EduEvents is a next-generation Smart Educational Event System (SEES) designed to overcome the limitations of traditional event-based educational platforms. Our system aims to provide a scalable, efficient, and interactive environment where educators, attendees, and stakeholders can seamlessly engage, collaborate, and share knowledge. By integrating automation, networking, and data-driven insights, EduEvents enhances event management, attendee experience, and event optimization.
- Direct Messaging – Attendees can contact speakers and organizers.
- Q&A Sections – Address common attendee questions before events.
- Discussion Forums – Dedicated spaces for post-event discussions.
- Self-Booking System – Organizers and speakers can access and book venue schedules.
- Automated Confirmations – Instant confirmation emails for event approvals.
- Centralized Dashboards – Real-time updates on schedules, speakers, and venue changes.
- Attendance & Engagement Tracking – Monitor participation and interactions.
- Speaker Performance Insights – Data-driven feedback for session improvement.
- Incentivized Feedback Collection – Attendees earn free memberships for providing event feedback.
- Idris Drouiche
- Faisal Quraishi
- Ahmad Saadawi
- Vladimir Shterenkiker
- Gabriel Shufelt
- Install the latest version of Ruby with the DevKit from here.
- After installation is complete, make sure to check "Launch MSYS2"
- Once the terminal opens, install all components by pressing
. - Once everything has been installed, press enter to close the MSYS2 terminal.
- Download the lastest version of the PostgreSQL Installer from here.
- Once downloaded, check your installation by running
psql --version
in your terminal.
- Download and Install Node.js from NodeJS' prebuilt's installers.
- In a new terminal, make sure npm was installed correctly:
$ npm --version
- Next, in new terminal install yarn:
npm install --global yarn
- Make sure it was installed by opening a new terminal and typing:
$ yarn --version
- Next, in a new terminal install rails:
gem install rails
- Make sure it was installed correctly by typing:
$ rails --version
Rails 7.1.4
If you don’t have Homebrew installed, run:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Verify installation:
brew -v
Homebrew 4.4.20
Install PostgreSQL using Homebrew:
brew install postgresql
Start PostgreSQL
brew services start postgresql
Verify Installation
psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 14.15 (Homebrew)
Install RVM:
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Load RVM
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
Add this line to your ~/.zshrc:
echo 'source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
Install ruby-3.4.1:
rvm install 3.4.1
rvm use 3.4.1 --default
sudo gem install rails
If you get the following error when trying to install ruby with rvm install "ruby-3.4.1"
Error running '__rvm_make -j16',
There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.
Try running:
brew install openssl@1.1
rvm install 3.4.1 --with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl@1.1` --with-opt-dir=`brew --prefix openssl@1.1`
- If you are using VSCode, navigate to File > Open Folder. Select the folder where you just cloned this repository.
- Whenever you pull new changes from the repository, make sure to run
bundle install
. This will install any missing gems needed to run the application. - In order to always have the most recent version of the database, make sure to run:
db:reset # drops database, re-creates it, and runs pending migrations
db:seed # populates the database with data defined in db/seeds.rb
- Can also run the following if the previous prompts did not work:
rails db:drop:_unsafe
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
- Finally, launch your server by running
rails s
- If everything was installed correctly, you will be able to visit our app at http://localhost:3000/