This project is an enhanced cloud-based microservices application designed for an airline booking service. The application demonstrates the use of multiple microservices to manage different functionalities such as booking, flight management, notifications, and payments.
The purpose of this project is to showcase the implementation of a scalable and efficient microservices architecture using FastAPI, Docker, AWS ECS, and other cloud-based technologies. It is designed to provide a comprehensive example of how to build, deploy, and manage a microservices-based application in a cloud environment.
- booking_service: Handles booking-related operations. API Documentation
- flight_management_service: Manages flight-related data and operations. API Documentation
- notification_service: Sends notifications related to bookings and other events. API Documentation
- payment_service: Manages payment processing and transactions. API Documentation
- cloudwatch-logs-policy.json: Defines permissions for CloudWatch logs.
- Script for pulling the latest changes from GitHub and deploying the Docker containers.
- docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file for setting up and running the microservices locally.
- service-definition.json: ECS service definition for deploying the services in AWS ECS.
- sqs-policy.json: Defines permissions for interacting with SQS.
- task-definition.json: ECS task definition for running the containers in AWS ECS.
- ci-cd.yml: GitHub Actions configuration for CI/CD pipeline.
- Docker
- Git
Clone the repository: bash git clone cd enhanced-airline-booking-service
Build and run the services using Docker Compose: bash docker-compose up --build
Use the script to deploy the latest changes: bash ./
Each service has its own API documentation available at the following URLs:
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
This project is licensed under the MIT License