Creative Medium'
My collection of bitmap fonts pulled from various demoscene archives over the years
🌇 A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites
p5.js port of Kyle McDonald's ofxCv library using OpenCV.js
GLSL Shader Programming Workshop at InterAccess
Mastodon bot that posts a randomly generated cellular automaton every 12 hours.
A quick start for building P5 sketches in Electron.
A set of p5.js templates that run as Electron apps.
A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js
Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
Processing sketches, in which I have worked in the last years; images, videos, prototypes, experiments, tools, works, concepts... Everything is unfinished, some may not work, When I had no ideas, I…
Video and Image Manipulation on the Command Line
JavaScript library implementation of the ART 1 language from the 1960s
The Arduino IDE for advanced users and developers. Experimental alpha version.
proof of concept for a p5js-specific notebook interface
A p5js library for risograph printing by Sam Lavigne and Tega Brain.