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marcoscaceres committed Oct 25, 2013
1 parent 0b190ea commit 5167d57
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 116 deletions.
226 changes: 110 additions & 116 deletions index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
The picture element
@media print{
#participantslist{display: none;}
a:link,a:visited{text-decoration: none;color: inherit; }
<script src='' async=""
@@ -23,11 +29,11 @@

// if your specification has a subtitle that goes below the main
// formal title, define it here
subtitle: " An HTML extension for adaptive images (living document)",
subtitle: "An HTML extension for adaptive images",

// if you wish the publication date to be other than the last
// modification, set this
// publishDate: "2009-08-06",
publishDate: "2013-11-26",

// if the specification's copyright date is a range of years, specify
// the start date here:
@@ -66,7 +72,7 @@
wgURI: "",

// name (without the of the public mailing to which comments are due
wgPublicList: "",
wgPublicList: "public-respimg",

// URI of the patent status for this WG, for Rec-track documents
// !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
@@ -93,8 +99,8 @@
value: "Join the Responsive Images Community Group",
href: ""
}, {
value: "",
href: "Public mailing list"
value: "Public mailing list",
href: ""
}, {
value: "IRC: #respimg on W3C's IRC",
href: "irc://"
@@ -109,28 +115,6 @@
/*this line stops tidy from screwing up*/
#open-issues-xhr {
font-size: .9em;
#open-issues-xhr li {
padding: .25em 0;
#open-issues-xhr .meta {
display: block;
font: normal .8em/1 sans-serif;
padding: .35em 0 0 0;
#open-issues-xhr .meta b {
font-weight: normal;
#open-issues-xhr .meta span {
display: block;
float: left;
width: 5.5em;
@@ -141,7 +125,8 @@
<section id="abstract">
This specification is no longer being maintained.
This specification is no longer being maintained. See the <a href=
"#sotd">status of this document</a> for details.
The <code>picture</code> element was intended to give authors a way to
@@ -177,20 +162,7 @@
"">Responsive Images Community Group</a>
(see <a href=
commitments</a>). If you are not a HTML working group member and wish
to make comments regarding this document please send them to <a href=
(<a href=
<a href=
If you are a HTML working group member and wish to make comments
regarding this document, please send them to <a href=
""></a> (<a href=
<a href=
"">archives</a>). All
feedback is welcome.
<section class="informative">
@@ -300,23 +272,20 @@ <h3>
resources, the user agent has the option of either following or
overriding the author’s declarations to optimize the user experience
based on criteria such as <a href=
density</a>, network connection type, <a href=
preferences</a>, and so on.
display density</a>, network connection type, user preferences, and
so on.
The <code>picture</code> element defines conditions under which the
use agent needs to follow the author's explicit instructions when
selecting which resource to display. This includes image sources with
inherent sizes designed to align with layout variations specified in
CSS media queries ( see: <a href=
CSS media queries (see: <a href=
breakpoints</a>, <a href=
media features and types</a> and <a href=
breakpoints</a>, and <a href=
units</a> ) or content variations for increased clarity and focus
units</a>) or content variations for increased clarity and focus
(i.e., <a href=
direction</q></a>) based on the client’s viewport.
@@ -346,8 +315,7 @@ <h2>
not</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="recommended">recommended</em>,
<em class="rfc2119" title="may">may</em>, and <em class="rfc2119"
title="optional">optional</em> in this specification are to be
interpreted as described in [[!<a class="bibref" href=
interpreted as described in [[!RFC2119]].
This specification has the same <a href=
@@ -483,7 +451,7 @@ <h3>
<code>HTMLPictureElement</code> interface
<dl class="idl" title=
"[NamedConstructor=Picture(optional unsigned long width, optional unsigned long height)] HTMLPictureElement">
"[NamedConstructor=Picture(optional unsigned long width, optional unsigned long height)] interface HTMLPictureElement">
attribute long width;
@@ -507,22 +475,6 @@ <h3>
an author can provide an <code>img</code> element as <span>fallback
<p class="issue">
It should be codified that this is not a mechanism by which to swap
disparate images depending on screen size. See bug <a href=
<section class="appendix">
Reference implementations
We have a list of <a href=
current users, polyfills, prototypes, and implementations</a> on
<section class="appendix">
@@ -533,56 +485,98 @@ <h2>
list of participants</a> of the Responsive Images Community Group is
available at the W3C Community Group Website.
