- London, United Kingdom
- https://www.andyreed.co.uk
A Kotlin multiplatform mobile library to monitor the connectivity status of the device
Redux implementation for Kotlin (supports multiplatform JVM, native, JS, WASM)
Kotlin Code Generator and Runtime for Protocol Buffers
Fluent Design UI library for Compose Multiplatform
TinyB exposes the BLE GATT API for C++, Java and other languages, using BlueZ over DBus.
Github action that publishes the Kover code coverage report as a comment in pull requests
Powerful tool to monitor Ktor Client requests and responses, making it easier to debug and analyze network communication.
A Kotlin/Native DLL injector for Kotlin/Native DLLs
Welcome to the VMware ESXi License Keys! Here, you'll find a curated collection of free license keys for various versions, including vSphere 6 and 7
SimpleBLE - the all-in-one Bluetooth library for MacOS, iOS, Windows, Linux and Android.
Execute your Gradle build and trigger dependency submission
KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
Install netrc creds to your Github Action environment
Kotlin adaptation of the wonderful 3D demo made by GDQuest for Godot Engine 4.
SPM For KMP: Use Apple Swift packages and sources in a KMP project
Zwift bridge for smart treadmills and bike/cyclette
Roboquant is a fast, flexible, user-friendly and completely free algorithmic trading platform
Unstyled, fully accessible Compose Multiplatform UI components that you can customize to your heart's content.
Kotlin Multiplatform Code Generator and Runtime for Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
A GitHub Action to store Xcode's Build Cache for incremental build on CI