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My-DAO - dApp written in Solidity on Ethereum blockchain with idea to help organizations create, deploy, customize and interact with DAO with no code


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MY-DAO is a plateform for creating, customizing, deploying and intereacting with DAO:

  • Customize your DAO, add modules and features (Membership, vote, funds and more)
  • Differents smart-contracts for each Module.
  • User friendly plateform, let your create your DAO without knwowledge and without code
  • Simplified smart contracts methods for create DAO and gas efficient
  • Interact with your DAO directly on the plateform


  • Democratize the use of DAOs and bring it to the general public
  • Bring transparency and autonomy of governance to any group of people
  • Assist in the self-management and transparency
  • Offer associations and horizontal organizations a framework for collegial decision-making, Crowdfunding, etc.
  • Driving Governance 3.0
  • Help humanitarian associations to collect and redistribute around the world


My-DAO allows you to create, with an intuitive interface, without prior technical knowledge, a CAD. The user can create a DAO, providing:

  • name
  • description
  • Rules (contract governing the DAO)
  • visibility By also choosing modules. The modules have the following characteristics:
  • A category or type
  • A sub-category or an implementation: each type of category can contain several implementations, thus giving the user the choice to personalize his DAO by choosing an appropriate implementation for his use. For example the Membership type contains several implementaions such as OpenMembership or InviteMembership
  • Mandatory: The membership module is mandatory for example to be able to manage the members of the DAO
  • exclusive: determines if we can choose several implementations for the same type

OpenMembership module:

  • a new member can join a DAO freely, without validation of existing members. Provided that the DAO is public

InviteMembership module:

  • A new member can only join a DAO following the invitation of a member of the DAO.
  • The new member sees his "guest" status at the DAO level. He can then accept the invitation to join the DAO.

RequestMembership module:

  • A new member can only join a DAO following a membership request.
  • Any DAO member can view the new membership application and accept it
  • Following acceptance of the membership application, the member becomes a member of the DAO

Module VoteYesNo:

  • allows you to create voting sessions.
  • Voters can vote by Yes or No to a statement.
  • any member can create a voting session.
  • A voting session has the following characteristics:
    • name
    • description
    • duration
  • each member has the right to vote only once.
  • All member votes have the same weight
  • At the end of the time allowed for the vote, the result is displayed



  • Anaïs
  • Claude


General info

React application based on smart contract using web3, MetaMask extention, truffle & ganache.


Recommend to install MetaMask extention and create ethereum wallet before starting the application.

To run this project

  • Clone the repository $ git clone
  • Enter MY-DAO $ cd MY-DAO
  • rename .env.example in .env and configure it by adding your parameters. Example:
    • MNEMONIC=Your mnemonic
    • INFURA_API_KEY=your infura API key
  • Install depedency using npm or yarn: $ npm install
  • Deploy smarts contracts after coosing your chain. Examples:
    • Ganache:
      • Open ganache cli or app in another terminal
      • Standard Ethereum port: 7545
      • Network Id: 5777 $ ganache-cli
      • Migrate smart-contract on ganache $ truffle deploy -- reset --network developpement
    • Rinkeby:
      • Migrate smart-contract on rinkeby $ truffle deploy -- reset --network rinkeby
  • Enter client $ cd client
  • Install depedency using npm or yarn: $ npm install
  • Start app $ npm run start


To lunch test of all smart-contract

  • Open a terminal in root $ cd MY-DAO/
  • Open ganache cli or app in another terminal $ ganache-cli
  • Run all test $ truffle test test/DaosFactory.test.js


App is deployed to test here (rinkeby):


This section contains the list of the deployed contract addresses on the Ethereum testnet rinkeby.

Contract Name Address Etherscan Rinkeby
DaosFactory 0xdeC378F2fbC3047c6a677091FbC62EdaC145A373 Link
InviteMembershipModule 0xAdC50C4bC192d660Db2b70CaF469E59128433aBa link
OpenMembershipModule 0xc2a730E39562Bd22cbb3084e5Fe2bC106Df2722A link
RequestMembershipModule 0xC6F3e58943aC206befF3BF6B69b286cC684f90aF link
VotingYesNoModule 0xB1BaE72c50E5F472C6aEc39aD3695Be78DC509e2 link
SimpleDonationsModule 0xfdb5BBa2493bd4f7c5011ee29aadd392B5eD6f31 link
Example of DaoBase 0xf2b1596d32737bF6AB6DE4Dd6A732858AE2Dd33C link


Dev documentation:



License MIT

Copyright (C) 2022


My-DAO - dApp written in Solidity on Ethereum blockchain with idea to help organizations create, deploy, customize and interact with DAO with no code








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