<p class="w3c">
<dfn>Participants</dfn> of the <a href=
<p id="participantslist">
To get the participant's list, go to
var all = document.querySelectorAll("td>h3"),
each = [];
for(var i = 0; i < all.length; i++){
console.log(each.join(", "))
<dfn>Participants</dfn> of the <a href=
"">Responsive Images Community
Group</a> at the time of publication were: George Adamson, Marie
Alhomme, John Allan, Joshua Allen, Angely Alvarez, Aaryn Anderson,
Philip Andrews, Phil Archer, Justin Avery, Michael Balensiefer, Toni
Barrett, Bruno Barros, Paul Barton, Adrian Bateman, Jesse Renée
Beach, Robin Berjon, Seth Bertalotto, Nicolaas Bijvoet, Andreas
Group</a> at the time of publication were: Barry Atimer, Daniel
Abril, George Adamson, Heide Alexander, Marie Alhomme, John Allan,
Joshua Allen, Angely Alvarez, Agustin Amenabar, Aaryn Anderson,
Philip Andrews, Ritchie Anesco, Phil Archer, Tony Atayi, Tom Atkins,
Justin Avery, Mohsen Azimi, Phillip Baker, Raymond Baker, Michael
Balensiefer, Toni Barrett, Bruno Barros, Paul Barton, Adrian Bateman,
Jesse Renée Beach, Robin Berjon, Seth Bertalotto, Anirban
Bhattacharya, Nicolaas Bijvoet, Barna Bitai, Nathan Bleigh, Andreas
Bovens, J. Albert Bowden, Adam Bradley, Rodrigo Brancher, Gordon
Brander, Paul Bridgestock, Aaron Brosey, Cory Brown, mairead buchan,
Kris Bulman, Ariel Burone, Mathias Bynens, Marcos Caceres, Rusty
Calder, Ben Callahan, Loïc Calvy, Chuck Carpenter, Brandon Carroll,
Frederico Cerdeira, David Clements, Geri Coady, Anne-Gaelle Colom,
Cyril Concolato, Pete Correia, Andy Crum, Jason Daihl, Francois
Daoust, Kevin Davies, Robert Dawson, Ryan DeBeasi, Anna Debenham,
Darryl deHaan, David Demaree, George DeMet, Ian Devlin, peter
droogmans, Marlene Frykman, Dennis Gaebel, Nicolas Gallagher, Miguel
Garcia, Rafael Garcia Lepper, Larry Garfield, Peter Gasston, David
Goss, Chris Grant, Petra Gregorova, Jason Grigsby, Antoine Guergnon,
Jeff Guntle, Aaron Gustafson, Jason Haag, Patrick Haney, Anselm
Hannemann, chris hardy, Vincent Hardy, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux,
Chris Hilditch, Nathan Hinshaw, Sean Hintz, John Holt Ripley, Shane
Hudson, Tomomi Imura, Philip Ingrey, Brett Jankord, Scott Jehl, Dave
Johnson, Nathanael Jones, Michael Jovel, Chao Ju, Tim Kadlec,
Frédéric Kayser, Jin Kim, Andreas Klein, Peter Klein, John
Kleinschmidt, Daniel Konopacki, Zoran Kurtin, Gerardo Lagger, Adam
Lake, Chris Lamothe, Tom Lane, Matthieu Larcher, Bruce Lawson, Zach
Leatherman, Silas Lepcha, Kornel Lesinski, Chris Lilley, grappler
login, Tania Lopes, André Luís, Jacine Luisi, David Maciejewski,
Kevin Mack, Ethan Malasky, Josh Marinacci, Eduardo Marques, Mathew
Marquis, Daniel Martínez, Tom Maslen, Jacob Mather, Chris McAndrew,
Denys Mishunov, Sabine Moebs, Ian Moffitt, Orestis Molopodis, jason
