- CLI argument
was not working
- Fix name vs group for scoped components in CycloneDX output
- Fix license handling for complex licenses
- Encode purls correctly in SBOM
- Add missing CWEs in response
- Add license information to SBOM
- Fix bug where deepScan would sometimes not report vulnerabilities
- Use URI detector on file paths as well
- JSON format should not include results without vulnerabilities unless
is specified.
- Remove duplicates in filename output in CycloneDX JSON formats
- Support for CycloneDX 1.6 JSON as output format
- Adding file location as property in CycloneDX 1.4 JSON output
- Fix filename issue for windows file paths
No changes. Just moving from beta to final.
- Deepscan option with
where retire.js will also try to detect libraries using JavaScript AST (slower)
- Fix matching to include all matches
- Dependency upgrades
- Adding proper repository validation to ensure it's on the expected format
- Bug:
is not being honoured
- Fixes #420 where ignore was not honoured
- Types did not work for
due to symlinked type file
- Should always include detected libraries in SBOM reports regardless of if they are vulnerable or not
- Support basePurl in repository to generate purls in SBOM
- Generate correct purl for moment.js
- Proxy setting did not work
- Fix provenance settings
- Use prettier to get formatting of code
- Add provenance
- Upgrade dependencies
- Handle error if OSV does not have library or version
- Option to check results for the component from OSV
- Option to use more than one JS repository
- Remove dropexternal as it never worked
- Not really a breaking change as the change was introduced in 4.0.0, but node.js >= 14.0.0 is required to run retire.js >= 4.0.0 going forward
- npm scanning no longer supported
- Complete rewrite to typescript
- Fix caching bug in CycloneDX JSON output
- Fix bug in CycloneDX JSON output (wrapped components array)
- Remove unintended use of arrow functions
- Add
to allow specifying other file extensions
- Fixes a typo
- Remove some unused variables and tmp files
- Update VM2 due to vuln in that library
- Adding support for cycloneDX JSON format
- Updating CycloneDX XML format to version 1.4
- Adding schema parsing tests for cyclonedx
- Updating proxy library to fix proxy issues
- Switch the
package withansi-colors
- Pin colors dependency to avoid DOS from colors author
- Fix version number
- always output JSON to stdout, to avoid conflict with deprecation warning
- glob-parent, lodash and hosted-git-info had vulnerabilities and was updated
- The node scanner is deprecated: https://github.com/RetireJS/retire.js/wiki/Deprecating-the-node.js-scanner
- y18n had a vulnerability and was updated
- Fixes #343 where symlink to nonexistent file causes it to crash with exception. Now it will log it as warn instead.
- Fixes #337 where symlinks are not read
- Fixes #334 where detected libraries without vulnerabilities show in output even when verbose is not specified
- Fixes #321 where write output to file did not always work as expected
- Fix compatibility with node 6
- Remove
as it is deprecated
- Support ** and * in ignore paths (** = any number of folders)