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Attendance system


1- There are going to be lectures, a lecturer has name, surname, email

2- There are going to be courses, a course is taught be ONE lecturer, a course has a schedule , a course's schedule is composed of lectures.

3- There are going to be students, a student has a name, surname, email, studentId.

4- A student is enrolled in a course, and therefor a student attends the course's lecture

User stories


    L1- As a Lecturer I want to register a course.
    L2- As a lecturer I want to enroll some students based on their studentIDs in the course based on the courseID.
    L3- As a lecturer I want to set a schedule for a lecture.
    L4- As a lecturer I want to be able to report students Attendance of a specific lecture.
    L5- As a lecturer I want to be able to report students Attendance of the whole course.
    L6- As a lecturer I want to be ale to report a specific students attendance throughout the course.


 S1- As a student I want to able to attend a lecture


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