issues Search Results · repo:ReCoded-Org/curriculum-backend-readings language:Python
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inReCoded-Org/curriculum-backend-readings (press backspace or delete to remove)wisammechano
- Opened on May 10, 2023
- #35
we need to unify image attachments and preferably upload them to canvas course files upon deployment. Then attach the
images from within Canvas for containment
Example: ...
- Opened on Jul 3, 2022
- #34
Markdown has the image attachment built in as follows

but in the files, I found a mix between using that and img tag to include images.
- Opened on Jul 3, 2022
- #32
In most textbooks and at MDN it is mentioned that JavaScript has 7 primitive types. However, in this lesson, we say
there are 3. ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 25, 2022
- #31
Module: Two - Databases Lesson: Introduction to NoSQL databases
What are NoSQL databases? Although relational databases are used widely in the industry, they still have some
limitations. One of ...
- Opened on May 16, 2022
- #29
When we added FIS curriculum, it set the expectation of how to handle the curriculum in general. Thus students ran into
issues when we shifted to this curriculum. Like the nature of the assignments, and ...
- Opened on May 7, 2022
- #28
1 Introduction to Testing
Seems fine
1.1 Testing Philosophy
Since the Given When Then section was added, I d consider merging it with the Arrange-Act-Assert section (as it says,
they are basically the ...
- Opened on Dec 17, 2021
- #27
1 Securing a Backend App
- I m not really sure this section looks that much different from the last time I gave feedback on the PR, so I ll
link what I wrote last time and reiterate
- In general, ...
- Opened on Dec 17, 2021
- #26
1 Schema and CRUD
- From this we can tell that the schema is only a representation of the data structure, however it is the model which
makes use of this structure to perform the actual operations ...
- Opened on Dec 17, 2021
- #25
#1 Introduction to Databases
- In tech companies, there are different roles and specializations and many of them are focussed on data and databases
Consider making this section bullet pointed. Also ...
- Opened on Dec 15, 2021
- #24

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