morita, David Moulton, Brian Muenzenmeyer, Emi Myoudou, Irakli
Nadareishvili, Christian Neuberger Jr, David Newton, Todd Nienkerk,
Kothary Nishant, Ashley Nolan, Kenneth Nordahl, Lewis Nyman,
Alejandro Oviedo, David Owens, Fernando Pasik, Andrew Pez Pengelly,
Hassadee Pimsuwan, Manik Rathee, François REMY, Nestor Rojas, Adrian
Roselli, Chris Ruppel, Oguzcan Sahin, Viljami Salminen, Luca Salvini,
Luke Sands, aron santa, Jad Sarout, Brandon Satrom, Christoph Saxe,
Doug Schepers, Jason Schmidt, Christopher Schmitt, Joe Schmitt, Boaz
Sender, Tomoyuki Shimizu, Ariel Shkedi, Jen Simmons, Katerina
Skotalova, Michael[tm] Smith, Ignacio Soriano Cano, Aaron Stanush,
Jared Stilwell, Matt Stow, Kevin Suttle, Satoru Takagi, Philipp
Tautz, James Tudsbury, Jacob van Zijp, Jitendra Vyas, Yoav Weiss,
George White, Matt Wilcox, Richard Wild, John Albin Wilkins, Owen
Winkler, Jeremy Worboys, Mike Wu, Carlos Zepeda, and jintian zheng.
Brander, Paul Bridgestock, Aaron Brosey, Brandon Brown, Cory Brown,
mairead buchan, Kris Bulman, Ariel Burone, Mathias Bynens, Marcos
Caceres, Rusty Calder, Ben Callahan, Loïc Calvy, Welch Canavan, Chuck
Carpenter, Brandon Carroll, Frederico Cerdeira, Daniel Chamberlin,
Adi Chikara, David Clements, Geri Coady, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Cyril
Concolato, Jessica Constantine, Greg Cota, Geoff Cowan, Andy Crum,
David D'Amico, Jason Daihl, Francois Daoust, Kevin Davies, Robert
Dawson, Jacques de Klerk, Timothy de Paris, Ryan DeBeasi, Anna
Debenham, Darryl deHaan, David Demaree, George DeMet, Ian Devlin,
Alex DiLiberto, peter droogmans, Ronni Dyrholm Chidekel, simpson
eddie, Sylvia Egger, Dominic Fee, Ève Février, Maximiliano Firtman,
Ben Fonarov, Harry Fozzard, Marlene Frykman, Dennis Gaebel, Igor
Gajosinskas, Nicolas Gallagher, Miguel Garcia, Rafael Garcia Lepper,
Larry Garfield, Peter Gasston, George GeorgeHaeger, David Goss, Chris
Grant, Petra Gregorova, Ilya Grigorik, Jason Grigsby, Aaron Grogg,
Antoine Guergnon, Jeff Guntle, Aaron Gustafson, Jason Haag, Jordan
Haines, Cristina Hanes, Patrick Haney, Anselm Hannemann, chris hardy,
Vincent Hardy, Bridget Harrison, Duncan Hawthorne, Dominique
Hazaël-Massieux, Chris Hilditch, Jon Hill, Nathan Hinshaw, Sean
Hintz, John Holt Ripley, Enrico Hösel, Peter Hrynkow, Kym Huang,
Shane Hudson, Vinicius Ianni, Tomomi Imura, Philip Ingrey, Bryn
Jackson, Rihnna Jakosalem, Brett Jankord, Scott Jehl, Dave Johnson,
Nathanael Jones, Danny Jongerius, Michael Jovel, Chao Ju, Tim Kadlec,
Raj Kaimal, Kevin Joe Kanger, Frédéric Kayser, Serge K. Keller,
Arthur Khachatryan, Jin Kim, Andreas Klein, Peter Klein, John
Kleinschmidt, Daniel Konopacki, Darius Kruythoff, Zoran Kurtin,
Vitaliy Kuzmin, Gerardo Lagger, Adam Lake, Chris Lamothe, Tom Lane,
