Hearthstone assessment to read cards
The backend is done with spring-boot-web. authentication happens by creating and oAuth2 client for the blizzard api.
The frontend is created as a react-app with fetch calls to the backend.
--------- Make sure client-id and client-secret are set (these would usually be set in a secret manager) -------------------
To run the application simply start the the backend with /gradlew .bootJar
then run the front end start with yarn start in the src/main/ui directory.
--AUTOMATION-- I have included a HearthStart.sh script to start both services
the project can be built with gradlew clean build in the root dir the front-end can be built with yarn build
the jar file can be found in the build dir the contents in src/main/ui/public can be served to a server.
----- Enhancement ----- Create a better connection to the backend that isn't hard set to localhost:8080