A tool for viewing image filters online.
This project has implemented some NPR algorithms you can use it directly and don't need additional packages.
This project is developed by Typescript, so you should construct the Node.js environment.
And then install the Typescript by using this command
npm install -g typescript
After editing the source code,you should compile this project through
.\tools_webgl\FilterViewer\ts_scripts\build\build-tools.bat (For Windows)
.\tools_webgl\FilterViewer\ts_scripts\build\readme-mac.md (For Mac)
Enter the path ".\tools_webgl\FilterViewer"
I'd like to use "http-server" to view this project.
You also can use anyway you like to run this project in the local environment.
You also can view this project's online demo in URL.
- Image
- Line Integral Convolution
- Flow eXtend Difference of Gaussian
- Anisotropic KUWAHARA Filter
- Mix Anisotropic KUWAHARA Filter and Flow eXtend Difference of Gaussian
- Imaging Vector Fields Using Line Integral Convolution
- Image and video abstraction by anisotropic Kuwahara filtering
- XDoG: an extended difference-of-Gaussians compendium including advanced image stylization
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Some shaders' source code from Kyprianidis, Jan Eric. You can find it in http://www.kyprianidis.com