Matthieu Larcher, Christopher Latham, Bruce Lawson, Zach Leatherman,
Silas Lepcha, Kornel Lesinski, Chris Lilley, grappler login, william
lombardo, Tania Lopes, Amie Lucas, André Luís, Jacine Luisi, David
Maciejewski, Kevin Mack, Ethan Malasky, Josh Marinacci, Eduardo
Marques, Mathew Marquis, Daniel Martínez, Tom Maslen, Jacob Mather,
Chris McAndrew, Mark McDonnell, Andre Jay Meissner, Benjamin
Melançon, Julian Mendl, Rick Messer, Zane Milakovic, Denys Mishunov,
Sabine Moebs, Ian Moffitt, Orestis Molopodis, jason morita, David
Moulton, Bobby Mozumder, Brian Muenzenmeyer, Emi Myoudou, Irakli
Nadareishvili, Giorgio Natili, Jonathan Neal, Christian Neuberger Jr,
David Newton, Todd Nienkerk, Ashley Nolan, Johnna Nonboe, Kenneth
Nordahl, Mark Nottingham, Lewis Nyman, Darrel O'Pry, Alejandro
Oviedo, David Owens, Paddy O’Hanlon, Isabel Palomar, suzanne peter,
Hassadee Pimsuwan, Guy Podjarny, Andreas Pollak, gentian polovina,
Dave Poole, Florent Preynat, Manik Rathee, François REMY, Venkatesh
Rengasamy, Jen Reynolds, Ricardo Andrade Belo Ricardo Belo, Michael
Riethmuller, Carlo Rizzante, John Rodler, César Rodríguez, Nestor
Rojas, Adrian Roselli, David Rupert, Chris Ruppel, Oguzcan Sahin,
Viljami Salminen, Luca Salvini, Ana Sampaio, Luke Sands, crazyrohila
sanjay, aron santa, Osny Santos, Jad Sarout, Brandon Satrom, Jeroen
Savat, Stéphane Savona, Christoph Saxe, Doug Schepers, Jason Schmidt,
Christopher Schmitt, Joe Schmitt, Greg Schumacher, Boaz Sender,
SHAHINA SHEIK, Tomoyuki Shimizu, Ariel Shkedi, Abdul Wahid Sial,
Pandapotan Silaban, Mauricio Silva Teixeira de Nobrega, Jen Simmons,
Michael Singleterry, Katerina Skotalova, David Sleight, Michael[tm]
Smith, Nick Snyder, Ignacio Soriano Cano, Steve Souders, Brenden
Sparks, Aaron Staker, Aaron Stanush, Walter Stevenson, Bridget
Stewart, Jared Stilwell, Matt Stow, Shari Sullivan, Kevin Suttle,
Patrick Szalapski, Satoru Takagi, Rob Tarr, Philipp Tautz, Nguyen
Thao Thao, Edward Thurgood, Anthony Ticknor, Erek Tinker, Sebastián
Tromer, Tsvetan Tsvetkov, Yusuke Uchida, Mads Ulsø Østergaard,
Katarina Ur, Adam van den Hoven, Jacob van Zijp, Lucas Vilaboim,
Jitendra Vyas, Amy W, Tady Walsh, Yoav Weiss, George White, Michael
Whittet, Matt Wilcox, Richard Wild, John Albin Wilkins, Chris
Williams, Rory Wilson, Owen Winkler, Robin Winslow, Cyril Wolfangel,
Mike Woodard, Jeremy Worboys, Mike Wu, Bruce Zawalsky, Carlos Zepeda,
and jintian zheng.
Contributions also from: Ilya Grigorik and Leon de Rijke. Special
thanks to Adrian Bateman for providing the group with guidance.
Contributions also from: David Newton, Ilya Grigorik and Leon de
Rijke. Special thanks to Adrian Bateman for providing the group with

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